Forum For The Future How Hot Is It? All You Need To See Are These Two Maps : The Two-Way The heat wave across much of the nation continues. We could hit 105 degrees on Saturday here in the nation's capital, the National Weather Service says. Washington, D.C., has already tied its record for most consecutive days (eight) with temperatures of 95 degrees or more. And as writes, "more record-breaking triple-digit heat is expected Friday and Saturday across much of the Midwest and Tennessee Valley." The good news is that things could start to cool in just a few days. "Early next week and even this weekend we'll see rain in Kansas and Nebraska and parts of Texas," forecaster Bruce Sullivan of the National Weather Service, tells USA Today. But what we want to focus on are some incredible statistics and maps from the National Climatic Data Center. First, look at this image showing the number of places where daily maximum temperature records have been broken so far this month. All we can say is, whew! Other numbers about the scorching temperatures:
Après la pluie Ça s'est drôlement rafraîchi aujourd'hui. La pluie va sûrement plus tarder. Mais il a fait bien chaud ces derniers jours. Bin quoi ? Sebastião Salgado, Antarctique, 2005 Draches sacrées le mois dernier, donc. Chaque fois qu'aux temps chauds, il flotte de la sorte, je repense à l'explication fournie par Hervé Le Treut, l'un des plus éminents climatologues français, au cours d'un débat auquel je l'avais invité en septembre 2007, après un précédent été particulièrement humide : "Globalement, un climat plus chaud est un climat plus humide (...). Hé oui, c'est évident. Au mois de mai, il a pu faire 15°C sur le Sud-Ouest avec des pluies entrecoupées d'averses, tandis que c'était canicule et grand ciel bleu en Alsace. Imaginez un peu à quoi ressemblera la météo si ce genre de contrastes se trouve démultiplié, à mesure que le réchauffement global de l'atmosphère s'intensifiera. Mensonges par omissions. Deux mois avant les pluies de mai, ma mère a dû s'esbigner de sa plage favorite, en Gironde.
Environment Canada's Home Page Tab list Celebrate Earth Day on April 22 Celebrate Earth Day on April 22. Find out how the Government of Canada is taking action today for a more environmentally-friendly and sustainable tomorrow. Headlines Featured Prime Minister’s Volunteer Awards Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement Access Oil Sands Environmental Monitoring Data and Information Weather Public Consultations It's your turn! Priorities Date Modified:
CO2 Scorecard | Main Global Warming Effects Map - Effects of Global Warming The Big Conf | Avenir Climatique The Big Conf 2 a été la plus grande conférence étudiante de France sur les enjeux énergie/climat en 2014. Cette deuxième conférence nationale a sensibilisé des milliers d’étudiants au travers de dizaines de conférences! L’objectif du projet a été de former les étudiants aux défis auxquels le monde fait face, pour ensuite devenir des acteurs éclairés s’ils le souhaitent. Pour en savoir plus sur ces sujets, rendez-vous sur la section correspondante de notre site . Dans l’optique de la COP 21 qui se déroulera à Paris en 2015, nous avons voulu que les étudiants puissent comprendre ce qu’il s’y joue. Ce rendez-vous majeur pourrait être un moment décisif si une contribution structurée des jeunes se forme autour des décideurs. (Cliquez sur l’image pour en voir plus) Une conférence faite par les étudiants et pour les étudiants De nombreuses photos des conférences sont à votre disposition dans ce lien! La présentation officielle de TBC2 en ligne! La vidéo officielle de TBC2! Envie d’en savoir plus ?
Is It Getting Warmer? The ENDS Report | for environmental policy and business in the U Natureza - Bolha de frio no Atlântico Norte desafia aquecimento global Sequência de mapas climáticos mostra persistência do frio no Atlântico Norte (Foto: NOAA) Com o aquecimento global avançando, 2015 tem boas chances de quebrar o recorde de 2014 como ano mais quente da história, mas existe uma região do mundo que desafia essa tendência: uma bolha de frio no Atlântico Norte. Em todos os últimos 12 meses de registro de temperaturas na região logo ao sul da Groenlândia e da Islândia, as temperaturas de superfície registradas ficaram muito abaixo da média histórica, e em alguns casos bateram recordes de frio. O que está acontecendo na região, porém, não é algo que coloque em xeque as previsões de cientistas sobre a mudança climática. Desde março, cientistas têm oferecido evidências de que uma corrente marinha chamada Amoc (Circulação de Revirada do Atlântico Meridional, na sigla em inglês), está se desacelerando. Ciclo desacelerado A Amoc é um braço da chamada rede mundial de “circulação termoalina”, a macroestrutura de fluxo de água nos oceanos.
The Titanic At 100 Years: We're Still Ignoring Warnings, This Time It's Climate Change, Says Director James Cameron By Joe Romm on April 13, 2012 at 12:31 pm "The Titanic At 100 Years: We’re Still Ignoring Warnings, This Time It’s Climate Change, Says Director James Cameron" One century ago this weekend, the great “unsinkable” ship ignored warnings of ice bergs in the vicinity, maintained a high speed, hit an iceberg because it couldn’t change course fast enough, and sank. Most passengers died, in large part because there weren’t enough lifeboats. The New Yorker and the Washington Post have devoted major columns to “Why we can’t let go of the Titanic” and why ”fascination with it seems to be” unsinkable . Director James Cameron offered his own answer this week, in Titanic: The Final Word with James Cameron on National Geographic Channel, which I’ve transcribed here. Part of the Titanic parable is of arrogance, of hubris, of the sense that we’re too big to fail. The tragedy today is not merely that we are ignoring multiple, highly credible warnings of disaster if we stay on our current course.
DEQ - Waste Reduction Need help with your waste reduction and recycling plan? See the list below for ideas. DISCLAIMER: References and links to commercial products or services do not constitute or imply an endorsement by DEQ or the Commonwealth of Virginia of such products or services, or their providers. DEQ and the Commonwealth of Virginia are not responsible for the content of external sites. Guest rooms Use bulk soap dispensers instead of individual soaps/shampoos in guest rooms Use refillable shampoo bottles rather than single-use bottles Instruct housekeeping staff to save and reuse unopened items Recycle used soap through Clean the World Kitchen (or meetings / events) Recycle fryer grease Donate excess food from events Compost food waste and other compostables Have an effective food inventory control system to minimize waste Dining room (or meetings / events) Restrooms Use bulk soap dispensers in public restrooms Use high-efficiency hand-dryers Purchase recycled-content paper-towels and toilet paper
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change