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Understanding Body Language - Reading Body Language

Understanding Body Language - Reading Body Language

The Lost Art of Eye Contact We’ve stopped seeing each other. You and me. All of us. Our eyes may indeed be windows to our soul, but with our necks craned downward and our eyes focused on tiny handheld screens, who can tell? When nearly every personal and business interaction uses a screen as an intermediary, it’s difficult to develop and maintain meaningful relationships with employees, customers and partners. Speak with Your Eyes We communicate so much with a simple look. Listen to Their Eyes Without looking directly into someone’s eyes, you’ll miss millions of visual clues as to what’s going on inside their head. Look for the “Tell” In poker, it’s called the “tell”: the habitual signal your opponent makes that betrays whether he or she is holding a full house or a hand full of nothing. Be Shifty-Eyed If you’re making a presentation to a group you need to look at everyone in the room. But Don’t Be Creepy Eye contact is something most people struggle with, yet it’s a critical component of communication.

Body Language - guide to reading body language signals in management, training, courtship, flirting and other communications and relationships body language index introduction and basics body language definitions background and history nature or nurture? body language and evolution universal facial expressions reading and analyzing body language body language signals and meanings :- eyes | mouth | head | arms | hands | handshakes | legs and feet | personal space mirroring (synchronizing) body language seating positions and arrangements body language - examples of cultural differences flirting, courtship, dating and mating body language - male and female glossary - main body language terms body language references and books other audible signals body language warning Body language is not an exact science. No single body language sign is a reliable indicator. Understanding body language involves the interpretation of several consistent signals to support or indicate a particular conclusion. Skip the background theory and history, and go straight to the body language signals and meanings. body language - basics and introduction So can you. For example:

Body Language Journal | The UK and International Journal of Medical Aesthetics & Anti-Ageing The Benefits Of Being A Social Leader For Today's Organizations The Benefits Of Being A Social Leader For Today’s Organizations With the maturation of the major social media networks (Twitter turned 7 this year, while Facebook and LinkedIn are 9 and 10 years old respectively), social media has not only become a regular fixture in our everyday digital lives, but it’s also changed the way we communicate in terms of what we share, and how ideas move to the forefront of our collective social conscience. Ironically, despite the reality that social media has become ingrained in the daily lives of both current employees and future workers, organizational leaders continue to overlook these important communication channels to connect, learn, and engage with those under their care. A recent study has found that less than a third of Fortune 500 CEOs are active on any given social media platform (not surprisingly, LinkedIn had the most CEO accounts, though Twitter has seen the most growth in terms of new CEO accounts). 1. 2. 3.

18 Ways to Improve Your Body Language There is no specific advice on how to use your body language. What you do might be interpreted in several ways, depending on the setting and who you are talking to. You’ll probably want to use your body language differently when talking to your boss compared to when you talk to a girl/guy you’re interested in. First, to change your body language you must be aware of your body language. You might want to practice in front of a mirror. Another tip is to close your eyes and visualize how you would stand and sit to feel confident, open and relaxed or whatever you want to communicate. You might also want observe friends, role models, movie stars or other people you think has good body language. Some of these tips might seem like you are faking something. In the beginning easy it’s to exaggerate your body language. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. You can change your body language but as all new habits it takes a while.

Body language Body language is significant to communication and relationships. It is relevant to management and leadership in business and also in places where it can be observed by many people. It can also be relevant to some outside of the workplace. It is commonly helpful in dating, mating, in family settings, and parenting. Although body language is non-verbal or non-spoken, it can reveal much about your feelings and meaning to others and how others reveal their feelings toward you. Body language signals happen on both a conscious and unconscious level.[1] Understanding[edit] A study in body language. Body language signals may have a goal other than communication. Physical expression[edit] Physical expressions like waving, pointing, touching and slouching are all forms of nonverbal communication. A chess player in deep concentration . Some people use and understand body language differently. Prevalence of non-verbal communication in humans[edit] Proxemics[edit] Introduced by Edward T. See also[edit]

train-working-memory What is Working Memory? Can it Be Trained? By: Dr. Pascale Michelon You have prob­a­bly noticed the increas­ing amount of research and media cov­er­age focused on “work­ing mem­ory”. What is work­ing mem­ory? Work­ing mem­ory is the abil­ity to keep infor­ma­tion cur­rent in mind for a short period, while using this infor­ma­tion for the task at hand. Let’s take a few con­crete exam­ples to under­stand in which sit­u­a­tions work­ing mem­ory is used. Brain Exercises for the Weekend By: Alvaro Fernandez Har­riet Vines, Ph.D., an expe­ri­enced author and retired col­lege pro­fes­sor, sends us a few fun brain exer­cises to train our atten­tion and work­ing mem­ory (the abil­ity to keep infor­ma­tion cur­rent for a short period while using this infor­ma­tion). Say the days of the week back­wards, then in alpha­bet­i­cal order.Say the months of the year in alpha­bet­i­cal order. PS: Enjoy these 50 brain teasers to test your cog­ni­tive abil­ity. Good luck!

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Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives By Maria Popova “If you imagine less, less will be what you undoubtedly deserve,” Debbie Millman counseled in one of the best commencement speeches ever given, urging: “Do what you love, and don’t stop until you get what you love. Work as hard as you can, imagine immensities…” Far from Pollyanna platitude, this advice actually reflects what modern psychology knows about how belief systems about our own abilities and potential fuel our behavior and predict our success. One of the most basic beliefs we carry about ourselves, Dweck found in her research, has to do with how we view and inhabit what we consider to be our personality. The consequences of believing that intelligence and personality can be developed rather than being immutably engrained traits, Dweck found in her two decades of research with both children and adults, are remarkable. For twenty years, my research has shown that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life.

Body Language Basics Summary - Syncrat Publishing Throughout history it has been an advantage if an individual can read body language. Body language helps in everyday life from closing a business deal or trusting someone with your life, to recognising when someone is upset. Body language is the art of making an educated guess at a person’s feelings or intentions based on their posture, movement and positioning. To understand a person’s body language you need to take into account more than one aspect of their body language. Take tears for example. Each action or stance in the following list means very little, unless there is more than one indicating the same thing. Arms Feet Head Chest Other
