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30 tips for successful academic research and writing

30 tips for successful academic research and writing
Choosing something that you are passionately interested in to research is a great first step on the road to successful academic writing but it can be difficult to keep the momentum going. Deborah Lupton explains how old-fashioned whiteboards and online networking go hand-in-hand, and offers advice for when it is time to just ‘make a start’ or go for a bike ride. As part of preparing for a workshop on academic publishing for early career academics, I jotted down some ideas and tips to share with the group which I thought I would post here. In the process of writing 12 books and over 110 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters over a career which has mostly been part-time because of juggling the demands of motherhood with academic work, I have developed some approaches that seem to work well for me. These tips are in no particular order, apart from number 1, which I consider to be the most important of all. Planning your research schedule Making a start Connect for inspiration Related:  chiranjitDoctorat

80+ Indian startups to work for in 2015 2014 saw the much awaited funding rush in the Indian startup ecosystem, an industry which otherwise has been driven by only passion. Startups grew exponentially and so did the aspirational value of working in a startup. Freshers from top engineering and management institutes considered working in a startup at par (or even better) with that of MNCs of the world. Senior management was also opening up to experiment to the roller-coaster ride of startups and many of them decided to steer the ships for them. In all, one can confidently say that the Indian startups have moved from being ‘just a cool place to work for’ to ‘an aspirational place to make dreams come true, for yourself and for others. We, at YourStory, have always believed in the power of dreams and encouraged the young professionals to be a part of startups through our sincere efforts in the form of series like Awesome Startup Employee or the Fabulous Startup Workplaces. 1. 2. 3. Helpshift Technologies Pvt Ltd Founding year – 2010

happy science: How to use Twitter If you ever meet me in person I can, sometimes, sound like a broken record. I am somewhat.. persistent.. in my efforts to get every single PhD student I meet on, and using, Twitter. Surprisingly, although my generation is labelled as being, 'social networkers' the vast majority of people I know and meet are not on Twitter. Facebook yes. Twitter no. Oh my friends, how much you are missing out. Next question, so how do you DO it? Twitter is a conversation and you need to get involved in order to get the most of it. My Twitter Tips: - It's hard work when you first join, you need to find people, follow them, and join in conversations with people you do not know. - Conversations on twitter are happening on an open forum. - You can search for terms and find people tweeting about things you are interested in. - If you are a PhD student there is a PhD hashtag - loads of PhD students all over the globe tweeting about issues that relate to PhD students. - Be careful. - Scientists are on Twitter.

ERN-LWE - European Research Network on Learning to Write Effectively Lettre de Motivation pour Doctorat - Exemples & Méthodologie Une lettre de motivation pour une inscription en thèse de doctorat demande de la rigueur et le respect de règles académiques particulières. Dans cet article, nous vous expliquerons comment rédiger une lettre de motivation pour un doctorat, nous vous donnerons des conseils et des exemples précis avec des modèles complets de lettre de motivation pour doctorat. Objectif d’un doctorat Un doctorat correspond à un Bac + 8 et au standard international du Ph.D. anglo-saxon. Il se prépare en trois ans après un Master et se conclut par la rédaction d’une thèse de doctorat que le doctorant défendra devant un jury. C’est l’aboutissement d’enseignements et de recherches professionnelles qui demandent beaucoup d’investissement. Consultez aussi : Qu’est-ce qu’une thèse de doctorat ? Inscription et admission en doctorat Pour accéder aux écoles doctorales et faire un doctorat, le candidat doit être titulaire d’un Master ou équivalent. Voir aussi : Comment s’inscrire en doctorat ? Plus d'informations

The 10-Second Résumé Fix your résumé Let’s fix your résumé starting at the top with the Objective Statement. “Start with why”I’m a big fan of Simon Sinek, who wrote the book “Start With Why” (watch his TED talk). If you begin your résumé with a strong objective statement, you create a framework for the reader to understand WHY you worked at Company X on Widget Y. If you don’t know how to write a great Objective Statement, ask yourself why you’re applying to this specific job at this specific company. Resist the listEverybody sadly organizes their résumé in reverse chronological order of their previous jobs or projects. Don’t do this! I invented a time machine… and did some other stuff too.As I said before, you want to front-load your résumé with your most important accomplishments. One great accomplishment can get you to the next stage. Drop the B.S.Avoid statements that have no backing to them. “Brainstormed new ideas for Product X” becomes:“Sat in a room for a few hours and talked with my co-workers”

Hackademic Guide to Networking: Get a Twitter Account Posted by Charlotte Frost Image by under this licence: Hybrid Pedagogy’s Jesse Stommel and our very own Charlotte Frost continue their Hackademic series with a new set of hints, tips and hacks focused on academic networking. GET A TWITTER ACCOUNT. But why the Twitter account in particular? Twitter also boasts a number of live chats that provide space to discuss a range of academic conundrums, which will also help you build an almost-instant network of supportive peers. Posted by Charlotte FrostArt & technology broadcaster/academic & glamour puss.

Why academics need to think of themselves as writers | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional Thursday 20 October was the National Day on Writing created by the National Council of Teachers of English. In order to celebrate this day, programmes such as the National Writing Project asked readers to share why they write. On Twitter, this took shape in the #whyiwrite hashtag, with plenty of people posting in 140 characters or less reasons why they write. I participated in the celebration by tweeting, and encouraged others to post as well. However, among the tweets I read, I didn't see any that said "I write because I am a writer". Back when I taught first-year writing, I used to start the semester with the question "what is a writer?" I don't blame them. At my new job I talk to students, faculty and staff about writing on a regular basis. I tell students on a regular basis that writing isn't only important because they need to graduate or pass a class but because it is the key to engaging other scholars in conversation. Why does thinking of yourself as a writer matter?

CJC - Le doctorat à la loupe Le rendez-vous thématique du doctorat Cette série à destination de tous les acteurs du doctorat est destinée à présenter les bonnes pratiques qui permettent d'élaborer et mener un projet doctoral à son terme dans de bonnes conditions. Certaines fiches s'adressent plus spécifiquement aux chercheurs doctorants, aux directeurs doctoraux, aux directeurs d'école doctorale ou aux autres acteurs du doctorat. Réglementation prise en compte dans les fiches :1 Réglementation du 1er septembre 2016, régissant les contrats doctoraux ayant commencé depuis le 1er septembre 20162 Réglementation du 1er septembre 2016, régissant les contrats doctoraux ayant commencé avant le 1er septembre 2016 Qui sommes-nous ? Le Doctorat à la Loupe est un projet conduit intégralement par deux associations dans le cadre de leur mission de valorisation du doctorat : la Confédération des Jeunes Chercheurs (CJC) et l'Association Nationale des Docteurs (ANDès). Pour en savoir plus : Soutien financier et moral

What are some of the books that expand your mind? ¿Quién se mete en un doctorado hoy en día? - Blog de MissTesis a) Solo los locos b) Solo los frikis c) Solo los “culoinquietos” d) Solo todos los anteriores y alguno más. No he encontrado, en las estadísticas publicadas por el Ministerio, datos de matriculación en doctorado. Es curioso, porque en la letra de este reporte estadístico (el último publicado, correspondiente al curso 2011/2012), se explica que: “por un lado, el máster es entendido como formación a lo largo de la vida, de ahí el alto porcentaje de estudiantes con más de 30 años que realizan un máster, por otra parte, es el nivel formativo que da acceso al doctorado, por lo que todos los estudiantes procedentes de grado que quieran realizar un doctorado deben cursar previamente un máster que les permita el acceso, y por último, debe tenerse en cuenta que en muchos casos los másteres habilitan para el ejercicio de profesiones reguladas”. Sin entrar en cuántos de esos estudiantes luego seguirán un programa de doctorado, podemos echar un vistazo a las matriculaciones en másteres oficiales:

Students prefer good lectures over the latest technology in class Survey of 15,000 Quebec university students shows they’re “old school” when it comes to teaching technology. by Léo Charbonneau University students prefer the “old school” approach of an engaging lecture over the use of the latest technological bells and whistles in the classroom. That was a finding in a recent study of the perceptions of students and professors in Quebec on the use of information and communications technologies, or ICTs, in higher learning. “Students are old school – they want lectures. The study was conducted by Dr. The results indicate that students and professors don’t always agree on what works best in the classroom, says Dr. Nearly all instructors reported using ICTs in the classroom at least occasionally (only 46 of the 2,640 instructors reported never using ICTs). Another interesting tidbit from the survey: students seem underwhelmed by the prospect of online learning. Dr.

Reussir une thèse : les 5 astuces pour réussir sa thèse Il est évident que la réussite d’une thèse ne dépend pas seulement de la rédaction du document, ou de la présentation de soutenance de thèse. Réussir sa thèse revient à tenir compte de la pertinence de la méthode choisie, de la qualité des travaux de recherche mais aussi compter sur la ténacité et la volonté du doctorant à présenter un document digne d’un futur enseignant-chercheur. Alors si vous vous demandez encore comment faire pour rédiger une thèse qui sort du lot, assurez-vous de connaitre les clés de la réussite d’une thèse. L’intérêt de réussir sa thèse Outre la satisfaction d’avoir atteint ses objectifs, réussir sa thèse laisse entendre qu’on a assez de volonté pour surmonter les contraintes et les obstacles qui jalonnent le quotidien du doctorant. Dans le cadre d’une étude en médecine, réussir sa thèse constitue une garantie pour l’obtention du diplôme de docteur en médecine et la possibilité d’exercer son métier. Les 5 clés de la réussite d’une thèse Le choix du sujet
