What Is Globalization? Finally, a definition of globalization that one can understand and to which we now can relate: Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization? Answer: Tragically, Princess Diana’s death. Question: Why? An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whiskey, followed closely by Italian paparazzi on Japanese motorcycles; treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines. This is sent to you by an American, using Bill Gate’s technology and you are probably reading this on your computer, that uses Taiwanese chips and a Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant; transported by Indian lorry-drivers, hijacked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen and trucked to you by illegal Mexican workers… And that is what Globalization is. ~ source unknown ~
The 100 Healthiest Foods In the fast-paced world of nutrition research, it seems like a hot discovery hits the news every week. So we asked prominent scientists doing groundbreaking work on how edibles stave off illness to pin down the 100 most nutrient-packed foods. To make our list, a food had to be very rich in at least one vitamin, mineral or other compound known to protect against cancer, heart disease or other diseases. Be supermarket smart and use this list as your shopping list. you body will be glad you did! ANTHOCYANINS: Plant pigments that help protect you from heart disease. by Janis Jibrin, R.D.
Uberman's sleep schedule Background The Uberman sleep schedule is a method of organizing your sleeping time to maximize your REM sleep and minimize your non-REM sleep. The goal of the sleep cycle is that you are actively in REM sleep within a couple of minutes of falling asleep and remain in that state until you awaken. In essence, someone utilizing the Uberman sleep schedule is actively modifying their sleeping habits so that they can immediately jump from waking to a few minutes worth of stage 1 sleep straight to stage 5 REM sleep, as described in this discussion of sleep stages. It is important to note that there are no studies as to the long-term physical or physiological impact of this sleep cycle. The Uberman's Sleep Schedule Sleeping Hours The Uberman's sleep schedule revolves around forcing yourself to rely on six twenty to thirty minute naps spread throughout the day for your daily dose of sleep. Do the adjustment when you are in complete control of your schedule. Benefits Drawbacks Other Effects Conclusion
Old Spice Voicemail Message Generator 6 Things I Bet You Didn’t Know You Could Do with Google Some of the tips below are effortless to implement and save you a lot of time and energy when dealing with these issues. Let’s start with the first proof of the awesomeness of Google… 1. If you add dots (.) between the letters of your Gmail username, sending an message to the new username will get forwarded to your original email (which is without or with only 1 dot.) It doesn’t matter how many dots you’ll add between your username, all of the emails sent will go to your original email. Gmail doesn’t recognize dots as characters within usernames, you can add or remove the dots from a Gmail address without changing the actual destination address; they’ll all go to your inbox, and only yours. homerjsimpson@gmail.com = hom.er.j.sim.ps.on@gmail.comhomerjsimpson@gmail.com = HOMERJSIMPSON@gmail.comhomerjsimpson@gmail.com = Homer.J.Simpson@gmail.com All these addresses belong to the same person. Why is this helpful? 2. Nowadays it’s VERY easy to find ANY type of wallpaper using Google images.
Bootstrapper » Top 100 Foods to Improve Your Productivity Besides eating to lose weight, why not eat to improve your productivity? Whether the following foods help sharpen your eyesight, keep your brain focused, or just fill you up without making you feel lazy, you’ll find they’ll help you keep your day on track. Energy and Brain Foods Most of us can be productive in the mornings, but if you find that you’re unable to concentrate or simply lose the energy to keep going many afternoons, these energy and brainpower boosting foods are what you need. Eggplant: As long as you don’t forget to eat the skin, it doesn’t matter how you ingest your eggplant. Eyesight For many entrepreneurs, long hours in front of the computer screen has become an absolute necessity. Strawberries: As with the other fruits on this list, strawberries help your eyesight. General Productivity Boosters The foods in this category don’t just boost your productivity in a single way, but rather they help you across multiple categories. Avoiding Colds and Other Common Illnesses
The Blog of a New Girl Western Philosophy The 19 Healthiest Foods You’re Probably Not Eating There are a lot of very healthy foods out there, and nutritionists have been kind enough to let you know which ones to eat. After a while, though, their advice seems to all sound the same, and you start hearing the same foods over and over again. However, there are loads of foods that aren't as popular as some, but are just as good (or even better). Here are 19 of the best, yet lesser-known, foods that are excellent for your health: Beets - Red, juicy, and irresistibly sweet, beets are reportedly among the 150 healthiest foods on Earth. You gotta have Faith The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss - Official Site Tips for Feeding Vegetarian Kids -- Feeding Your Toddler -- WhatToExpect.com It’s dinnertime. Got veggies? Check. Don’t stress about protein. Rethink the mix. Add in some B12. Serve some vitamin C with every meal. Monitor the milk. Make each bite count. See more toddler eating and nutrition tips.
Hiding the Lockheed Plant during World War II - wow this is amazing! Hidden in Plain View During WW II Lockheed (unbelievable 1940s pictures). This is a version of special effects during the 1940's. I have never seen these pictures or knew that we had gone this far to protect ourselves. During World War II the Army Corps of Engineers needed to hide the Lockheed Burbank Aircraft Plant to protect it from a possible Japanese air attack. They covered it with camouflage netting to make it look like a rural subdivision from the air. Before... After.. The person I received this from said she got back an interesting story about someone's mother who worked at Lockheed, and she as a younger child, remembers all this. Another person who lived in the area talked about as being a boy, watching it all be set up like a movie studio production. Note.... I am 85 and had much of my pilot training in Calif. Hiding the Lockheed Plant during World War II - wow this is amazing! Please visit stories, etc. for more pictures, stories, etc.