Why You Should Be Using an App Launcher (and How to Make It Do Anything You Want)
Launchy: The Open Source Keystroke Launcher
About RocketDock - RocketDock.com
Download Taskbar Control, to hide the Windows Taskbar using a hotkey - Windows Freeware / Troubleshooters
However convenient (and it is), the Windows taskbar sometimes distracts — when you need to pay special attention to a project or just to stare at this new great wallpaper… Windows gives an “auto hide” option, which is better than nothing (better than Apple!), but not good enough. TheFreeWindows created Taskbar Control, a free and very small program that will let you hide the taskbar (even the 1 pixel line that “auto hide” lets visible) as long as you need, without changing a permanent system option, but just with a keyboard shortcut. By using the same hot key once more you can show / unhide the taskbar again, whenever you want. This way using or avoiding the Taskbar becomes easy and pleasant as a game. Taskbar Control hides the taskbar (including the Orb/Flag of Windows) without impeding the keyboard’s Start / Win key; this way you can have your taskbar fully invisible, and still be able to use the Start Menu to open your programs, search for files, configure your system, etc.