- Renseignement, Défense, Technologie, Terrorism Sphère ie Austrian breakthrough in quantum cryptography: Record in the transmission of entangled photon pairs (Update) Austrian physicists say a breakthrough in next-generation quantum cryptography could allow encrypted messages to be bounced off satellites, the British journal Nature reported Sunday. A team from Austria's Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) managed to send entangled photons 144 kilometres (90 miles) between the Spanish islands of Las Palmas and the Balearics. Because of the success of the test, the IQOQI team said it was now feasible to send this kind of unbreakable encrypted communication through space using satellites. Quantum cryptography works by sending streams of light particles, or photons, making it entirely secure, as any eavesdropping would leave traces and immediately be detected. In quantum cryptography, photons are used as the key for the encrypted communication -- just as mathematical formula are used in conventional cryptography. (c) 2009 AFP Update: Please find IQOQI's press release below: Provided by IQOQI
Infoguerre RIA Novosti RussieInternationalDéfenseSociétéSciences et espaceCultureInsolites International © REUTERS/ Vasily Fedosenko Lougansk: les insurgés lancent un ultimatum à Kiev 19:29 27/04/2014 KIEV, 27 avril - RIA Novosti Les partisans de la fédéralisation de l'Ukraine à Lougansk (est) ont promis de passer à l'acte si les autorités ukrainiennes ne remplissent pas leurs exigences d'ici le 29 avril, le texte de l'ultimatum approprié a été publié sur le site internet 0642.com.ua. Dossiers Archives lumamejevesadi Top multimédia Diaporama: Tchernobyl: des images uniques Vidéo: La catastrophe de Tchernobyl, 26 avril 1986 Infographie: Tchernobyl: un accident aux conséquences catastrophiques Tweets de @ria_novosti_fr Articles les plus lus Lougansk: les insurgés lancent un ultimatum à Kiev Slaviansk: les experts de l'OSCE ne se reconnaissent pas comme otages Syrie/présidentielle: une femme se porte candidate (TV) Donetsk: Khodorkovski interdit d'accès au siège de l'administration Pour nous écrire Politique de sécurité
teleco.com.br Densidade de Banda Larga do Brasil está abaixo da média mundial O Brasil terminou 2008 com 10 milhões de acessos Banda Larga (fixa) e está entre os 10 países com mais acessos Banda Larga no mundo. Já em termos de densidade de Banda Larga (acessos/ 100 hab.) o Brasil está abaixo da média mundial (UIT), ao contrário do que ocorre com a densidade de telefones fixos e celulares. Nota: não inclui banda larga móvel O Brasil é o 67º país em densidade de Banda Larga no Mundo atrás do México (7,1 acessos/100 hab.) e da Argentina (8,0 acessos/100 hab.). O mapa abaixo, que detalha a densidade de cada estado no 1T09, ajuda aentender melhor as causas desta baixa densidade. Pode-se dividir o Brasil em duas regiões: As sete unidades da federação com densidade de 8,9 acessos/100 hab., superior à média mundial, que concentram 72,1% dos acessos Banda Larga do país e representam 45,5% da população. Esta divisão é agravada pela baixa cobertura geográfica com que é oferecida a Banda larga no Brasil.
CENTRE FRANÇAIS DE RECHERCHE SUR LE RENSEIGNEMENT Eric Denécé, docteur ès Science Politique, habilité à diriger des recherches, est directeur du Centre Français de Recherche sur le Renseignement (CF2R) et de sa société de conseil en Risk Management (CF2R SERVICES). Auparavant, il a été successivement : Officier-analyste à la direction de l'Evaluation et de la Documentation Stratégique du Secrétariat Général de la Défense Nationale (SGDN).Ingénieur commercial export chez Matra Défense.Responsable de la communication de la société NAVFCO, filiale du groupe DCI (Défense Conseil International).Directeur des études du Centre d'Etudes et de Prospective Stratégiques (CEPS).Fondateur et directeur général du cabinet d'intelligence économique ARGOS.Créateur et directeur du département d'intelligence économique du groupe GEOS. E. Denécé a notamment opéré au Cambodge, aux côtés de la résistance anticommuniste, et en Birmanie, pour la protection des intérêts de Total contre la guérilla locale. E.
Integrated Surveillance of Crowded Areas for Public Security (IS Técnicos dizem que futuro da transmissão por satélite está ameaçado Luiz Xavier Diretora da Secom da Câmara, Sueli Navarro disse que a nova faixa de frequência vai interferir no sinal da TV Câmara. Durante seminário realizado nesta terça-feira para debater o futuro da recepção do sinal de TV por satélite no Brasil, técnicos das emissoras de televisão se manifestaram contra o edital do leilão da faixa de frequência de 3,5 GHz, aprovado pela Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel). Eles afirmam que essa nova faixa de frequência vai interferir no sinal de televisão captado por antenas parabólicas instaladas no País. Na avaliação do engenheiro de comunicações da Rede Record André Felipe Trindade, o futuro da transmissão por satélite corre risco depois que a Anatel decidiu colocar em leilão a faixa de 3,5 GHz para ofertar serviços de WiMAX, tecnologia de banda larga sem fio. Ele citou como situação em que haverá interferências a recepção de eventos internacionais como a Copa do Mundo de Futebol e os Jogos Olímpicos.
Diploweb.com, revue geopolitique, articles, cartes, relations in Security research and development - Enterprise and Industry The Policy and research in security programme’s primary goal is to protect Europe’s citizens and society from harm, while enabling its economy to recover from man-made or natural disasters. EU-funded security research projects are developing a wide swath of public-sector capabilities. For example, there are projects to integrate area-wide situational awareness and alert capabilities so that civil security end-users and first responders can work together interoperably within and across Europe’s regions. Other projects are helping consolidate the EU’s external frontiers, while still others are developing techniques to protect Europe’s critical energy, transport and telecommunications networks from harm. Full details about our current and past Security Research projects. More Security Research also has a clear economic dimension. All these activities are based on regular stakeholders' consultations with government, civil society and industry via workshops, conferences and advisory groups.
New Roles and Skills for Cloud Computing - AdVoice: Microsoft - Cloud Power This article is commissioned by Microsoft Corp. The views expressed are the author’s own. Clearly, cloud computing requires new skills inside of organizations that are moving to the cloud. We all get that. However, many companies have difficulty understanding exactly what those skills are, the scope required, and the timing. There are several ways this can play out. My take on all of this is that before we ignore the problem, or toss money at it, perhaps this a good time to put some lines in the sand around what skills are required as the cloud creeps into our IT universe. When considering what skills are needed to thrive in the cloud, I like to use a role-based approach, with the new roles being: Cloud Architect Cloud Security Specialist Cloud Developer Cloud Infrastructure Manager Provider Specialist Cloud architect is the No. 1 job posting that I see from any company or consulting organization looking to move into cloud computing.