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Référentiel TIC de l'UNESCO pour les professeurs (2011)

Littératie médiatique: quelles compétences par Pierre Fastrez , FNRS Research Associate sur Université catholique de Louvain on 3,126 vues Présentation donnée à la table ronde "pratiques, cultures médiatiques, quels enjeux pour la formation?" Présentation donnée à la table ronde "pratiques, cultures médiatiques, quels enjeux pour la formation?" Statistiques Vues Total des vues Vues sur SlideShare Vues externes Actions J'aime Téléchargements 6 Ajouts 175 Droits d'utilisation © Tous droits réservés Transliteracy: Crossing divides Sue Thomas (2007) Transliteracy might provide a unifying perspective on what it means to be literate in the twenty–first century. It is not a new behavior but has only been identified as a working concept since the Internet generated new ways of thinking about human communication. This article defines transliteracy as “the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms, tools and media from signing and orality through handwriting, print, TV, radio and film, to digital social networks” and opens the debate with examples from history, orality, philosophy, literature, and ethnography. ContentsPrefaceWhat is transliteracy?Tracing transliteracyReally new mediaWriting and reading are not enoughGoing across and beyondNetworking the bookTransliterate readingEveryday life in a transliterate worldFuture development and debate Preface When I look straight forward I can see that I’m flying. Figure 1: 1 Image of a “publish button” from the blogspot interface.
