Hans Ulrich Obrist: the art of curation | Art and design
Hans Ulrich Obrist One of my childhood heroes was Sergei Diaghilev. He didn't dance. Diaghilev and Cocteau tried to explain what they did with the words: "Etonnez moi!" It's worth thinking about the etymology of curating. There's a hangover of all those things in modern curating. Today, curating as a profession means at least four things. I started going to exhibitions in Switzerland when I was 10 or 11. Later, I was inspired by how philosopher Jean-François Lyotard curated the 1985 exhibition Les Immatériaux at the Pompidou in Paris. But there are dangers with curating. One of my favourite exhibitions is called Do It, which I co-curated with the artists Christian Boltanski and Bertrand Lavier 21 years ago. Joseph Beuys talked about expanding the notion of art. David Shrigley The exhibition that really sticks in my mind was the Sonic Youth show from maybe two or three years ago that toured. It was all about Sonic Youth, their relationships with other artists and with art. Yoko Ono
Hacking any eBay Account in Just 1 Minute
Four month ago, a massive data breach on the eBay website affected 145 million registered users worldwide after its database was compromised. Meanwhile, another critical vulnerability on the eBay website was reported, allowing an attacker to hijack millions of user accounts in bulk. An Egyptian security researcher ‘Yasser H. Ali’ informed The Hacker News about this vulnerability 4 months ago, which could be used by the cyber criminals in the targeted attacks. At that time, Mr.Yasser secretly demonstrated the vulnerability step-by-step to ‘The Hacker News’ team and we confirmed - IT WORKS. Since it was not addressed by the eBay security team, we kept the technical details of this vulnerability hidden from our readers. The vulnerability Yasserfound could allow you to Reset Password of any eBay user account and that too without any user interaction or dependency. BUT HOW TO HACK ANY eBAY ACCOUNT? BANG!!
Histoire des sciences cognitives
L'histoire des sciences cognitives est-elle vraiment celle d'une révolution qui ravage tout sur son passage? En réalité, au fil de leurs conquêtes progressives, les sciences cognitives n'ont cessé de diversifier leurs approches, leurs modèles et leurs niveaux d'analyse. Récit d'une aventure scientifique. 1700 / 1800 - Vers la formalisation de la pensée C'est un vieux rêve de philosophe. Du XIXe au début du XXe siècle : vers la pensée automatique Au début du xxe siècle, de nombreuses découvertes convergent vers l'invention de l'ordinateur : - Le projet d'une mécanisation de la pensée a commencé à prendre forme au xixe siècle. - A la même époque, Charles Babbage (1792-1871) dessine les plans d'une « machine analytique » capable de traiter des équations de type « (a + b) x (c + d) » ou de calculer des logarithmes. L'invention de l'ordinateur - En 1936, le mathématicien anglais Alan M. 1860 / 1900 - Premières découvertes sur le cerveau 1945 / 1955 - Cybernétique, cerveau et ordinateur En 1958, J.
How the Internet is Shaping Our "Global Brain" - Tiffany Shlain
by Tiffany Shlain | 7:00 AM November 14, 2012 In his latest book, Net Smart, Howard Rheingold outlines five skills for mindfully connecting online: attention (focusing on what’s relevant); participation (being a good Internet contributor); collaboration (working with a diverse online community to develop new ideas); critical consumption of information (or, as he calls it, “crap detection”); and network smarts (learning about and building networks). As Rheingold argues, “There is a bigger social issue at work in digital literacy, one that goes beyond personal empowerment. If we combine our efforts wisely, it could produce a more thoughtful society: countless small acts like publishing a Web page or sharing a link could add up to a public good that enriches everybody.” We need to think about how we’re shaping the Internet on a global scale. One person working to find the answer is Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web.
Google Consciousness Explained.
By Rome Viharo for Google Consciousness Daniel Dennett’s model of consciousness in his landmark book "Consciousness Explained" deconstructs the ‘I’ experience down to ‘homunculi’ competing in the brain, each one a bit more stupid than the next until you get a ‘neuron’. That neuron he likens to a machine - but only in the sense that he wishes not to declare that there is *wonder tissue* that somehow has a magical property, but a machine that flows information. Medium, or ‘meat’ is irrelevant. Any simulation of the process should produce consciousness. Ironically enough, the way he describes how this competition happens amongst the homunculi - this process ‘flow’ in the brain is remarkably identical to how you could map search, SEO and PageRank on Google. I don’t imagine the internet formed itself off of the architecture of ‘Consciousness Explained’ - but is the similarity just an irony or can we begin to consider something like Google becoming conscious? It doesn’t matter in what way.
How the Web Became Our ‘External Brain,’ and What It Means for Our Kids | Opinion
Recently, my two-year-old nephew Benjamin came across a copy of Vanity Fair abandoned on the floor. His eyes scanned the glossy cover, which shone less fiercely than the iPad he is used to but had a faint luster of its own. I watched his pudgy thumb and index finger pinch together and spread apart on Bradley Cooper’s smiling mug. Search YouTube for “baby” and “iPad” and you’ll find clips featuring one-year-olds attempting to manipulate magazine pages and television screens as though they were touch-sensitive displays. Technology Is Evolving Just Like Our DNA Does With its theory of evolution, Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species may have outlined, back in 1859, an idea that explains our children’s relationship with iPhones and Facebook. Click to Open Overlay Gallery The “meme,” a term coined by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in 1976, is an extension of Darwin’s Big Idea past the boundaries of genetics. Old Ways of Thinking Are on the Verge of Extinction Michael Harris About
How to Become a Better Speaker
Google Consciousness
Geeks Errant. Two webheads explore the big longitudes
After an epic overnight climbing Mt. Agung and a boneshaking scooter ride back to Ubud and a bleary-eyed visit to the Ubud Palace for Barong dancing, it was time to leave Indonesia behind. Roxane and I loved it, and we’re planning to come back before we finish our travels. Our overnight flight stopped in Hong Kong, where we reveled in the modernity and Western food and, most of all, free fast WiFi. We spent the midnight hours eating pizza and uploading photos before our ongoing flight to Korea. Our primary mission in Korea was to visit Roxane’s mother, who would be on a business trip to Seoul. However as our two-week stay at the same guesthouse wore on, Mr. He woke the guests for breakfast every morning with the same classical music playlist. We spent most of our time in Seoul, a remarkable modern, bustling city. In Korea we often felt completely lost. These factors converged to create our most frustrating experiences in Korea. Erik taught us a popular Korean card game called Go Stop.
Immobilier : enquête sur les nouveaux acquéreurs-8601
Selon la 6e Enquête Habitat, réalisée tous les deux ans par PAP auprès des utilisateurs de son site internet, près de six acheteurs potentiels sur 10 (57,9%) sont quadragénaires ou plus, contre moins de cinq sur dix (47,3%) en 2009. Près de sept sur dix (66,6%) sont déjà propriétaires d'un logement, une proportion en nette hausse elle aussi, puisque les secondo-accédants représentaient encore moins de six acquéreurs potentiels sur dix (57,5%) en 2009. De leur côté les moins de 40 ans ne représentent plus que 42% des futurs acquéreurs, contre 52% en 2009, selon cette enquête publiée à l'occasion de l'ouverture du Salon national de l'immobilier, qui se tient jusqu'à dimanche à Paris. La proportion des retraités a doublé "Bien évidemment, le vieillissement de la population des acquéreurs, conjugué à un niveau de prix restant très élevé, élimine les catégories les moins aisées de l'accession à la propriété", soulignent les auteurs de l'enquête. Un achat sans emprunt dans 50 % des cas
Il me semble important de situer la notion d’intelligence dans l’histoire des sciences cognitives pour montrer entre autre que la théorie des intelligences multiples n’est pas une révolution en soi, mais plutôt une étape supplémentaire de cette histoire qui s’écrit dans le temps au gré des découvertes. by cyrille_baud Dec 21