Tutorial: Developing a PhoneGap Application
In this tutorial, you create a fully functional employee directory application with PhoneGap. You will learn: How to use different local data storage strategies.How to use several PhoneGap APIs such as Geolocation, Contacts, and Camera.How to handle specific mobile problems such as touch events, scrolling, styling, page transitions, etc.How to build an application using a single page architecture and HTML templates.How to build (compile and package) an application for 6 platforms using PhoneGap Build. To complete this tutorial, all you need is a code editor, a modern browser, and a connection to the Internet. A working knowledge of HTML and JavaScript is assumed, but you don’t need to be a JavaScript guru. Setting Up Download the assets for the workshop here.Unzip the file anywhere on your file system.If your code editor allows you to “open a directory”, open the phonegap-workshop-master directory. Step-by-step solution files are also available here. Part 1: Choosing a Local Storage Option
PhoneGap From Scratch: Introduction
Want to learn how to use PhoneGap, but don't know where to get started? Join us as we put together "Sculder", not only a tribute to an excellent science fiction TV series, but a fully-fledged native mobile application for the believer in you! In this series, we will build a mobile application using some of the features in PhoneGap. We will go from installation of the SDK to deployment into the app stores of the two major platforms: iOS and Android. Concepts covered in this series will include accessing the device camera, local storage, and geolocation. In this first part, we will take a quick look at what PhoneGap actually is and what you can use it for, and then look at the installation of the PhoneGap framework and the SDKs that we require for testing on OS X, Windows, and Linux environments. What is PhoneGap? By now you probably have a good idea of what PhoneGap is and you've probably even used it, but, if not, here's a brief overview. At the time of publication (e.g. Concluding Remarks
Using the PhoneGap Build Panel in Dreamweaver CS6 to Build Native Applications for Android and iOS Devices | CS6 & Creative Cloud Feature Tour for Web
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