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When is Halloween 2017? True story behind All Souls' Day and All Saints' Day, why we celebrate and terrifying facts Tucked between the cold nights of winter and the falling leaves of autumn we have Halloween - a time of celebration and superstition. But where did the spooky day come from and why do we celebrate it? The spookiest time of the year isn't just a time for kids to dress up and trick or treat. It's thought Halloween started with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would wear costumes and roam to ward of ghosts, but it's down to Pope Gregory III's decree in the eight century that we celebrate it as we do. Why do we celebrate Halloween? Samhain (sow-in) marked the end of summer and the harvest and heralded in the colder months. Traditionally people wore costumes, animal skins and heads and attempted to tell each other's fortunes. The first was Feralia, a day late in October where Romans marked the passing of the dead. It was in 609 AD that Christianity changed the festival to add praying for the dead. The next day, November 2, is All Souls Day, when the dead are remembered. 1. 2.

Profile Awareness centre Description: The awareness and dissemination activities designed for children, parents, teachers and adults include: To organise online and offline training activities involving and supporting schools in a process of updating and/or developing and adopting internal policies or regulations to deal effectively with issues related to online safety and positive use of ICT by young people. In particular this activity is based on a school policy enforcement approach. The long-term objective of this initiative is that of ensuring the introduction of an eSafety Policy in each school. Helpline The helpline 1.96.96, run by Telefono Azzurro, is a generic, confidential, free and secure space where children, adolescents, parents, professionals and other adults can obtain support and advice – online or by phone – about problems related to the use of digital and online technologies or internet safety. In addition to phone counselling, the helpline offers a one-to-one chat service. Hotline

Simon's Cat Welcome to the Simon's Cat Youtube channel! Don't forget to subscribe! If you're already a fan on YouTube, why not check out our Facebook page too! Simon's Cat is an animated series featuring the mischievous and often hilarious antics of a fat white cat and his owner Simon. The channel includes:Simon's Cat Films - Short, funny animations that observe life as a cat owner.Simon's Cat Logic - A fun and informative series that looks at why cats do the silly things they do, and what we can do to help them live happy and healthy lives.Simon's Cat 'How To': Tutorials on how to draw and animate in Simon's Cat style.Simon's Cat: Behind the Scenes: Sneak peek into the work we do. Have you visited the official Simon's Cat website? Want to see more of our Black & White films? Want to know more about the history of Simon's Cat? Edited by: Minesh ChandaranaExecutive Producer: Mike BellProducer: Emma BurchAssociate Producer: Edwin EckfordProduction Manager: Rebecca Warner-Perry FAQs: Q. Q. Q. Q.

Why Catholics Should Embrace Halloween | Catholic Answers Skip to main content Safer Internet Centre - Italia - Generazioni Connesse Course: alt - Diploma Exam Prep - tips and tricks Adjectives Do you see how much more interesting adjectives can make things? Use adjectives to enhance the description of what you are saying. For example, instead of saying "I was near the ocean" you could say something like "I was near the vast, salty ocean." What other adjectives can you think of to describe the ocean? Remember to use adjectives to jazz up your writing. Nouns Pronoun Adverbs Do you see how adverbs can also enhance the quality of a description? Do you see the difference that adverbs and adjectives can make? Try one yourself: "The boy ran to the theatre" Where could you insert an adjective or adverb? Conjunction (click on the mind map below to view more) Interjection An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey emotion. Prepositions Contractions Try to avoid using contractions when writing formally. Homophones Click on the flag below to see a list

stop-it NaNoWriMo’s Young Writers Program (Beta) 3 - L'incredibile URL #ChatWoman Colei che chattava, chattava, chattava... Il Web è un luogo meraviglioso ed è importante conoscerlo, navigarlo, passare del tempo in rete per coltivare passioni, amori o amicizie anche usando le chat… ma è importante che la vita in chat non diventi la tua vita. Continua a coltivare il tempo con gli amici, a incontrarli. #SilverSelfie Colui che viveva scattando Scattare foto e postare un selfie può essere un modo per condividere con gli altri come stiamo, per fargli sapere dove siamo e cosa facciamo. Ricordiamo che oltre il Selfie... c'è di più... #IncredibileUrl Colui che cliccava su tutto. L' #IncredibileURL non fa mai attenzione a quello che gira sui social. #UomoTaggo Colui che taggava chiunque Per l’#UomoTaggo un momento non Taggato, è un momento non vissuto. #RagazzaVisibile Colei che postava ogni cosa... La #RagazzaVisibile pensava che alcune foto condivise con il proprio fidanzato rimanessero private, ma si sbagliava. #Tempestata Colei che postava senza pensare #PostatoreNero

Gero Time Management Companion on the App Store Safer Internet Day: "Be the change: Unite for a better internet" Creation date: February 7, 2017 Today we celebrate Safer Internet Day, the flagship global event on child online safety promoted by the European Commission as part of the Better Internet for Kids strategy, taking place in February every year. It started in 2004 and it has now become a world-wide brand celebrated in more than 100 countries in all continents with a global reach of up to 400 million people. This year's Safer Internet Day is celebrated on 7th February with a theme: "Be the change: Unite for a better internet", which emphasizes the importance of collaboration, unity and multi-stakeholder approach in providing better and safer internet for young people. INEA supports Safer Internet Centres in the EU Member States plus Norway and Iceland through CEF Telecom grants. To find out what events are organized in Brussels check Child Focus website. To find out what events are organized in Europe and worldwide check the Safer Internet Day website

The Conversation: In-depth analysis, research, news and ideas from leading academics and researchers. Creating a Better Internet for Kids Children and kids need a safe environment as they surf the web. The Strategy for a Better internet for Children provides actions to empower them as they explore the digital world. Children start using the Internet from the age of 7; between the age of 9 and 16, the average time they spend online amounts to 88 minutes. Children need quality content to stimulate their imagination and help them learn, but also the skills and tools for using the Internet safely and responsibly. The Digital Single Market Strategy aims to have every European digital. Children have particular needs and vulnerabilities on the Internet, so that the Internet becomes a place of opportunities for children to access knowledge, to communicate, to develop their skills and to improve their job perspectives and employability. The "Strategy for a Better Internet for Children" proposes a series of actions to be undertaken by the Commission, Member States and by the whole industry value chain.
