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Food - Occasions : Christmas recipes and menus

Food - Occasions : Christmas recipes and menus

Gastronomic meal of the French - intangible heritage - Culture Sector - UNESCO France Inscribed in 2010 (5.COM) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity The gastronomic meal of the French is a customary social practice for celebrating important moments in the lives of individuals and groups, such as births, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, achievements and reunions. It is a festive meal bringing people together for an occasion to enjoy the art of good eating and drinking. The gastronomic meal emphasizes togetherness, the pleasure of taste, and the balance between human beings and the products of nature. Important elements include the careful selection of dishes from a constantly growing repertoire of recipes; the purchase of good, preferably local products whose flavours go well together; the pairing of food with wine; the setting of a beautiful table; and specific actions during consumption, such as smelling and tasting items at the table. © Damien Reinier, 2007 © Eb Macelion, 2006 © Roger-Viollet, 1890 © Roger-Viollet, 1920 © O.

The British Sense of Humour / Humor British Jokes Click here to suggest a joke for inclusion on this page Here is a selection of old English and British jokes: A man walks into a doctor's office. He has a cucumber up his nose, a carrot in his left ear and a banana in his right ear. "What's the matter with me?" "Not now kid!" A man asked for a meal in a restaurant. "Waiter! "Please don't speak so loudly, sir," said the waiter, "or everyone will want one." What is the longest word in the English language? "Smiles". There are 5 birds in a tree. 2 birds. An English teacher wrote these words on the whiteboard: "woman without her man is nothing". The men wrote: "Woman, without her man, is nothing." The women wrote: "Woman! The woman was in bed with her lover and had just told him how stupid her Irish husband was when the door was thrown open and there stood her husband. What's the definition of a pessimist? Mark called in to see his friend Angus (a Scotman) to find he was stripping the wallpaper from the walls. He was already dead! Welcome to WikiFieldTrip Les fruits - Vocabulaire français thématique Leçons de vocabulaire ► Vocabulaire français thématique ► vous êtes ici Vocabulaire français thématique Apprenez à dire le nom français correct de 62 fruits utilisés ! Note : Cette vidéo renferme tous les différents types de fruits : les fruits charnus (pêche, abricot, tomate…) ;les fruits secs (marron…) ;les fruits multiples (mûre, framboise…) ;les fruits complexes (pomme, melon, fraise…) ;les fruits composés (figue, ananas…). [English] Learn in french language the name of 62 fruits . .تعلم نطق باللغة الفرنسية أسماء 62 نوع من الفواكه Vocabulaire utilisé dans cette vidéo Remarques La tomate est un fruit ou un légume ? Et le citron ? Autres vidéos… Vocabulaire Articles connexes Suggestion de livres

5 Ways You Can Use Wikis Today I had the privilege to participate in Discovery's Beyond the Textbook forum. One of my take-aways from the day's conversation is that most of the technologies that we want to use to make textbooks interactive and meaningful for students already exist, we just need to organize and utilize them in a way that makes sense for teachers and students. I've combined that take-away with a recent request from a reader to delineate some ways that teachers can use Wikispaces to create this list of ideas for using wikis in classrooms. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How are you using wikis in your classroom? If you're not quite sure what a wiki is or what makes it different from a traditional website or blog, watch Wikis in Plain English from Common Craft. Exercice : Les ustensiles de cuisine - Exercices, questionnaires et jeux Culture vous êtes ici Culture générale Connaissez-vous le nom français de quelques ustensiles utilisés fréquemment dans la cuisine ? Un ustensile est un objet ou un accessoire de conception simple, à usage domestique, servant en particulier à la cuisine. Pour cuisiner, le recours aux différents ustensiles de cuisine est obligatoire. Bon courage ! Niveau de l'exercice : moyen à difficile. Loading... Articles connexes Exercices connexes

Riassunto e recensione del libro “1984″ di George Orwell « Libri 1984 (Nineteen Eighty-Four) è il titolo di uno dei più celebri romanzi di George Orwell, pubblicato nel 1949 ma scritto nel 1948 (il titolo è ottenuto invertendo le ultime due cifre del primo anno della stesura). È stato definito il romanzo dell’utopia negativa. Trama: in un futuro prossimo (l’anno 1984) la Terra è suddivisa in tre grandi potenze totalitarie perennemente in guerra tra loro: Oceania, Eurasia ed Estasia che sfruttano la guerra perenne per mantenere il controllo totale sulla società. In Oceania, la cui capitale è Londra, la società è amministrata secondo i principi del Socing (il socialismo inglese) e governata da un onnipotente partito unico con a capo il Grande Fratello, un personaggio che nessuno ha mai visto e che tiene costantemente sotto controllo la vita di tutti i cittadini (la sua figura è un incrocio fra Josif Stalin ed Adolf Hitler). Nella terza fase, Winston — che ha ancora qualche pensiero non ortodosso — viene portato nella Stanza 101. Fonte:

Les légumes - Vocabulaire français thématique Leçons de vocabulaire ► Vocabulaire français thématique ► vous êtes ici Vocabulaire français thématique Apprenez à dire le nom français correct de 71 légumes ! Un légume est une plante potagère dont une partie au moins (racine, bulbe, tige, feuille, fleur, graine, fruit) est utilisée pour l’alimentation humaine… Tous les mots de cette vidéo sont disponibles non seulement en français mais aussi en anglais et en arabe ! [English] Learn in french language the name of 71 legumes . .تعلم نطق باللغة الفرنسية أسماء 71 نوع من الخضار Vocabulaire utilisé dans cette vidéo Remarques C’est quoi un légume ? La tomate est un fruit ou un légume ? Et le citron ? Autres vidéos… Vocabulaire Articles connexes Suggestion de livresée.pdf La Cuisine de Référence édition complète Généralités -Légumes -Fruits -Produits de la pêche -Œufs -Viandes de boucherie -Volailles -Fonds -Grandes sauces de base -Préparations, appareils et farces de base -Cuissons -Pâtes de base -Crèmes de base -Blancs d’œufs en neige, meringues -Sirops et sucres cuits -Petits fours sec REFERENTIEL DES TECHNIQUES ET PREPARATIONS DE BASE VOCABULAIRE PROFESSIONNEL Les potages Les hors-d'œuvre froids Les hors d’œuvre chauds Les œufs Les poissons Les crustacés, les coquillages Les viandes de boucherie Les abats Les volailles Les garnitures d’accompagnement Les desserts Application pratique en fiches techniques de fabrication de base, incontournables, incluant suggestions (plats dérivés, garnitures d’accompagnement) produits d’assemblage et analyses des dangers sous la forme de diagrammes de fabrication.
