AIR pour Android – Créer une application Air pour Android (apk), le guide de A à Z Air arrive sur Android, c’est officiel pour la version Froyo (2.2). Les chanceux qui ont un Nexus One peuvent déjà en profiter. Ceux qui ont un HTC (Desire, Legend, par exemple) sont encore au jour auquel j’écris cet article, en version Eclair (2.1) mais HTC a annoncé une release au 3e trimestre. En attendant, pas besoin de rester les bras croisés, vous pouvez commencer à développer dès maintenant. Récupération du Adobe Air SDK 2.5 Pour compiler des applications Android natives (.APK), il vous faut la version 2.5 du SDK Adobe Air. La participation au programme de pre-release est gratuite. Adobe® AIR® – Android Developer Prerelease Bizarrement, ils n’ont pas utilisé les comptes Adobe, c’est dommage il va vous falloir remplir le formulaire . A noter que dans mon cas, il a fallu quelques temps avant que je puisse me logger. Allez ensuite dans la section « Download Software » du menu de gauche. Quand vous suivrez ce tutorial, il y aura peut-être de nouveaux Build. Download the Android SDK <! .
Bloggers, create your own iPhone app for free Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software Our Complete Rundown of Facebook’s Massive Platform Changes For weeks now, we and other publications have been seeing screenshots and hearing rumors about big changes that Facebook has planned for its platform. What the company changes will fundamentally impact how applications live or die on the site. Will the company change how developers notify users about their friends’ activities in apps, for example? How will apps be affected by the ongoing evolution of Facebook’s home page news feed? We’re about to find out. Note: Facebook’s developer materials are here. We’re live at Facebook headquarters for a big event the company has planned, what it is calling a “roadmap” for the platform going forward. Mark Zuckerberg has taken the stage, here are paraphrased notes. “The roadmap is another step in increasing transparency,” with the intention to help developers plan ahead. Ethan Beard is now on. “I’ve been reading in the press, a lot of anxiety about what we’re about to announce. Order of business today: 1. 2. 3. 1. New users get confused. 2. 3. A: No.
13 Tools for Building Your Own iPhone App This article has been updated. A more current list of tools can be found here: "30+ Tools for Building Mobile Apps." Please visit that page instead! These days, everyone wants to build their own iPhone applications, but not everyone knows how write the code necessary in order to create them. Below we've listed 13 different tools that let you create your own iPhone applications, none of which require knowledge of Objective C, the programming language used to build apps for the iPhone OS . 1. What it Does: Sweb Apps offers an online service which lets anyone build their own iPhone apps even if they don't know how to code. How Much it Costs: The company offers four-, six- and eight-button packages, which all include a one-time set-up fee of $50 per button. Our coverage: Build Your Own iPhone App with New Service from Sweb Apps and Sweb Apps 2.0: Build Your Own Mobile Storefront for the iPhone 2. Our coverage: This iPhone App Helps You Make iPhone Apps 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. eBookApp 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
The Best Way to Have Your Own iPhone App | uBuildApp TweetMic | Publish Your Audio on Twitter Android Tablet Virtual Device Configurations Back in mid-2010 you learned about common Android Virtual Device (AVD) configurations. We're now in tablet-crazed early-2011. In this quick tutorial, you'll extend your knowledge of AVDs by learning how to create configurations for two of the most popular Android tablets. This tutorial directly continues from where the last tutorial, Common Android Virtual Device Configurations, left off. In fact, consider these steps to be after Step 6, but before Step 7 of that tutorial. Step 0: Preparing Eclipse If you haven't already, update your installation to include both the SDK Platform Android Honeycomb Preview and the GALAXY Tab add-on. Step 1: Creating an AVD to Emulate the Samsung Galaxy Tab The Samsung Galaxy Tab was the first official Android tablet with the Android Market. The important specs of this device, from an Emulator perspective, are: Let's create an AVD configuration called GalaxyTab: This AVD will create the best depiction of the Galaxy Tab device. Here are the details of the AVD:
UP&SMART Bon, ce soir je n’arrive pas à dormir. C’est sans doute le bon moment pour commencer à travailler sur cette page. Au départ, j’avais en tête de réaliser un long Post Mortem sur cette aventure. Et bien, je dois avouer que je n’ai pas envie en fait. UP&SMART est mort… et j’ai juste envie de me concentrer sur les activités de TRIBELEADR. On ne joue pas pour perdre, c’est certain. L’échec est si proche à chaque instant pour l’entrepreneur qui se lance dans l’aventure, que je crois qu’il faut l’avoir expérimenté au moins une fois pour comprendre toute l’urgence que nous avons à prendre les bonnes décisions et… la violence du tourbillon qui peut se déchainer en l’espace d’un instant quand les choses ne se déroulent pas comme prévu. Avec UP&SMART, pour ceux que cela intéresse, voici les deux principales raisons qui ont mené à la fermeture : De moins en moins de temps disponible L’agence me réclame de plus en plus toute mon attention. Bref, le choix a été vite fait. Cela n’a pas été suffisant.
Build an App: myAppStudio Want to create a free account for your business without facebook login? Click here. First myAppStudio apps are already live in Android Market... Make your own Android App now and save the $199 Setup fee, pay just $19.99 /month! Please note that to publish your App into Apple App Store, you need to create an Apple developer account. Before you start making your app, please read the Apple's App Store Review Guidelines especially with the paragraph: 2.13 "Apps that are primarily marketing materials or advertisements will be rejected'.