Metcalfe's law
Two telephones can make only one connection, five can make 10 connections, and twelve can make 66 connections. Metcalfe's law states that the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system (n2). First formulated in this form by George Gilder in 1993,[1] and attributed to Robert Metcalfe in regard to Ethernet, Metcalfe's law was originally presented, circa 1980, not in terms of users, but rather of "compatible communicating devices" (for example, fax machines, telephones, etc.)[2] Only more recently with the launch of the Internet did this law carry over to users and networks as its original intent was to describe Ethernet purchases and connections.[3] The law is also very much related to economics and business management, especially with competitive companies looking to merge with one another. Network effects[edit] Limitations[edit] Business practicalities[edit] Modified models[edit] See also[edit] References[edit]
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The PDF file format was originally created by Adobe in the early ’90s and it now the most popular format for exchanging all sorts of documents including presentations, CAD Drawings, invoices, government forms and other legal documents. There are several reasons why PDF file format is so popular. PDFs are generally more compact (smaller in size) than the source document and they preserve the original formatting. The content of a PDF file cannot be modified easily and you can prevent other users from printing or copying text from PDF documents. Also, you can open a PDF file on any computer or mobile device natively. While PDF Files are “read only” by default, there are workarounds that will let you modify any PDF document for free without requiring the source files or any of the commercial PDF editing tools like Adobe Acrobat. We are primarily focusing on tools that let you alter the actual contents of a PDF files. An Online PDF Editor for Basic Tasks Change Metadata of PDF Files
What's in a wine label? - Wine
These days many enjoy buying wine with labels that feature animals: kangaroos, penguins, fish, lizards, and loons. These “critter labels” don’t just happen by accident — research shows that American wine consumers are 40 percent more likely to buy a wine with a cute animal on the label when compared to a straightforward label that gives the standard information: the name of the producer, the name of the grape, the name of the place where the vineyards are located, and the year in which the grapes were picked. But whether we choose our wines based on the cute factor or on the basic label facts, most wine labels give us minimal information; it’s up to the consumer to know about the vintage, the area where the grapes are grown, etc. Sometimes the back label of a wine is reserved for marketing the wine, and in the process of trying to hook the consumer with spinspiel, we learn a bit more about the origins of the wine and the philosophy of the producer. Let’s take a look. Filtration: None
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Vince Cable | Ministers
Vince Cable was appointed Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills in May 2010. He is the Liberal Democrat MP for Twickenham. Education Vince was educated at Nunthorpe Grammar School, York and Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, where he studied natural science and economics and was President of the Union. Political career He served in the Liberal Democrat Shadow Cabinet as Spokesman on Trade and Industry from 1999 to 2003, and Shadow Chancellor from 2003 to 2010. Career outside politics After graduating, Vince worked as Treasury Finance Officer for the Kenyan Government between 1966 and 1968. Personal life Vince is married and has 3 children by his late wife.
Quand ? When ? Samedi 25 septembre 2010 - 13h - 20h Où ? La Cantine, 151 rue Montmartre, 12 passage des Panoramas, 75002 Paris, métro Grand Boulevard (Plan). Un Bookcamp pour quoi ? L'idée de cette journée est de proposer une demi-journée d'expérimentations et de réflexions autour du livre et du numérique. Programme de la journée 13h : accueil 13h30 : présentation 14h-15h : 4-5 ateliers 16h-17h : 4-5 ateliers 18h-19h : 4-5 ateliers 19h-20h : pot. Nous pouvons accueillir 12 à 15 ateliers dans la journée en 3 séries successives d'une heure. - 3 ateliers pouvant accueillir 15-25 personnes - et 1 à 2 autres plus petits (5-10 personnes). Organisateurs Hubert Guillaud, hubertguillaud at gmail dot com, LaFeuille, 0965 206 848, skype : hubertguillaud. Silvère Mercier, bibliobsession at gmail dot com, Bibliobsession Lionel Dujol, lionel dot dujol at gmail dot com, La bibliothèque apprivoisée Clément Monjou, clement at ebouquin dot fr, ebouquin Ateliers Workshops Propositions d'ateliers Jacques-René Martin ck F Bon
I promessi sposi
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. I promessi sposi è un celebre romanzo storico di Alessandro Manzoni, ritenuto il più famoso e il più letto tra quelli scritti in lingua italiana[1]. Preceduto dal Fermo e Lucia, spesso considerato romanzo a sé, fu edito in una prima versione nel 1827 (detta edizione ventisettana); rivisto in seguito dallo stesso autore, soprattutto nel linguaggio, fu ripubblicato nella versione definitiva fra il 1840 e il 1841-42 (edizione quarantana). Ambientato dal 1628 al 1630 in Lombardia durante il dominio spagnolo, fu il primo esempio di romanzo storico della letteratura italiana. Secondo un'interpretazione risorgimentista, il periodo storico era stato scelto da Manzoni con l'intento di alludere al dominio austriaco sul nord Italia. I protagonisti si possono dividere in tre gruppi: - Protagonista storico: Il secolo (1600). - Protagonista religioso: La Provvidenza, la mano di Dio. - Protagonisti materiali: Renzo Tramaglino e Lucia Mondella (i promessi sposi).
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Integrating Knowledge With Needs
Chris Lucas "As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."Albert Einstein (1879-1955) "Yet we also stress that truth is not the only aim of science.We want more than mere truth: what we look for is interesting truth...what we look for are answers to our problems." Introduction Scientists, in their attempts to maintain a detached 'objectivity' have always rejected the consideration of subjects, of values, of teleology, of purpose. To repair this long-running erroneous worldview we must first realise that science is about people - no people, no science. What Is It Like to be An Amoeba ? Rather than starting with humans, let us instead follow the path of evolution and start with that simple lifeform studied in high school biology. This purpose isn't a single dimensional one, even for such a simple animal. The Meaning of Knowledge Metascience as Integrator To do this we ask ourselves three simple questions: