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Focal Point: Intelligent Cropping of Responsive Images

Focal Point: Intelligent Cropping of Responsive Images
The practice of implementing responsive images is still in its infancy. We’ve seen a lot of ideas and suggestions for how it should be done and we’re bound to see a lot more. Today we’re going to look at a fascinating little framework that allows you to not only automatically resize your images when the viewport changes, but also crop the images with a specific important focal point in mind. Amazingly enough, it does all this with pure CSS. Meet Focal Point Focal Point is a GitHub project and CSS framework created by Adam Bradley. The problem with this idea of course is that if you arbitrarily crop an image, you could be cutting out the most important part of the image! Fortunately, Focal Point allows you to specify a targeted area of the image to retain (the focal point). How Does It Work? Implementing Focal Point is a pretty unique process, but it’s quite easy. The process here is to find the face, then count grid units from center. The Code Translate Grid Units to Classes Build It

Developing WordPress Themes Using Responsive Frameworks Responsive design is slowly but surely becoming an expected standard for web developers. This tutorial will show you how to add a responsive framework to your next WordPress theme. What Is Responsive Design? It used to be you only had to worry about website consistency across multiple browsers, but now we have to look at the bigger picture – consistency across multiple devices. Responsive design is all about making things fluid and adjusting according to screen size. Responsive Frameworks There are several responsive frameworks out there to choose from. Bootstrap Bootstrap from Twitter is built on a responsive 12 column grid. Less Framework Less Framework is based on 4 layouts and 3 sets of typographic presets. Foundation Foundation is a grid system based on 12-columns that do not have a fixed width; they can vary based on the resolution of the screen or size of the window. YAML is a multi-column layout based on a grid system with percentage widths. Step 2 Add IE Only Conditions <! iTheme2

Create an Animated Share Menu With CSS Sharing is an integral part of the web experience and designers are always looking for new and interesting ways to highlight or show off the sharing portion of their pages. Today, we’re going to build a simple sharing menu that integrates an icon font as well as some animations. The final product is inspired by Disqus, but has a unique twist of its own. Check out the Final Demo: Click here Disqus Share Menu The idea for today’s tutorial comes from the Disqus comment menu that you see at the bottom of this and every other Design Shack article. Step 1. For this menu, we’ll need at least three social sharing icons. After some searching, I found Socialico from FontFabric, which is free, has tons of icons and is licensed for embedding on websites. Now, to make sure that we have maximum compatibility for embedding this font into our page, let’s head over to FontSquirrel. So far so good! Step 1. Now it’s time to mark up this sucker. Next, add three links in after the “share” text. That’s it!

filamentgroup/grunticon Les Media Queries CSS3 La spécification CSS3 Media Queries définit les techniques pour l'application de feuilles de styles en fonction des périphériques de consultation utilisés pour du HTML. On nomme également cette pratique Responsive Web Design, pour dénoter qu'il s'agit d'adapter dynamiquement le design à l'aide de CSS. Ces bonnes pratiques permettent d'exploiter encore plus les avantages de la séparation du contenu et de la présentation : l'intérêt est de pouvoir satisfaire des contraintes de dimensions, de résolutions et d'autres critères variés pour améliorer l'apparence graphique et la lisibilité (voire l'utilisabilité) d'un site web. Les plateformes exotiques sont concernées en premier lieu : navigateurs mobiles et tablettes, écrans à faibles résolutions, impression, tv, synthèses vocales, plages braille, etc. Approche historique Avec CSS2 et HTML4, il était déjà possible de spécifier un média de destination pour l'application d'une ou plusieurs feuilles de style. <! screen Écrans handheld print Impression

Un réseau pour une veille complète sur les outils du web Fidel Navamuel, journaliste et directeur du développement de l'Ecole des métiers de l'information (EMI-CFD), est le responsable éditorial du réseau Les Outils du Web. Ce réseau regroupe plusieurs annuaires de référence dédiés aux nouveaux outils et usages numériques : AllWeb2, Les Outils Collaboratifs, Les Outils de la Veille, les Outils Tice, Les Outils WordPress, Les Outils Google. Ces sites adoptent peu ou prou la même interface tout en se distinguant par un code couleur différent : les billets les plus récents sont affichés par ordre antéchronologique sur deux colonnes, avec pour chacun des produits décrits, le titre de l'article, une vignette d'illustration et l'incipit du billet. Une troisième colonne contient la liste de tags (et éventuellement des catégories) utilisés pour indexer et classer le contenu des différentes chroniques. Une couverture très complète Sources Fidel Navamuel : AllWeb2 : Fidel Navamuel : son profil sur

How to Create Retina-Caliber Favicons Friday, 4 January 2013 A few months ago I decided to recreate this website’s favicon to support retina-caliber displays. I found this trickier to accomplish than I anticipated, mainly due to a dearth of good ICO-savvy icon creation tools. Old (non-retina) favicons are 16 × 16 px; a retina favicon is thus 32 × 32 px. The app I found that works best is Icon Slate, by Kodlian. Next, create a new project in Icon Slate. I found no other tool that suited my needs. iConvertIcons doesn’t do multi-resource ICOs. X-Icon Editor is a free web app recommended by Thomas Fuchs in his otherwise excellent Retinafy Your Website flowchart, but the problem I found with it (other than the inherent clunkiness of a web app in general) is that it did awful things to colors — the colors in the ICO files it generated did not match the colors in my source PNG files.

15 Best Responsive Web Design Testing Tools Responsive Web Design is regarded as being the approach which suggests that web design and development should respond to the end-user’s behavior and environment based on their screen size, platform and orientation. Responsiveness consists of a mix of flexible grids and layouts, images and an intelligent use of CSS media queries. When the end-user switches from their laptop over to their iPad, the website being viewed should automatically switch to accommodate that particular resolution, image size and scripting abilities. In other words, the website should have the technology to automatically respond to the end-user’s preferences. Along with all of the newest devices – also come varying screen resolutions, definitions and orientations. With Responsiveness aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience, modern built web sites must now be able to support basic mobile devices that lack JavaScript. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. — Gavin

The 20 best tools for choosing a colour scheme | Colour The web is absolutely chock-full of colour scheme tools that promise to help you reach colour nirvana. Not all tools are created the same, though, and many are no more than basic rip-offs of the more popular or useful offerings. So to make things easier, we've rounded up some of the best tools for choosing colour schemes available today. They'll help save you having to sort the wheat from the chaff and enter colour heaven... 01. You may know it by its previous name, Adobe Kuler. Its essential nature has not changed, however: Colour CC lets you try out, create and save various colour schemes, each of which consists of a set of five colours. 02. The Mudcube Colour Sphere is a handy little colour resource for designers in that it not only provides the hex numbers for each colour; it also helps you to build up a colour scheme from one chosen shade. 03. 04. iOS tool The Color App aims to make finding colours much easier, with a large grid of colours so you can utilize your full screen. 05.

Give Your Website an iOS Home Screen Icon With more mobile web users than ever, it's important to keep your branding strong. Let's go one step further than the standard favicon and help your website stand out by creating icons for use on iOS and Android home screens. *Awesome waffle icon by Eddie Lobanovskiy Before You Start Before we even think about about our icons' dimensions, there are a few important things you need to keep in mind while designing them (specifically where Apple devices are concerned). Keep it square. It's also worth bearing in mind while designing your icon that it's possible to override these default iOS behaviors. Apple Device Icon Sizes Each Apple Device has a different screen size and resolution. Here's all you need to know for each Apple device: iPhone and iPod Touch (Retina Display) Icon size: 114px by 114px iPhone and iPod Touch (None Retina Display) Icon size: 57px by 57px iPad (Retina Display) Icon size: 144px by 144px iPad (None Retina Display) Icon size: 72px by 72px Adding Your Own Effects

Responsive CSS Framework Comparison: Bootstrap, Foundation, Skeleton Bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha is a fairly large update to the framework. It has dropped Less support in favor of Sass, converted from px-based to rem-based sizing, improved its grid system, and dropped IE8 support. Also, all its JS plugins were re-written in ES6, it now uses a customized reset CSS file called Reboot, and offers flexbox support via a Sass boolean variable. In addition to this update, Bootstrap now offers themes at Also, Bootstrap will continue supporting version 3, unlike the dropping of version 2 support after the release of version 3. You can read more here. Foundation 6 is a fairly major update which includes more grid flexibility, custom breakpoints, optional flexbox, and more. Like Bootstrap 4, Flexbox is now toggleable via Sass in Foundation 6. The Sass/CSS has been reworked and consolidated, and there are fewer default styles to override on common elements. Skeleton 2 was updated in December 2014 after remaining mostly unchanged for about three years.

How to Use Pinterest to Build Traffic Home >> Get Traffic >> Pinterest Pinterest is an image sharing social media website that exploded on the scene in 2011. It has become a great traffic source for many people and those who've never even signed up! The reason is people can "pin" images from your site onto their page even if you don't use the platform and every pinned image from your page links back to YOUR site! How It Works As a Pinterest user, you create boards and "pin" images to them. So if you love shoes, you can create a board called "Awesome Shoes" and whenever you're browsing the Web and find a pair of shoes you love, you simply click the "Pin It" button on your browser toolbar (that you install) and the picture gets pinned to your board. People can "like" your pins, follow your boards and re-pin images you post to their own boards. How Does Pinterest Generate Traffic? There are two ways to get traffic from this network. 1) You can add your website address to your Pinterest profile Don't Be Too Self Absorbed Copyrights & Such
