Código morse Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Código Morse é um sistema de representação de letras, números e sinais de pontuação através de um sinal codificado enviado intermitentemente. Foi desenvolvido por Samuel Morse em 1835, criador do telégrafo elétrico (importante meio de comunicação a distância), dispositivo que utiliza correntes elétricas para controlar eletroímans que funcionam para emissão ou recepção de sinais.1 Uma mensagem codificada em Morse pode ser transmitida de várias maneiras em pulsos (ou tons) curtos e longos: Este sistema representa letras, números e sinais de pontuação apenas com uma seqüência de pontos, traços, e espaços. Portanto, com o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de comunicação mais avançadas, o uso do código Morse é agora um pouco obsoleto, embora ainda seja empregado em algumas finalidades específicas, incluindo rádio faróis, e por CW (continous wave-ondas contínuas), operadores de radioamadorismo. Desenvolvimento[editar | editar código-fonte] A "!" s:
Exam 101 Objectives | Linux Professional Institute 101.1 Determine and configure hardware settings Weight: 2 Description: Candidates should be able to determine and configure fundamental system hardware. Key Knowledge Areas: Tools and utilities to list various hardware information (e.g. lsusb, lspci, etc.)Tools and utilities to manipulate USB devicesConceptual understanding of sysfs, udev, dbus The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities: /sys//proc//dev/modprobelsmodlspcilsusb 101.2 Boot the system Weight: 3 Description: Candidates should be able to guide the system through the booting process. Provide common commands to the boot loader and options to the kernel at boot timeDemonstrate knowledge of the boot sequence from BIOS to boot completionUnderstanding of SysVinit and systemdAwareness of UpstartCheck boot events in the log files Terms and Utilities: dmesgBIOSbootloaderkernelinitramfsinitSysVinitsystemd 101.3 Change runlevels / boot targets and shutdown or reboot system 102.1 Design hard disk layout Weight: 1 Weight: 3
The Ultimate Wget Download Guide With 15 Awesome Examples wget utility is the best option to download files from internet. wget can pretty much handle all complex download situations including large file downloads, recursive downloads, non-interactive downloads, multiple file downloads etc., In this article let us review how to use wget for various download scenarios using 15 awesome wget examples. 1. The following example downloads a single file from internet and stores in the current directory. $ wget While downloading it will show a progress bar with the following information: %age of download completion (for e.g. 31% as shown below)Total amount of bytes downloaded so far (for e.g. 1,213,592 bytes as shown below)Current download speed (for e.g. 68.2K/s as shown below)Remaining time to download (for e.g. eta 34 seconds as shown below) Download in progress: Download completed: 2. Wrong: Following example will download and store the file with name: download_script.php? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Network+ Certification | CompTIA IT Certifications Overview The stakes are high. Data networks are more crucial for businesses than ever before. They are the lifeline to the critical financial, healthcare and information services that need to function at the highest, most secure level. With a CompTIA Network+ certification, you will possess the key skills to troubleshoot, configure and manage these systems and keep your company productive. Network+ is vendor-neutral and globally recognized CompTIA Network+ professionals are trained to work with a variety of hardware, software and networks. Network+ makes you shine in a growing industry According to the U.S. Network+ meets the highest standards CompTIA Network+ meets the ISO 17024 standard and is approved by U.S. Network+ is industry supported Network+ is developed and maintained by leading IT experts.
Dev-Team Blog Machine Learning Course Syllabus Skip Syllabus DescriptionWeek 1: maximum likelihood estimation, linear regression, least squaresWeek 2: ridge regression, bias-variance, Bayes rule, maximum a posteriori inferenceWeek 3: Bayesian linear regression, sparsity, subset selection for linear regressionWeek 4: nearest neighbor classification, Bayes classifiers, linear classifiers, perceptronWeek 5: logistic regression, Laplace approximation, kernel methods, Gaussian processesWeek 6: maximum margin, support vector machines, trees, random forests, boostingWeek 7: clustering, k-means, EM algorithm, missing dataWeek 8: mixtures of Gaussians, matrix factorizationWeek 9: non-negative matrix factorization, latent factor models, PCA and variationsWeek 10: Markov models, hidden Markov modelsWeek 11: continuous state-space models, association analysisWeek 12: model selection, next steps
Conky empowered desktop by ~laserbeam3 on deviantART Amazon, Google, and Microsoft Aren't the Only Cloud Innovators Around When it comes to data center expertise, many tech professionals would say that Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and yes, Facebook are driving most of innovation. These companies design much of the hardware and software that they run in their own massive data centers. There's no arguing with that perception, but make no mistake: The big cloud players don't have a monopoly on data center disruption, according to Al Sadowsky, research vice president for 451 Research. Instead, a raft of other, smaller players are doing their bit to make data centers more efficient, more adaptable, and easier to manage. That's important to remember, because while many corporate applications are moving to a public cloud like Amazon (amzn) Web Services or Microsoft (msft) Azure, we are still early in the cloud era and many businesses still want to control their own infrastructure for some jobs. Sadowski cites the work that Equinix (eqix) is doing with its home-grown data center management software.
LPI 101 Certification Practice Test Suppose that you have an application whose behavior depends on the environment variable BAR. Which of the following command lines may be used in a bash shell to configure the application? A. export $BAR=baz; echo $BARB. set BAR=bazC. BAR=baz ; export BARD. echo $BAR=bazE. declare -x BAR=bazF. echo BAR=baz Which of the following commands can be used to assure that a file 'myfile' exists? A. cp myfile /dev/nullB. touch myfileC. create myfileD. mkfile myfile Which of the following command lines can be used to convert a file containing DOS-style CR-LF line endings into Unix-style LF line endings? A. sed 's/\n//' dosfile > unixfileB. tr -d '\r' < dosfile > unixfileC. dos2unix dosfile unixfileD. strip '\r' < dosfile > unixfile Suppose for this question that you have a file called 'wordlist' that contains a number of words, one per line. A. sort wordlist | nl | head -5B. split -1 wordlist ; cat xa? Assume that your current working directory is '/tmp' and your home directory is '/home/jane'. A. A.
17 Best Conky Configs for Linux Desktops | Desktop Spotting 15+ Beautiful Conky Configs for Linux Desktops Whether you are a Fedora, Ubuntu, Arch Linux or any other Linux distribution user you probably have used the lovable system monitor software, Conky. Being highly configurable, Conky is capable to display any system status such as CPU , disk usage, memory, temperature , emails and etc. on your desktop in various appearances. Conky Clock Widget Download and configuration settings Bionic Conky Download and configuration settings Rings Meters for Conky Download and configuration settings notifyOSD conky Download and configuration settings Suuuuny conky Download and configuration settings didi79 conky config Download and configuration settings Conky Lua configuration Download and configuration settings Cornet Conky Download and configuration settings Gotham Conky config Check out Gotham in action on this Ubuntu Unity Desktop. Download and configuration settings Conky – Planet Download and configuration settings BOX – Conky Config Download and configuration settings
SciProg 2011 - Home Programming for Scientists Programming is becoming an increasingly important part of scientific research, yet many scientists are self-taught programmers with little formal training. This means that we are often unfamiliar with simple tools that can make programming and dealing with data faster, more reliable and more reproducible. Workshop 20th June 2011 This event was a day-long workshop to develop awareness of the skills and tools that help make computing more efficient and provide results that are less prone to error - read more about it on the workshop page. The funding for the workshop was obtained through a Vitae conference and event grant, and slides and practicals from the event are available on the resources page. Seminar series Due to the interest in the workshop, a monthly Sci-Prog seminar series has been set up at Newcastle University. In addition, a Programming for Researchers site has been set up:
Best Linux Software You’ve made the switch from Windows or Mac OS X, and now you’re looking for applications to install. Or maybe you’re a long-time Linux user who’s keeping an eye out for what’s new. Either way, you’ve come to the right place. You’ve already picked a Linux distro and have settled on a desktop environment. Those are the big choices that determine what software you start with and what will run best on your machine. But now it’s time to delve through your distro’s app repositories to see what’s worth installing. Most of the software below is free and open source. A few require you to download an installer from a website. Browsers Firefox With the new Quantum update, Mozilla has given people reason to check out Firefox again. 9 Reasons to Switch From Chrome to Firefox 9 Reasons to Switch From Chrome to Firefox The days when Chrome was the best browser are long gone. Chrome/Chromium By some measures, Chrome is now the king of the hill. Opera Opera isn’t open source, but it is free. QupZilla Email