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Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media

Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media
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Our Core Values | WAM! Gender equity in media access, representation, employment and ownership — and a world in which a just media is considered essential to a just society. WAM! connects, supports and organizes media makers, activists, academics and funders working to advance women’s media participation, ownership and representation. Our work is part of an advocacy movement for gender justice in media. WAM!

Egalité homme-femme : La parité définitivement adoptée au Sénat Accueil > Société > News société > Egalité homme-femme : La parité définitivement adoptée au Sénat 78 partages Publié par Laure Gautherin Publié le 18 avril 2014 Partager surFacebookPartager surTwitter Dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi, le Sénat a voté en seconde lecture le projet de loi de Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, ministre des Droits des femmes, pour l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, y compris certains points controversés comme celui concernant l'IVG. Après un débat de plusieurs mois, le Sénat a enfin voté en faveur du projet de loi pour l'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes présentés par Najat Vallaud-Belkacem en janvier dernier, et ce, dans son intégralité, tout en l'enrichissant de certaines mesures. La parité salariale, l'égalité professionnelle et la mixité des métiers constituent également la clé de voûte de ce texte. S'il a entériné le projet de loi original dans son intégralité, le débat que le texte a entraîné a également permis au Sénat d'adopter d'autres articles.

What Does it Mean that Most Children's Books Are Still About White Boys? | Soraya Chemaly This article is updated from a version published earlier this year in Role/Reboot. One day when my daughter was in third grade, she had to explain to a classmate what sexism was. Four kids -- two boys and two girls -- had been put in a reading group together, given a basket full of books and asked to talk about them and decide together which one they wanted to read and discuss. As they went through their choices, the boy picked up a book whose cover showed an illustration of a woman in a hoop skirt. "Do you know how many books with boys in them I read?" Frankly, today, I'm pretty certain that what she, a 9-year old, told her classmate was more than most adults can muster. Do you know what percentage of children's books feature boys? 57% of children's books published each year have male protagonists, versus 31% female. There are so many exceptionally good books with strong female characters, but not nearly enough, and boys are not encouraged to immerse themselves in them.

Lutter contre le sexisme ordinaire Question écrite n° 11350 de M. Christian Cambon (Val-de-Marne - UMP) publiée dans le JO Sénat du 17/04/2014 - page 950 Rappelle la question 05931 M. Réponse du Ministère des droits des femmes, de la ville, de la jeunesse et des sports 'Too Much Estrogen': The Golden Globes, Chris Christie and Men Who Don't Want to Share Culture | Soraya Chemaly Brit Hume thinks Chris Christie is paying for a "feminized atmosphere," in which his naturally tough guy (read: male) behavior has been erroneously cast as bullying. Meanwhile, the NY Post's film critic Kyle Smith's take on the Golden Globes was that there was just "too much estrogren." These are just this weekend's examples of men having a hard time-sharing culture. "Guys [like Christie] who are masculine and muscular like that in their private conduct, kind of old-fashioned tough guys," explains Hume, "Run some risks." Smith, in the meantime, thinks that the Globes should have just been called "Girls." You can't argue with the way people feel. The Globes red carpet and crowd shots suggested a nice gender parity, everyone seemed to have a spouse or a date, usually of the opposite sex. Horrors. First, let's put Smith's disgust in context. It is in this context that Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and every other woman in television and film, works.

Sports Direct under fire for 'Girl Stuff' toy cleaning set Emily Gosden – Published 06 January 2014 03:05 PM SportsDirect has come under fire for encouraging sexism after selling a toy set of cleaning products branded “It’s Girl Stuff!”. The set, which includes a dustpan, brushes and spray bottle, is sold in a bright pink packaging adorned with flowers and a “female” sign. The retailer, controlled by Mike Ashley, was tight-lipped about the product on despite a growing backlash online. Twitter users have reacted with dismay to images of the toy set, made by manufacturer Kandytoys and being sold for £5 on the SportsDirect website. One, Em Murphy-Wearmouth, a director at Octopus Communications, described it on the social media site as “outrageous” and “the most disgusting sexism I have seen targeting young girls”. Louise Mensch, the former Tory MP, joined the backlash, writing: “Wow. ”I just wouldn’t label it girl’s stuff – it’s just so unnecessary and restrictive for both boys and girls.” A spokesman for SportsDirect declined to comment.

Eight things to do when men dominate the room This story was first published on January 17, 2013. If you're a woman, you've no doubt been in this situation before: that moment when you look around the room to find you're the only female present. It could be a conference, an industry seminar, networking event, pitching session or client meeting. Or it could be a standard day at work. Why it happens is a topic for another conversation. How to take control of your personal situation during such occasions is something I can help with. Arrive early and find a mentor for the moment.

Female Superheroes...Who Wear Clothes (PHOTOS) Comic book characters are hardly known as accurate representations of humanity, but women in particular are often portrayed as glamazon goddesses, clothed in little more than the fabric equivalent of a tightly stitched napkin. This renders their crime-fighting skills secondary to their aesthetics, boiling down their worth to how appealing they appear to be, rather than what they can accomplish. That’s why artist Michael Lee Lunsford’s reimagining of these same iconic characters is so refreshing. Take note, Lunsford stated on his blog, that his work is not a moral code he’s trying to push onto his viewers. Instead, he explains these pieces are: “An exercise in character design, attempting to clothe the heroines nearly all the way and not making them painted-on, while still keeping the look of their original costumes in some way. The above picture is the X-Men’s “Psylocke.” Photo: Michael Lee Lunsford/SupernormalStepTumbles

Get the Latest Published Shriver Report A Woman’s Nation has released its third in a series of Shriver Reports, A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink, in partnership with the Center for American Progress. The print edition of A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink, to be published on March 11, 2014, is available for preorder from Amazon here and from Barnes & Noble here. The Kindle eBook edition of the report can be downloaded here. Amazon’s Kindle can be downloaded via the Kindle app, which is available on: Smartphones: iPhone & iPod Touch, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerryComputers: Mac, Windows 8, Windows 7, XP & VistaTablets: iPad, Android, Windows 8 The report is a groundbreaking investigation into the millions of women who are doing it all and barely scraping by, struggling to provide and parent in a nation that hasn’t kept pace with the modern realities of their lives. The report is a product of A Woman’s Nation™ and the Center for American Progress. Table of Contents Julie’s Story Preface By Neera Tanden

I hate Strong Female Characters I hate Strong Female Characters. As someone spends a fair amount of time complaining on the internet that there aren’t enough female heroes out there, this may seem a strange and out of character thing to say. And of course, I love all sorts of female characters who exhibit great resilience and courage. I love it when Angel asks Buffy what’s left when he takes away her weapons and her friends and she grabs his sword between her palms and says “Me”. But the phrase “Strong Female Character” has always set my teeth on edge, and so have many of the characters who have so plainly been written to fit the bill. I remember watching Shrek with my mother. “The Princess knew kung-fu! She rolled her eyes. No one ever asks if a male character is “strong”. The obvious thing to say here is that this is because he’s assumed to be “strong” by default. This is true, and yet it’s not all of the truth. Are our best-loved male heroes Strong Male Characters? Is Sherlock Holmes strong? 1. 2. Equality. No.

Is masculinity in crisis? Singer Billy Bragg and director Topher Campbell have their say... - This Britain - UK BB For straight white men, we've been at a cultural apex in England. We've not run up against the barriers that women have as a gender, that people of colour have, so the need to analyse ourselves hasn't really arisen. A lot of men are acting with hostility towards the current wave of feminism because they can't tell the difference between a personal accusation of sexism and a structural critique of the way sexism is endemic in our culture.One of the issues is that there is no single place where we talk about these things, similar to the way that Mumsnet works. TC I think that if there is a crisis of masculinity, it's a white crisis and a heterosexual crisis. BB Is there a Dadsnet? MP Diane Abbott claimed last year that there was a 'crisis of masculinity' in Britain (Getty Images)So what defines a contemporary male identity? TC For me, it's very difficult to enter this debate from a central point of view. BB It's what bonds you; and that's unfortunate and a real problem.

Why patriarchy fears the scissors: for women, short hair is a political statement The “manosphere” really hates short-haired girls. On “game” forums and in personal dating manifestos, the wickedness of short-haired women pops up time and time again as theme and warning - stay away from girls who’ve had their hair chopped off. They’re crazy, they’re deliberately destroying their femininity to “punish” men, but the last laugh will be on them, because the bitches will die alone. Yes, there are people who really believe this. This week, a writer going by the handle Tuthmosis put out a short article explaining why “Girls With Short Hair are Damaged”. He writes that long hair is “almost universally attractive to men, when they’re actually speaking honestly. . . The essential argument is: men like long hair, and what sane woman would ever want to do anything that decreases her capacity to please men? The advantage of articles like this, pantomimic though they be, is that they make misogyny legible. I’ve had short hair for most of my adult life. The author, with short hair.

Watch A Student Totally Nail Something About Women That I've Been Trying To Articulate For 37 Years Lily Myers: Across from me at the kitchen table, my mother smiles over red wine that she drinks out of a measuring glass. She says she doesn't deprive herself, but I've learned to find nuance in every movement of her fork. In every crinkle in her brow as she offers me the uneaten pieces on her plate. I've realized she only eats dinner when I suggest it. I wonder what she does when I'm not there to do so. Maybe this is why my house feels bigger each time I return; it's proportional. It was the same with his parents; as my grandmother became frail and angular her husband swelled to red round cheeks, round stomach, and I wonder if my lineage is one of women shrinking, making space for the entrance of men into their lives, not knowing how to fill it back up once they leave. I have been taught accommodation. You learned from our father how to emit, how to produce, to roll each thought off your tongue with confidence, you used to lose your voice every other week from shouting so much.

Children at play: The war on pink There is a resurgence in response to the wash of pink aisles for little girls, by those who object to the gendered way toy marketing is being done, writes Judy Crozier. PINK FILLS THE GIRL-AISLES of toy stores, because everyone knows what little girls want, what little boys want. Isn’t that so? We know the categories from which to choose — boys have go-get-‘em toys like trucks, things you can build, models of muscle-bound heroes or villains. So that’s clear. Many of us don’t think that’s so. Way, way back when I was a new mother, we visited a family with two young boys. The boys’ mum turned to me, raised her eyebrows and said: “I just don’t know what they do with them for hours!” I looked at those little plastic figures scattered amongst the sandals and socks, and it came to me: "Well, after all, what did we do with dolls?’" Years later, when my own two boys had their own He-Man and Skeletor ‒ and collected other over-muscled, snarly, diminutive blokettes ‒ I tried an experiment. And so on.
