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MOOCs: Top 10 Sites for Free Education With Elite Universities

MOOCs: Top 10 Sites for Free Education With Elite Universities
MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses. Although there has been access to free online courses on the Internet for years, the quality and quantity of courses has changed. Access to free courses has allowed students to obtain a level of education that many only could dream of in the past. This has changed the face of education. Although MOOCs are the latest trend, not everyone agrees that schools should offer them. There may also be some issues for students who lack motivation. For those who desire a free education and have the motivation, the following includes the: Top 10 Sites for Information about MOOCs: Udemy Free Courses – Udemy is an example of a site allows anyone to build or take online courses. What is MOOC Video

Cours en ligne ouvert et massif Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour l’article homophone, voir Mook. Un cours en ligne ouvert et massif[1],[2] (CLOM[3]), également appelé cours en ligne ouvert à tous ou simplement cours en ligne (termes officiels recommandés par la Commission générale de terminologie[3]) ou encore cours en ligne ouvert aux masses[4] ; en anglais : massive open online course, dont le sigle MOOC est également utilisé dans les sources francophones), constitue un exemple de formation ouverte et à distance en télé-enseignement. Les participants aux cours, enseignants et élèves, sont dispersés géographiquement et communiquent uniquement par Internet. Des ressources éducatives libres sont souvent utilisées. Logo MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Schéma présentant huit concepts-clé d'un MOOC connectiviste, concernant la relation pédagogique (en beige) et le cadre techno-organisationnels et éthiques (en bleu). Éléments de définition[modifier | modifier le code]

Dr. James Michael Nolan: Disruptive Innovation Needed in Higher Education "Disruptive Innovation" is a buzz phrase that is running wild through the world of entrepreneurship these days. There are Disruptive Innovators discussion groups on LinkedIn and Facebook. Though president of Southwestern College, Santa Fe, I am a card-carrying member. What is disruptive innovation? It may be more elucidating to start by naming some of the disruptive innovators of our era. Disruptive innovators are insanely creative. Whether or not they are in it primarily for financial success, they do operate in a for-profit sector where that insane creativity, outrageous resourcefulness, unspeakable risk-taking, and staggering self-confidence can command riveted audiences with venture capitalists. I, on the other hand, work in higher education, in the Academy, where tradition and conservative policy (sometimes legit and sometimes the fear wolf in sheep's clothing) are everyday realities. No wonder the disruptive innovators don't live in the Academy. So here's the thing. Ok, then.

Education Portal - Universities Offering Free Courses Online See our list of the top schools offering free courses online. Learn about what types of courses are available to find the school and courses that are right for you. Online Courses for Credit Plenty of free resources are available online for students who want to learn a new topic, but these free options don't generally lead to college credit. Education Portal offers this style of distance learning with quick, engaging video lessons and self-assessment quizzes. Free Online Non-Credited Courses Students who want to use the free university resources can go to the school's link, scroll through the list of available courses and lectures and view or download the available content. Carnegie Mellon University at CMU Open Learning Initiative This university offers free online courses in the sciences, languages, engineering and social sciences. Johns Hopkins University at JHSPHOPEN Courseware Massachusetts Institute of Technology at MITOPENCOURSEWARE Open University at OU LearningSpace

10 Ways to Use Google Books for Lifelong Learning and Research Google Books is a Google service that makes discovering book content easier for us on the web. It started way back in 2004 and since then its mission has been to digitally scan and archive tons of book. Knowing the breakneck pace that Google sets, one day it could become the absolute knowledge tank as far as books go. The ongoing Partner Program and the Library Project are helping to rocket things along. But Google Books does not allow you to download whole books unless it’s in the Public Domain. Plenty, if you can “˜exploit’ the information that’s freely available. Build Your Own Personal Library for Lifelong Learning Building your own reference library (My Library) with Google Books is a good way to start off. Looking at the contents of an index for a particular book, gives me some ideas for further reading. Also, think of your bookshelf on Google Books as a reading list for lifelong learning. Your Very Own Magazine Stand Of late, Google Books has started cataloging magazine too.

MOOCs: Top 10 Sites for Free Education With Elite Universities MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses. Although there has been access to free online courses on the Internet for years, the quality and quantity of courses has changed. Access to free courses has allowed students to obtain a level of education that many only could dream of in the past. This has changed the face of education. In The New York Times article Instruction for Masses Knocked Down Campus Walls, author Tamar Lewin stated, “in the past few months hundreds of thousands of motivated students around the world who lack access to elite universities have been embracing them as a path toward sophisticated skills and high-paying jobs, without paying tuition or collecting a college degree.” Although MOOCs are the latest trend, not everyone agrees that schools should offer them. There may also be some issues for students who lack motivation. For those who desire a free education and have the motivation, the following includes the: Top 10 Sites for Information about MOOCs:

Des cours gratuits et à distance : un MOOC c’est quoi au juste Il y a quinze jours l’article sur les MOOC (prononcez "mouk" à l'américaine) publié sur ce blog a recueilli une audience massive auprès d’un public passionné par l’explosion des massively open online courses. Cette semaine a ouvert le premier MOOC « certificatif » français à Centrale Lille. L’occasion d’essayer de faire le point sur un phénomène dont la France commence juste à comprendre l'ampleur. Partout dans le monde les MOOC font débat et beaucoup s'amusent comme ici de "l'hystérie" qu'ils provoquent parfois. Le blog MOOC explorer trace une distinction bien utile entre les cMOOC (connectivistes et proposant une vraie pédagogie différenciée) et les xMOOC, ceux dont on parle aujourd’hui tous les jours: « Le cMOOC est connectiviste : l’organisateur (peut-on vraiment parler d’enseignant ?) « Certificatif » « Connectiviste » Quelle pédagogie ? « La vraie question est "qu’est-ce que la nouvelle pédagogie dans l’économie numérique ?" Share and Enjoy

Social Media: The Swiss Army Knife of Higher Education If Social Media were a person, I would have to make her the highest paid employee at Southwestern College. Her job description would be five pages long. Maybe ten. As it is, I am the president of a graduate school, I am in my fifties, and Social Media has become my Swiss Army Knife for doing business in higher education. I am a digital immigrant, and am embarrassed to say I have more often than not gone kicking and screaming into each new social media platform that comes along. Initially, I thought they were all, each for their own special reason, stupid. So, about Social Media in higher education... Southwestern College is a small, spiritually-sourced (non-denominational, "Consciousness-centered") and fully accredited graduate institution. Over the past two to three years, social media has become a primary tool and strategy for recruitment, for marketing, for development, for public relations, for alumni relations and for moving our unique school toward a "thought leadership" position.

iTunes U Top Myths & Misconceptions of Mobile Learning by Robert Gadd : L by Robert Gadd June 9, 2010 “While it is true that mobile is not the ideal delivery medium for every type of training, many organizations can provide measurable proof that properly planned and delivered mobile learning can be just as effective as the available ILT and online learning alternatives. Mobile learners also benefit from their ability to access content and revisit concepts at the time of need or available schedule.” As mLearning gets more attention, the misunderstandings about it grow. Here are my nominees for the top eight things that people don't get about mLearning. Mobile web browsers work fine for accessing existing e-learning content and sites. Topics Covered Development Strategies, Instructional Design, Learning Media, Management, Mobile Learning

MOOC ITyPA, qu’est-ce donc ? Petite présentation à destination de mes collègues de pagestec (une de mes "communautés" par laquelle j’apprends beaucoup !) Un MOOC, c’est un Massive Open On line Course – un cours en ligne ouvert à tous. Wikipédia vous dira "Ces cours sont fondés sur la théorie de la connectivité et sur une pédagogique ouverte qui s’appuie sur des réseaux de contenus et d’individus". Imaginés et mis en œuvre par les les universités anglo-saxonnes, il sont tous en anglais – sauf un : le mooc ITyPA. ITyPA (Internet, tout y est pour apprendre), MOOC de type connectiviste, est proposé par 4 professionnels de la formation à distance : Jean-Marie Gilliot, enseignant-chercheur en informatique à Télécom-Bretagne ; Anne-Céline Grolleau, responsable du dispositif mutualisé de formation, d’accompagnement et de valorisation "PédaTice" ; Christine Vaufrey, rédactrice en chef du magazine en ligne Thot Cursus ; Morgan Magnin, maître de conférences en informatique à l’École Centrale de Nantes. Pourquoi je continue ?

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