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Plot Generator

creative writing prompts . com ideas for writers Receitas caseiras para deixar os cabelos lisos - Blog da Karlinha - Bem-estar - MdeMulher - O portal da Mulher brasileira - Editora Abril Por Karla Precioso postado em 01/07/2011 às 17h00 Comentários (311) Foto Getty Images Uma coisa é certa: para efeitos duradouros e casos em que os cabelos são muito encaracolados, só mesmo produtos químicos podem dar jeito. Alise seus cabelos naturalmente Coloque meio copo de leite em um frasco borrifador. Tire o frizz e hidrate os fios Misture 1 copo de condicionador com 3 colheres (sopa) de mel e 1 colher (sopa) de óleo de amêndoas. Hidratação intensiva Amasse um abacate e misture com meio copo de azeite morno.

Automatic Plot Generator Creative writing prompts Here are some creative writing prompts we've developed that you may find useful. We'll be adding to these periodically, so check back often. These have been compiled by many people, please feel free to contact us if you think of any. We'll be happy to add them. Creative Writing Prompts: Story Starters Think back to a time when you say a stranger say or do something that that caught your attention. Creative Writing Prompts: Character Development Your character comes upon a fork in a road and has no idea where to go. Creative Writing Prompts. © 2004, All Rights Reserved.

Máscaras caseiras para cabelos volumosos - Tratamento - Cabelos Controle o volume sem sair de casaFoto: Getty Images Se a genética fosse a única responsável por fios volumosos, você não teria muito o que fazer para controlá-los. Poderia, no máximo, alisá-los ou usar o corte certo. A boa notícia? Detalhe: elas tiram o aspecto armado sem tirar o visual natural! Cabelos normais Opção 1 Ingredientes - 1 colher (sopa) de babosa - 100 ml de água mineral Modo de fazer Retire o conteúdo da folha de babosa e coloque a quantidade indicada no liquidificador. Aplicação Coloque a mistura no cabelo úmido e deixe agir por dez minutos. Opção 2 Ingredientes - 1 copo (200 ml) de iogurte natural - 2 colheres (sopa) de azeite de oliva Modo de fazer Bata no liquidificador para o óleo se unir com as proteínas do leite. Aplicação Passe nos fios úmidos e espere 20 minutos. Cabelos cacheados Cabelos cacheados costumam ser volumosos, controle-os! Opção 1 Ingredientes - 1 colher (sopa) de lanolina - clara de 1 ovo Modo de fazer Bata os ingredientes no liquidificador por dois minutos.

Story Generator Stories This is a satire. The story is about a disloyal ranger who is stalked by a paladin. This is a pure action story. The story is about a naive CFO, a wizard, a fire fighter, and a focused stylist. This is an escape-from-prison story with an emphasis on the need for self-expression. This is a story about family. This is a tale about alienation and how the invention of man can destroy him. This is an odd-couple-teams-up story. This is a natural disaster with an emphasis on man's need for freedom. This is a horror/drama with a strong theme of trust. This is a tale about the dangers of self-expression.

Creative Writing Ideas & Creative Writing Tips Homemade Hair Treatments - At Home DIY Hair Treatments Eggs, yogurt and honey are, at first glance, all components of a tasty breakfast—but they also happen to be hair treatment ingredients, and affordable, all-natural ones at that. And they're not the only ones. Did you know, for instance, that the oils in avocados more closely resemble our own skin's oils than any product in the beauty aisle does? For All Hair Types "The [raw] egg is really the best of all worlds," says Janice Cox, author of Natural Beauty at Home. To Use: For normal hair, use the entire egg to condition hair; use egg whites only to treat oily hair; use egg yolks only to moisturize dry, brittle hair, Cox says. Photo by Shutterstock. For Dull Hair Styling products (as well as air pollution) can leave a film that both saps moisture and dulls shine—but dairy products like sour cream and plain yogurt can help reverse this damage. To Use: Massage 1/2 cup sour cream or plain yogurt into damp hair and let sit for 20 minutes. For Itchy Scalp For Limp or Fine Hair For Frizzy Hair

Writing Roulette: All the Generators You'd Ever Want, Part 1 Note to readers:I've gone through all the links and have fixed all the broken ones. If you're found some good generators that I don't have, leave a note in the comments and I'll be sure to add that in (and credit you for your efforts!). And if you find broken links, please let me know. While I'm still getting back on my feet, this week I'll post a couple of my most popular posts. Continuing the series of resources from the NaNoWriMo forums, I discovered all kinds of threads with links to generators for writers. Let's say you need a name for a particular walk-on character. You may not need all these generators, and admittedly, some are more frivolous than others. PlotTerrible Things Generator: helpful if you can't think of more trouble for your character.Plot Generator: a beginning, middle, and end to get you started.Plot Scenario Generator: try these ideas on for size.Random Story Generator: a complete plot in a paragraph. Do you have any favorite generators to add to the list?

Yogurt Hair Mask Recipe For Smooth and Shiny Strands March 30, 2010 After making its debut last week, DIY Day is back! I wasn’t sure what the response would be, but it turns out there’s something cathartic about getting back to the basics. This week I promised to share my hair mask recipe, which I actually gleaned from Whole Living magazine. It sounds kind of gross, feels super slimy, and rinses out rather slowly. HOWEVER: My hair looks like a million dollars the next day. YOGURT HAIR MASK 1/2 c plain yogurt 1 T freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 egg Blend all ingredients in a bowl until smooth.

Cookbook:Units of measurement Cookbook | Lists Recipes from different parts of the world use different units of measurement. This page is a guide to those that are most commonly used in cooking. List of Units[edit] Volume[edit] teaspoon (also t or tsp.)tablespoon (also T, tbl., tbs., or tbsp.)fluid ounce (also fl oz)gill (about 1/2 cup)cup (also c)pint (also p, pt, or fl pt - Specify Imperial or US)quart (also q, qt, or fl qt - Specify Imperial or US)gallon (also g or gal - Specify Imperial or US)ml, also milliliter, millilitre, cc (and mL only in the US, Canada and Australia).l, also liter, litre, (and L only in the US, Canada and Australia).dl, also deciliter, decilitre (and dL only in the US, Canada and Australia). Mass and Weight[edit] pound (also lb or #)ounce (also oz)μg (also microgram, microgramme, mcg, or ug)mg (also milligram or milligramme)g (also gram or gramme)kg (also kilogram or kilogramme) Length[edit] Temperature[edit] See the oven temperature table. Metric Units[edit] Commonly used prefix modifiers are:

Five Reasons Why Living Abroad is Good for Your Muse © pedrosimoes7 If you’ve ever slung a pack on your back and headed off to see the world, likelihood is you’ve kept a travel diary. And you’re not alone. Check out a beach bar in Ko Phi Phi or a hostel roof garden in Berlin and you’re guaranteed to see… the scribblers. Hunched over a notebook with a look of intense concentration and scratching away with breathless energy, these are backpackers who, before this, hadn’t written anything for years other than a Christmas card. Going abroad, it seems, not only opens your mind; it unleashes your muse. The Mundane Becomes Magical One of the great joys of traveling overseas is the opportunity to experience new and wondrous things: grand canyons, leaning towers, great pyramids. During my first spring in Finland, I was walking down the street when I came across an old couple staring upwards with big smiles on their faces. It was only when I got home and spoke to my Finnish girlfriend that I discovered exactly why they were so happy. © Alexander Savin

Behind Closed Doors - booksong - Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic “You’re sure about this?” Alibaba murmured, giving the back of his mentor’s head a deeply skeptical look. Sharrkan was leaning around to make sure the corridor was empty. “Of course I’m sure. “I really don’t think this is what King Sinbad had in mind when he assigned me to you…” “Shh, if anyone asks it’s stealth training. “Why are we whispering?” “They’ll be coming into the hall soon, so that door’s our best bet.” “You need to stop this at once,” admonished Yamuraiha in a harsh whisper, snatching at Sharrkan’s shoulder impatiently. “Oh, c’mon. Yamu's eyes went wide, and her voice scaled up an octave. “I will absolutely not misuse the great magical arts to—” “Shhhh! “I am trying to keep you from making an ass of yourself as usual.” “Great, then don’t get seen.” “Hey, that was just a joke, right…?” “Eh, who the hell knows?” “And he will tell us the ‘important stuff’ too, in due time,” Yamuraiha said, apparently in a last attempt to inject sense into the proceedings. “Hello, Sin.” “Oh really?
