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Drawing made easy : a helpful book for young ar...

Drawing made easy : a helpful book for young ar...

Draw the Head From Any Angle The Basic Forms To draw the head from any angle you must first understand its basic structure. Look past all the distracting details and visualize the underlying forms. This ability to simplify can be applied to the features of the face, but when starting the drawing you could look even further. Ignore even the features and simplify to the most basic form of the head. I use a method taught by Andrew Loomis in his book, “Drawing the Head & Hands”. The head deconstructed into its basic forms, is a sphere as the cranium and a block as the jaw and cheek bones. A Sphere as the Cranium The sides of the head are flat, so we can slice off a piece from both sides of the ball. A Block as the Jaw and Cheek Bones Attach the shape of the jaw. Constructing From Any Angle Step 1 – Determine the angle of the ball The angle of the head is established at the very beginning of the drawing with the ball. X Axis - The up and down tilt is established by the angles of the horizontal and vertical lines in the oval.

Still Life Still Alive | Home » Inspiring Artists, Inspiring Projects 1 November 201060 Comments Alexa Meade is a 23 year old D.C. based artist who is developing an aesthetic that is playfully and skillfully combing paint, portraiture, photography and performance. The finalized work is one that is beautifully engaging, temporary and colorfully alive.

65 Beautiful Fonts You Can Download For Free Freebie 65 Beautiful Fonts You Can Download For Free by Alex on Aug 9, 2012 • 9:43 am 17 Comments There are so many free fonts all around the web these days and sometimes it makes me think is their any really point purchasing fonts. I’ve decide to collect 65 fonts which are suitable for web, print, etc just overall high fonts which can be used in design projects. If you like fonts, you’ll love our favorite premium font, check it out here on Envato Market. Neuton Font Family Download Font → Intro free font Download Font → Bemio Download Font → Exo Font Family Download Font → Rex Free Font Download Font → Metropolis 1920 Download Font → Free Typeface NeoDeco Download Font → Hagin Free Font Download Font → Mosaic Leaf Download Font → Cubano Download Font → Cubic Sans Download Font → Banana Brick Download Font → Sofia Download Font → Sansita One Download Font → Villa Didot Download Font → Accent Download Font → Lavanderia Download Font → Blanch Download Font → Lorena Download Font → Age Download Font → Arvo Download Font → Banda Code

10 resource sites for designers This week I would like to show you 10 cool resource websites, each one of them offering various examples of images, links, wallpapers etc. Hopefully you will get inspired and can use those websites as a source for future projects. Now here are the 10 Cool Web and Graphic Design Resource Sites 99Percent This website is mainly about “ideas and how to make them happen”. Designbump This website is full of content, offering many Photoshop tutorials, information about Web Design, ideas and themes, comic book-art and fonts. Graphicmac Here you can find everything about Illustrator, InDesign, Mac, Photography, Photoshop and Fonts. Marcofolio How to make a rotating banner using CSS3, information about CSS3 for mac and hand-held devices, Photoshop, icons, CSS and Joomla for Web Design, and other useful tools, such as Cheat Sheets. Designreviver Tutorialking Fresh and free Photoshop tutorials, brushes, all this in various categories. Colourlovers Abduzeedo BigSpaceship Designmag Books About Web Design

The BIGGEST ever list of design resources! - ProofHQ Following the huge success of last year’s “World’s Biggest Ever List of Graphic Design Blogs”, we’ve decided that we should turn it into an annual event – after all, more people than ever before are blogging and the talent pool continues to grow. This year, we’ve added in some additional categories including typography and image sourcing sites to help you along your way. The list is at least 40% larger than last year and is the one stop shop for all that you could need in terms of inspiration, reference material or tools for you to use. So, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen…. drum-roll please! Graphic Design 1stwebdesigner Blog by Dainis Graveris in Latvia covering all things design and freelance. 2expertsdesign A blog filled with tips – whether it’s graphic design, logo design, web design, advertising, branding or typography. 456 Berea Street Blog from Roger Johansson containing articles and tutorials on web standards, accessibility and usability. 72dpi Graphic design inspiration.

How to Improve Your Handwriting Style: 7 steps Steps Part 1 Getting Ready to Write <img alt="Image titled Improve Your Handwriting Style Step 1" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn" onload="WH.performance.clearMarks('image1_rendered'); WH.performance.mark('image1_rendered');">1Choose a good pen. <img alt="Image titled Improve Your Handwriting Style Step 6" src=" width="700" height="560" class="whcdn">6Hold your pen properly. Part 2 Retraining Yourself on How You Write Part 3 Forming Your Letters Part 4 Practicing your Skills Community Q&A Add New Question What is the best style of handwriting to use? Ask a Question If this question (or a similar one) is answered twice in this section, please click here to let us know. Tips Article Info

Marsy's Law For All - Fighting to Guarantee Basic Rights for All Victims Marsy's Law for all - California crime victim's bill of rights Home About Calendar Resources Media Contact Media Press Inquiries For press inquiries, please email Videos Henry T. How You're Breaking the Law Every Day (and What You Can Do About It) In the years before the iTunes store came out I said it, during the Napster onslaught, make it easier for me to buy digital music that I can use anywhere - and I'll do it instead of piracy. And guess what? I did it. In fact now I spend a good bit of money monthly on Pandora One, Rdio, and iTunes to get my music fix. Now for TV, seriously, get it freaking together. So here's my guantlet for the movie/TV industry: Make it easier and we will buy it. Movie industry: Dammit, let me stream or download something beyond DVD quality! When I break it down, right now we spend around $100-200/mo on the combinations above (Pandora One, Rdio, iTunes Music/Movies, Amazon Prime, MLB.TV, and Netflix) which is about what we were paying for cable TV alone. So there it is, industry.
