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How to Make a Personal Fire Pit For Cheap! My name is Karen and I haven’t lit anything on fire in 5 months. I’m sure I deserve some sort of a chip or something for that. You see … I’m a bit of a pyromaniac. Technically I’m not a *real* pyromaniac I guess. I mean, I only light things on fire that should be lit on fire. Like kindling and hardwood and pretty much anything with Hello Kitty on it. We light fires in the fireplace every night here in old Casa de Karen from October until March. 6 face cords every year go flying up that chimney. So what’s a pretend pyromaniac girl like me to do in September? The Answer … The Personal Fire Pit. Here we gooooooo … Materials you Need cheap glass frames – $4 small rocks – $2 any kind of metal mesh – $2 any metal planter with a lip (edge) on it – $8 (on sale) Step #1 – Making a Glass Box You need to make a glass box. Do two sides first and hold them in place somehow until they dry. Position them so your final side will be easy to silicone. P.S. Step 2: Making the pit. It’ll look something like this. 1.

Gloriously Grotesque 19th-Century Pipes The meerschaum pipes carved in Eastern Europe at the end of the 19th century are among the most bizarre and improbable concoctions in decorative art. Some feature bowls made from the heads of historical figures like Napoleon while others sport the likenesses of literary characters such as Sir Dagonet, King Arthur’s much-abused jester (above). There are pipes based on nursery rhymes, others depicting men on horseback, and lots of naked ladies, ranging from classical nudes positioned at the ends of pipes like ship figureheads to erotica bordering on pornography. “She was huge, just massive. Roy Ricketts loves meerschaum pipes, although his admiration for them is purely on aesthetic grounds. “I used to collect wood carvings,” he says by Skype from his home in the United Kingdom, “but they tended to be the same sorts of figures, either Asian or religious. Top: A meerschaum pipe bearing a character who appears to be Sir Dagonet of Arthurian legend.

Vi tolererar inte dansk sexism Feminism är en politisk rörelse för att göra kön till en ointressant kategori i en människas sociala liv. Att födas med ett visst könsorgan ska inte ha någon betydelse för vilka förväntningar som ställs på en, vilket arbete man får, vilken lön man får, hur svårt eller lätt det är att bli vd eller vara hemma med småbarn, hur sällan eller ofta man får se sin kropp exploateras för att sälja allehanda produkter. För Dennis Nørmark är en sådan frihet från könsföreskrivna manus någonting negativt. Läs Dennis Nørmarks artikel: Kære svenskere Samtidigt säger Nørmark sig tro på jämställdhet; en jämställdhet som bejakar skillnaderna mellan könen. Vart för oss egentligen uppmaningen att "bejaka könsskillnaderna"? Vad kräver en sådan manöver? Han talar vidare om den "mångfald" som följer på att det finns "två olika kön". Nørmark påstår att på kön följer givna värderingar och givna öden. Men feminismen handlar ju, som alla politiska kamper, om en konflikt om resurser och makt!

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Brain Pickings - Part 2 By: Maria Popova “We find what we are looking for. If we are looking for life and love and openness and growth, we are likely to find them. On November 16, 1983 — just two weeks before her 65th birthday and twenty years after winning the prestigious Newbery Medal — Madeleine L’Engle, author of the timeless classic A Wrinkle in Time, delivered a magnificent lecture at the Library of Congress. L’Engle begins by making a point about children’s capacity for handling darker emotions that would’ve made Tolkien proud, one that Maurice Sendak has also asserted and Neil Gaiman has recently echoed. The writer whose words are going to be read by children has a heavy responsibility. Many years ago, when A Wrinkle in Time was being rejected by publisher after publisher, I wrote in my journal, “I will rewrite for months or even years for an editor who sees what I am trying to do in this book and wants to make it better and stronger. We find what we are looking for. With a riff on T.S.

Annoying Alarm Clocks Top Ten Most Annoying Alarm ClocksReviewed by Vince Smith on Mar 10Rating: When it comes to alarm clocks, their job is to get you out of bed. Here are 10 alarm clocks that get you out of bed in a very annoying fashion. Sfera alarm clock The Sfera alarm clock hangs from the ceiling above your bed. [via OhGizmo] Puzzle Alarm Clock The Puzzle Alarm wakes you up by firing three puzzle pieces up in the air, then it is your mission to get the pieces and put them back in the alarm clock or it won’t turn off until then. Nooby The interactive alarm clock with a unique personality goes by the name, Nooby. [via Gadget Review] ClearSounds Wake & Shake Alarm Clock ClearSounds Wake & Shake alarm clock features a choice of loud tones, a flashing strobe, or vibrating pad to alert you when the alarm signals or as an added bonus, when the phone rings! Tone control offers 95 dB ring level volume intensity. Price: $59.95 If 95 dB is not loud enough for you (a jackhammer is about 100 decibels). Price:$20 Price:$19.98

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