arduino interfacing with the HD44780 LCD « Adams Bros Blog It became time for me to interface an LCD with my Arduino. I need to generate a handy report of what my various sensors are picking up. The following is an account of my notes on twisting up my HD44780 compatible LCD on the Arduino. Please enjoy. I'm staring at my LCD module. #1: Identification On the back of the unit, it says:AMC2004A-B-B6NTDW-SP LOT#000542 A little Googling for "AMC2004A-B" and I find that it's an HD44780 compatible LCD. #2: Figuring The only figuring I need is for the backlight. #3: Wiring A little skimming of the spec sheet helps me understand how to wire this up so here we go: Pin No. #4: Programming The LiquidCrystal Library came with my Arduino 0012 Alpha software package (IDE). #include <LiquidCrystal.h> /* LiquidCrystal display with: LCD 4 (RS) to arduino pin 12 LCD 5 (R/W) to ground (non-existent pin 14 okay?) void loop() { }
Fritzing Download Electronics - Arduino Main Board Description: This is the new Arduino Uno R3. In addition to all the features of the previous board, the Uno now uses an ATmega16U2 instead of the 8U2 found on the Uno (or the FTDI found on previous generations). This allows for faster transfer rates and more memory. No drivers needed for Linux or Mac (inf file for Windows is needed and included in the Arduino IDE), and the ability to have the Uno show up as a keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc. The Uno R3 also adds SDA and SCL pins next to the AREF. Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple i/o board and a development environment that implements the Processing/Wiring language. Note: The Arduino Uno R3 requires the Arduino 1.0 drivers folder in order to install properly on some computers. Not sure which Arduino or Arduino-compatible board is right for you? Features: ATmega328 microcontroller Input voltage - 7-12V 14 Digital I/O Pins (6 PWM outputs) 6 Analog Inputs 32k Flash Memory 16Mhz Clock Speed Documents:
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Instruments de musique d'afrique - RastAfrica <ul><li>Cette boutique nécessite JavaScript afin de fonctionner correctement. Merci de l'activer dans votre navigateur.</li></ul> Bienvenue, identifiez-vous Catégories Déstockage Les idées de cadeaux Rasta de Rastafrica Les bonnes affaires de Rastafrica Sa Majeste Haile Selassie I JAH ras tafari ! Accueil> Instruments de musique>Instruments de musique d'afrique Instruments de musique d'afrique 16 produits Pour le moment, peu d'instruments de musique sur le site rastafrica. Panier articles article (vide) Aucun produit Expédition 0,00 € Total 0,00 € Panier Commander Réductions Long collier Rasta 6,52 € (-23%) 5,02 € Toutes les promos Nouveaux produits Petit bracelet type shamballa Petit bracelet type shamballa, cordon coton... Rouleuse Cone Artist Aussi appelé Cone Artist, ce petit objet... Long collier Rasta Long collier perles de bois rondes noir,... Petite boite porte-clés Petite boite à vis, imitant un petit bidon... Petite sacoche passeport Rasta Tous les nouveaux produits Déjà vus
Wiring Onyx Ashanti – MAKE Mag vol28 in stores today! official release of the Beatjazz controller open source project. OK kids, hot off the presses. Here is the official release of the beatjazz controller open source project by way of MAKE magazine volume 28, which should hit stores today. I promised during my first crowdfunding campaign that i would make the controller an open source project and i am happy to have had MAKE magazine help me keep that promise in a bigger way that simply posting it on a page on my website (which i will be doing in 2 months, during the newsstand run of this issue of the magazine). a few notes for those of you ready to try your hand at building a beatjazz controller. first, go get MAKE mag vol28. then go over to the makemag beatjazz controller wiki at where you will find the pure data patches that the controller is built upon the schematics in fritzing format the config files for the xbee's The firmata firmware for the arduino’s the printable hand unit case templates, to make the cardboard controller shells.
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Staples Announces In-Store 3-D Printing Service | Wired Design Staples’ new service uses the paper-based Mcor Iris printer, capable of full-color 3-D prints. Photo: Mcor Technologies. Pretty soon you’ll be able to print your 3-D projects at the local Staples. A new service called “Staples Easy 3D” will allow customers to upload their designs to Staples’ website, then pick up the printed objects at their local office supply megastore, or have them shipped to their home or business — not unlike the photo- and document-printing service the company already offers. The project was announced today at Euromold 2012 by 3-D printer manufacturer Mcor Technologies, who is partnering with Staples to provide its new Iris printers for the service. The Iris printers employ an innovative method to generate objects, using reams of paper that are cut and printed while being stacked and glued together. The new printers also incorporate the ability to add photorealistic coloring — something that more common plastic printers can’t yet achieve.
OP-1 - Introduction - Teenage Engineering Synthesizer and controller 8 built-in synthesizer engines, multiple effects and LFO’s. And some really unique sequencers ready to explore.Connect it to your computer and control your DAW with the common play, stop, rec, forward and rewind. Built in 4-track tape Record everything on the built in 4-track tape. All in one portable OP-1 is the all-in-one portable Synthesizer, Sampler and Controller. Drag and drop When plugged to a mac/pc using USB, the OP-1 shows up as a mass storage device.