25 Beautifully Illustrated Thought-Provoking Questions A question that makes you think is worth asking… At the cusp of a new day, week, month, or year, most of us take a little time to reflect on our lives by looking back over the past and ahead into the future. We ponder the successes, failures and standout events that are slowly scripting our life’s story. If you would like to maximize the benefits of self reflection, our new sister site, Thought Questions, is for you. Remember, these questions have no right or wrong answers. Here’s a sample of 25 recent thought questions posted on the site: Thought Questions is updated daily. Title photo by: Oberazzi For all other photo credits please refer to ThoughtQuestions.com Related 6 Questions that Will Save Your Relationships When you don't ask sincere questions and talk it out, there's a lot of important stuff that ends up never getting said. May 21, 2014 In "Life" 20 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Sunday July 24, 2008 In "Hacks" 40 Photo-Illustrated Questions to Refocus Your Mind
How lack of clarity leads to workplace drama Where there is backstabbing, gossip, insubordination or any other type of drama, there is always a lack of clarity in some area. And when employees are unclear about policies and procedures, when there are too many dropped balls or hidden agendas, or there is confusion about who is leading, drama is sure to follow. If you are experiencing the signs of drama and negativity, look at these seven easy-to-spot areas to see where you might be giving incongruent messages leading to a lack of clarity. Mission Statement Having no mission statement is not much worse than having a bad mission statement. Tell the truth about what your company is committed to and make your mission statement so easy to remember that the guy on the front floor can recite it. Policies If you have policies in place that you don't enforce, either start enforcing the policy or tweak the policy so that it's fair, easy to understand and easy to enforce. Promises Be careful what you promise. Roles Who is really in charge?
18 ways to educate yourself every day (because nerds are sexy) “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” Henry Ford At the start of this year I made a decision that I want to commit to myself to a pursuit of intellect. Wow, I did not just say that. 1. “Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world.” 2. They are quick, easy, informative, and give you a glimpse of a subject that you may decide to do more research on later! A lovely reader recommended the podcasts “Stuff you should know” and “Stuff mom never told you” which can be found on the website. 3. This is such a monumental suggestion. 4. Focus more at work. 5. Well, it should already be fun that you are taking the time to invest in yourself and learning more about your world – but you know how you could make it more fun? 6. This could be jigsaw puzzles, riddles, math puzzles etc. 7. 8. Work on your vocabulary whilst simultaneously feeding the hungry! 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Djambi Djambi (also described as "Machiavelli's chessboard") is a board game and a chess variant for four players, invented by Jean Anesto in 1975. Board of Djambi, with the pieces in their start position. Each piece is identified by the first letter of its name as well as a symbol. Rules[edit] Material[edit] The game is played on a 9×9 board whose central square (called "the maze") is marked with a different color or a sign. 1 Chief1 Assassin1 Reporter1 Troublemaker (also called Provocateur, or Diplomat)1 Necromobile4 Militants. Objective[edit] The objective of the game is to capture the chiefs of the other players before they capture yours. Start position[edit] The pieces are placed in each corner of the board as shown in the picture above. Movements[edit] Each player, at his/her turn, moves one of his/her pieces, and can possibly capture a piece in this way. Captures[edit] The troublemaker and the necromobile cannot kill the other pieces but can move them. Death and surrounding of a chief[edit]
Bill Maher | Calls Out Oprah | Merry Christmas Bill Maher, host of HBO‘s Real Time, and notorious religious nonbeliever, taped a harsh and hilarious “Christmas message” for his website that served as a damning critique of all Americans and of the one media figure most are too scared to attack: Oprah Winfrey. Calling Oprah’s “Favorite Things” episode “one of the most deeply disturbing things I’ve ever seen on television” was just the beginning of Maher’s memorably “cheerful” message. Maher used Oprah’s audience as the prime example for his thesis that the real religion in America is greed and is “what at the core is so rotten about this country.” Many find Maher’s “humor” offensive, especially towards people of faith, but if you step back and view Maher as a social commentator, merely trying to improve society then maybe you too could appreciate Maher’s willingness to be politically incorrect and go after anyone and everyone to make a point. This is why everything in America gets sucked down a hole.
100 Ways to Serve Others I’ve continued to be inspired by people’s 100 lists and you’ve probably seen many that I’ve highlighted in recent resource lists. Dragos wrote one that triggered me to write another with his excellent post on 100 tips to write huge lists. This list is on my favorite subject and while the length of these lists makes them quite a challenge to make, this particular subject is one I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about and writing goals in so its a great topic for me to tackle in a list. Anyway, I’m thrilled to have this list completed and can’t wait to experience and see the results of personally doing every single one on the list. 1. This is a great habit to develop to start each and every day and to practice whenever you have the chance. 2. Simple things are a great way to serve others and these little things can really make a great difference. 3. I mean when it comes to transportation or as a physical destination. 4. 5. 6. People have car trouble all the time. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
How to Cope With Hostile People How to Cope With Hostile People by Dr. Steve Frisch, Psy.D. What can be more difficult in your relationships than coping with people who are angry, confrontational, obnoxious, intimidating, aggressive, manipulative, and/or hostile? Who doesn’t encounter difficult, hostile people in some area(s) of their life—within your family, at work, with your lover, and in leisure time activities? You know what you feel like after an encounter with a difficult person—provoked, angry, helpless, powerless, frustrated, perhaps even vulnerable. Difficult people are difficult for one very good reason. So what’s the answer? First off, let’s see if understanding what lies beneath their bluster and hostility helps you any. Having been the victim of their venom and anger, I know it must be hard for you to see a bully as a frightened and insecure person, but that’s exactly what he or she is. 1.) 2.) 3.) Try the following suggestions and see if they make emotionally detaching a little bit easier for you. 1.)
100 Ways to Simplify Your Life (and Make Yourself Happier) I’ve been striving to simplify my life for many years now, and have recently (through my writing) been advising others how to do the same. In the process, I’ve learned that making little changes in our attitudes, habits, and environment can have a big impact. So today, I thought I’d compile a list of 100 ways to simplify your life – from the practical to the philosophical, and everything in between. Of course, not every item on the list will work for every person reading it. However, I hope that you’ll find at least a little something that speaks to you, helps you save some time, space, and energy — and perhaps even increases your serenity and happiness! AROUND THE HOUSE1. WARDROBE AND STYLE21. KITCHEN AND DINING36. OFFICE AND TECH46. TIME MANAGEMENT66. ATTITUDE81. MISCELLANEOUS96.