Snyk CLI cheatsheet Last update: April 2022 Have an older version of the Snyk CLI cheat sheet? Download the latest below. The Snyk CLI is an excellent and powerful tool to scan your applications, containers, and infrastructure as code for security vulnerabilities. In this cheatsheet, we will look at the most powerful features our CLI has to offer. We are continually improving our CLI, and it has far more power than we can ever address in a single cheatsheet. JavaScript (npm, yarn)Java (maven | Gradle).Net (Nuget, Paket)Python (Pip, Poetry)PHP (composer)Ruby (Bundler)Golang (dep, govendor)Many more… Installation Let’s start from the beginning. npm npm install snyk -g Homebrew brew tap snyk/tap && brew install snyk Scoop scoop bucket add snyk scoop install snyk Manual install A manual installer is available on Snyk’s GitHub page. Authentication Once you’ve installed the CLI, you have to authenticate with your Snyk account. Pro tip: Make sure you update and reinstall the CLI often.
Le flyer, média le plus apprécié des consommateurs Le prospectus en boite aux lettres est lu par plus de90% des personnes chez qui il est distribué. L’imprimé publicitaire est le support de communication le plus apprécié : moins de 16% des ménages refusent de recevoir des flyers et autres publicités dans leur boite à lettre. Actif localement, en proximité ou même sur un plan national, le prospectus génére des achats directs, accroît la notoriété de votre entreprise à l’échelon local, fidélise votre clientèle et capte de nouveaux consommateurs. Incontournable lors de la mise en place d’une stratégie commerciale et marketing, le prospectus est aujourd’hui le média le plus puissant du marché, le plus populaire et le plus attractif. Il est écologique, souvent imprimé sur du papier recyclé, certifié, peut être recyclé par les filières classiques du retraitement. Reportage : Distribution de prospectus : définir votre cible Distribution de prospectus : définir votre cible
7 API Security Statistics you should know - Latest Hacking News | Cyber Security News, Hacking Tools and Penetration Testing Courses By John Iwuozor APIs are a powerful tool for organizations to build innovative products and services. Research has shown that over 90% of developers use APIs and 56% have reported that APIs help them to develop better products. However, this increase in demand means there is also an increase in risk. API security is not a new problem. This article highlights and expands on 7 API security related statistics you should be aware of: 41% of organizations suffered API security incidents in the past year A survey conducted in January 2022 has shown that APIs are increasingly leveraged with an average of 15,564 APIs in use. 41% of organizations who participated in this survey have had an API security incident in the past 12 months with 63% of them specifying that these incidents included data breaches. APIs will become the leading attack vector by 2022 API attacks increased by 681% in the past year API exploits has increased by 286% 55.2% of organization use WAAP to protect their APIs Conclusion
Pourquoi utiliser Facebook comme outil de communication Après avoir annoncé tous les chiffres clés autour du » monstre » Facebook, il me semblait important de publier un post sur les raisons de l’utilisation du réseau par les entreprises. Celles-ci commencent à comprendre l’intérêt stratégique en terme de communication… 10 bonnes raisons d’utiliser Facebook S’il fallait retenir 10 bonnes raisons pour utiliser Facebook comme outil de communication : Découvrez ma sélection mais n’hésitez pas à proposer la votre en commentaire ! – Toucher une large cible. – Prospecter et trouver de nouveaux clients. – Fidéliser sa clientèle existante. – Promouvoir des produits et services. – Vendre et augmenter son chiffre d’affaires. – Favoriser la viralité et le partage d’informations. – Animer sa communauté et favoriser l’interaction. – Améliorer sa e-réputation. – Apporter du poids à son référencement. – Réaliser une veille quotidienne de qualité. commentaire(s)
A Detailed Guide on Wfuzz - Hacking Articles Introduction Many tools have been developed that create an HTTP request and allow a user to modify their contents. Fuzzing works the same way. A user can send a similar request multiple times to the server with a certain section of the request changed. When that certain section is replaced by a variable from a list or directory, it is called fuzzing. In this article, we will learn how we can use wfuzz, which states for “Web Application Fuzzer”, which is an interesting open-source web fuzzing tool. Table of content Introduction to wfuzzSetupWfpayload and WfencodeDocker run wfuzzPayloadsSubdomain FuzzingDirectory FuzzingSaving fuzzing outputBasic wordlist filtersDouble fuzzingLogin bruteforceCookie fuzzingHeader fuzzingHTTP OPTIONS fuzzingFuzzing through ProxyAuthentication fuzzRecursive fuzzPrinters and outputEncodersStoring and restoring fuzz from recipesIgnoring exceptions and errorsFiltering resultsSessions in wfuzzConclusion Introduction to Wfuzz Setup To install wfuzz using pip, we can: .
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99 Resources to Research & Mine the Invisible Web College researchers often need more than Google and Wikipedia to get the job done. To find what you're looking for, it may be necessary to tap into the invisible web, the sites that don't get indexed by broad search engines. The following resources were designed to help you do just that, offering specialized search engines, directories, and more places to find the complex and obscure. Search Engines Whether you're looking for specific science research or business data, these search engines will point you in the right direction. Turbo10: On Turbo10, you'll be able to search more than 800 deep web search engines at a time. Databases Tap into these databases to access government information, business data, demographics, and beyond. GPOAccess: If you're looking for US government information, tap into this tool that searches multiple databases at a time. Catalogs If you're looking for something specific, but just don't know where to find it, these catalogs will offer some assistance. Directories
Startups: If You're Going to Copy, You Have to Do it Better Than This [UPDATED] We write a fair amount about copycats — see this story from early last week, for example — but it’s rare you come across one so audacious that it almost takes your breath away. That was what happened to me when, browsing 17Startup’s list of China’s newest startups, I came across (Sometime after Tingzhong admin email accounts were contacted for comment about this story, Tingzhong’s site went offline. It is unclear whether this is a temporary server issue or the site has actually been taken down). Tingzhong is a Chinese startup that was founded in December of last year, and it claims to be “a micro publishing media site with commercial value and influence.” And the copying is more than just skin deep. At this point, you’re probably thinking the same thing I was — this must be an official Chinese version of the New Zealand Listener or something; there’s no way any copycat could be this dumb. UPDATE: New Zealand Listener columnist/blogger Toby Manhire tells us:
MonitorThis nagios | How to download incompatible or restricted Android apps from Google Play 3. Michael.Parker (Posts: 273; Member since: 22 Aug 2015) I'm liking these dummy's guide to Android features PA are putting out every day as it's good for the Android noobs. 4. TheOldOne (Posts: 165; Member since: 29 Mar 2012) what if you find the app, you got the apk, even manage to install it and on startup is says "not compatible with this device" ;)