iPad As.... iPads have exploded throughout schools and classrooms. Their flexibility, versatility, and mobility make them a phenomenal learning tool. As teachers seek ways to integrate these devices, we recommend focusing on specific learning goals that promote critical-thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the creation of student-centric learning environments. In other words, begin with..... iPads improve special education at Coon Rapids school The addition of a few iPads to the special education toolbox has raised the achievement bar at Northdale Middle School in Coon Rapids. In the third year of their use there, the tablet computers have led to increased engagement among some of the most severely disabled students and have accelerated their learning. Other schools have made use of technology in special education, but Northdale is the "grass roots" of the iPad initiative in Anoka-Hennepin, said teacher Mary Fleegel, who has led the program along with speech language pathologist Kathryn McLachlan. In Fleegel's classroom for students with developmental and cognitive disabilities, students took turns last week matching pictures on a projector screen and their iPads to vocabulary words about desert biozones as part of a unit on ecosystems. "Rock," murmured eighth-grader Mohamed Omar when a boulder appeared on his screen. "With paper, some of them will just scrunch the paper," Fleegel said.
4 Reasons To Join Twitter Hashtag Chats One of the benefits of Twitter for educators has to be the professional development opportunities. By following individuals I have expanded my techniques and teaching tools. There is a further Twitter option – that of the “chat”. As a language teacher I have benefited immensely from the weekly opportunities found in the Thursday #langchat with MFL (modern foreign language) teachers. It reaffirms that I am on the right track: Teaching can often be a ‘solitary’ pursuit. I find approaches/ideas on a specific topic: Chats are really focused with a weekly theme voted on by participants. I get a look into the future: Many of my #langchat colleagues are in districts or positions that are ‘leaders’ in their field. It broadens my ‘colleagues’ circle: Although we may work as part of a school department, we may or may not have colleagues that have a similar teaching philosophy or approach. I invite you to find a ‘chat’ that interests you – your teaching will be the richer for it.
21 Simple Ideas To Improve Student Motivation - 21 Simple Ideas To Improve Student Motivation by TeachThought Staff The best lessons, books, and materials in the world won’t get students excited about learning and willing to work hard if they’re not motivated. Motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, is a key factor in the success of students at all stages of their education, and teachers can play a pivotal role in providing and encouraging that motivation in their students. Of course that’s much easier said than done, as all students are motivated differently and it takes time and a lot of effort to learn to get a classroom full of kids enthusiastic about learning, working hard, and pushing themselves to excel. Even the most well-intentioned and educated teachers sometimes lack the skills to keep kids on track, so whether you’re a new teacher or an experienced one, try using these methods to motivate your students and to encourage them to live up to their true potential. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
The 20 Best Education Apps And Web Tools Of The Year The following is an excerpt from the December issue of Edudemic Magazine. Download the issue for just $.99 to view the full issue and the rest of the list! Stay tuned (or download the magazine) for the best devices of the year! In our year‐end special issue, we’ve worked hard at assembling the best of the best. As you probably know, we publish an array of lists and resources on edudemic.com. It contains the best (in our opinion and what we’ve heard from educators around the world) resources you should know about. It’s the end of the year and that means you have a little extra time for the first time since summer. NOTE: These are in no particular order and the list is actually longer in the iPad Magazine. Evernote (Web, iOS, Android) Use it for: note taking/word processing, voice recording, photos (snapshots of teachers’s notes group work, etc), share work between teachers and students, organize and search all of your notes. Blackboard (Web, iOS, Android) You know Blackboard.
iPad Apps iPad Apps The Friendship Circle - The Special Needs iPad & Apps Series In only one year the Apple iPad has revolutionized the tech industry. 15 Million iPads have been sold and estimates are that within the next 3 years over 115 million tablets will be shipped... ..To try and make sense of all of this we have put together a nine part series on the iPad and useful applications. In this series we will try and provide guidance and resources that will make it easier for those looking for more information about the iPad, new apps and special education. See the series here: See many more links for valuable information on iPad apps on our page here: (scroll to bottom of page) Parents Share More Links: Deena Writes: Math: Miscellaneous:
Dispelling the Myths About 1:1 Environments In my last post, I shared what we learned last year during our 1:1 iPad and Google Apps for Education launches. In this post, I’d like to dispel myths about 1:1 environments. My assertions are not based on opinion, but on evidence directly observed in secondary classrooms at Burlington High School and from the students that traverse these halls daily. Myth 1: The Digital Generation Needs Technology False. I did not pull this evidence out of thin air. I like to quote Chris Lehman anytime technology integration comes up. Myth 2: The iPad is Simply a Tool False. When I presented this analogy to one of my help desk students, Hannah Lienhard, she responded by saying: I agree that both the iPad and the hammer occupy a finite space physically. Myth 3: It's Not a Distraction False. While they said it wasn't any different than looking out of a window or doodling in the margins of a notebook, the device presented a need for added self-control. The solution: Net Texts. False.
4 Ways to Increase Engagement In The Classroom Do you look out at your class and it seems as if only two or three students are listening to you? The rest are thinking about lunch, how to beat the next level on the video game, or when is your class going to end? Here are some ideas that might help you stimulate your classroom. Will it end all daydreaming? 1. Get away from the front of the room! Let the students know that you just might walk over to their desk and catch them texting, doodling, or daydreaming. 2. Raise your expectations about what your students are capable of! 3. Why am I learning this? 4. Here’s the thing to remember though, it’s not about the technology . Move, create critical thinkers, make real world connections, and incorporate technology as part of your classroom environment, and you should see your classroom come to life!
A Free Interactive iPad App To Teach Algebra For many students algebra seems too abstract and hard to learn. They often resort to ineffective memorization and in the long run find only frustration and failure. Now there’s a new free iPad app that can turn frustration into success. The app is intended for children from age 8 onward. The app, like the physical version, is also well suited for helping older students who are struggling in traditional algebra classes. Each of the three lessons of this free app is introduced by a short three- to four-minute video. In the first lesson the student learns that a pawn, or marker, has an unknown weight, or value, and that a number cube has the value shown on the cube. The “scale” does not actually move. The sample image below is from Lesson 1B, which requires the student to find the value of the pawn that will make both sides have the same value. After a short while the student will see that the value of 5 for the pawn will give both sides the same value, namely 13. Consider example 3B.
6 Apps That Teach Math Concepts For young learners, there are a plethora of apps out there to help learn how to count, and for older learners, often times a graphing calculator or scientific calculator app will do the trick. But what about all of those students in between? You know, the ones who already know how to count, but have to learn a multitude of math concepts that most of their parents have long forgotten? We’re taking a look at 6 apps that are easy to use and teach more than just counting. Geometry Pattern Blocks This app allows you to create virtual geometrical shapes using a grid. Fractions Fractions by Tap to Learn This app uses everyday items (like a pizza or an apple) to demonstrate and quiz users on fractions. Order of Operations Name That Number Name That Number is a game based learning tool where players use five number tiles to build number sentences that equal a target number. Estimation iEstimation Graphing, Mean/Median/Mode Graphs by Tap to Learn Multiplication Ghostblasters