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20 Great Infographics of 2012

20 Great Infographics of 2012
2012 has certainly been an eventful year, with everything from elections, to olympics, to scientific breakthroughs, to major weather events. To help review some of the things that happened, here are 20 of the best static infographics from the year. 1. There were several space related events this year. NASA’s Curiosity rover landed on mars, and successfully began collecting data. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Data Visualization: Modern Approaches 7 pins trending on Pinterest this week Pinterest statistics tracker Repinly keeps tabs on which pins prove to be the most repinnable. Each week, we comb its popular pins from the past seven days to find the quotes, photos, and DIY projects that are hot on Pinterest right now. What’s better than pinning by your lonesome? A Pinterest party, many users would argue. Pinterest parties are friendly gatherings dedicated to finally sitting down to create projects and do activities based on pictures you’ve pinned, all the while enjoying Pinterest inspired food and drink recipes. The trend has gotten so popular, there’s an in-progress website dedicated to nothing but Pinterest party resources. Pinners must have partying on the brain, because plenty of this week’s top pins would make great Pinterest party activities and refreshments. 1) “Pinterest party... 2) “Ready made cocktails in mason jars.” 3) “Porcelain Look Nail Art Design.” 4) “Menu planner- this is amazing!!!!!!” 5) “Good snack or side to any meal. 7) “leaf art...

The Best Infographics Of 2012 It stands to reason that we saw more infographics this year than any before in history. There’s definitely more data out there and, as evidenced by the diversity of projects seen here, designers are clearly up to the challenge. Data viz has to be considered one of the fastest growing segments of design today, and thankfully, it’s growing in some exciting new ways. Where the Internet infographic was defined, for a period, by the dense, super-long column of facts and figures, we’ve recently started to see more projects that engage directly with data in novel ways--like the student-made rig that paints earthquakes in real time, or the lattice of metal, created by artist David Maly, that mimics the action of the ocean waves over a thousand miles away. There’s definitely the risk of infographic overload, but with thoughtful, novel projects like those, we’re always game.

M.A. Thesis Visual tools for the socio–semantic web This thesis contributes to a new discipline of science: web science, as introduced by Tim Berners-Lee and others in 2006. Designers, computer scientists, sociologists, cognitive scientists, psychologists etc. have individual perspectives on the complex and rapidly evolving interplay of technological and social infrastructure and human society. However, a well-defined discipline — unifying the scientific analysis of social and human factors to understand, but also to shape and steer web developments by informed design and engineering —is not established yet. Master’s Thesis Interface Design Programme University of Applied Sciences Potsdam Moritz Stefaner, June 2007 Supervisors: Prof. Best Masters Thesis at FH Potsdam in 2007 Analysis The analytical part defines the technological and social context of interface design for personal information management applications. Guidelines I proceed by deriving design maximes from these observations: Folding time

Photo Ops: 10 Innovative Ways to Use Visual Media 6/1/2011 By: If you’re lucky enough to have digital cameras at your disposal, here are a few picture-perfect ways to use them. By Ellen Ullman 1 Produce public service announcements. Students can make PSAs about any topic you choose, such as the environment. 2 Study textures. For a fun art project, have students take close-up pictures of a variety of textures, including brick walls and dead grass. 3 Do an interactive book report. Glogster ( lets students turn assignments into interactive extravaganzas. 4 Learn about machines. Take pictures of simple machines around your school—including levers, screws, wireless routers, door hinges— and turn them into a PowerPoint presentation. 5 Go on a scavenger hunt. Put students in small groups and give them a list of geometric terms to find examples of and photograph. 6 Write an autobiography. Younger students can write a personal story with which to introduce themselves to their classmates. 7 Promote healthier habits. 9 Act like a CSI.

Asiantuntijat: Tuloerojen kasvu tekee Suomesta luokkayhteiskunnan Tuloerot ovat jatkaneet kasvuaan Suomessa. Tilastokeskuksen tässä kuussa julkaiseman tulonjaon kokonaistilaston mukaan koko väestön tulojen kasvu oli vuonna 2011 keskiarvolla mitattuna 0,7 prosenttia. Väestön suurituloisimman kymmenesosan tulot kasvoivat 2,2 prosenttia ja suurituloisimman prosentin tulot 7,0 prosenttia. Samaan aikaan väestön pienituloisimman kymmenyksen tulot kasvoivat vain pari prosentin kymmenystä. – Suurituloisten osinkotulot ja myyntivoitot ovat kasvaneet. Ne vaikuttivat tuloeroihin niitä kasvattaen, tutkimusta johtanut Tilastokeskuksen Pekka Ruotsalainen sanoo. Tuloerojen kasvussa on kyse nimenomaan siitä, että suurituloisten tulot paisuvat entisestään. – Suurituloisten tulot ovat kasvaneet muita vauhdikkaammin, lähinnä vauraimman yhden prosentin tulo-osuudet. Tuloerojen kasvun syy on asiantuntijoiden mukaan selvä: pääomatulojen kasautuminen ennestään rikkaille. Tuloerot repesivät1990-luvun laman jälkeen – Tuloerot ovat kasvaneet 1990-luvun laman jälkeen näkyvästi.

this is onformative a studio for generative design. How To Create Outstanding Modern Infographics In this tutorial you will learn that data doesn't have to be boring, it can be beautiful! Learn how to use various graph tools, illustration techniques and typography to make an accurate and inspiring infographic in Adobe Illustrator. Start by using the Rectangle Tool (M) to draw a shape. The entire design is based on a grid of four columns. Condense the shape so it fits within the left-most guide and centre guide. Move the shape over to the right and add another guide to the centre here. Using the Rectangle Tool (M) draw a thin white box on the centre line that will be the width of the gap between the columns. Repeat the process for the other columns with your final result being below. I like to place the most important graphics first and work-in the ancillary charts and graphs afterwards. Early on you can experiment with placing a main graphic that will help give the piece some visual interest. Give the circles a variety of gradients. I'm using a variety of graphs in this infographic.

Vieraskynä: Nuoret kaipaavat uusia tapoja vaikuttaa - Pääkirjoitus Kun kes­kus­tel­laan kan­sa­lais­ten keh­nos­ta ase­mas­ta kun­tien de­mo­kraat­ti­ses­sa pää­tök­sen­teos­sa, huo­les­tu­nut kat­se kään­tyy usein nuo­riin. Nuor­ten si­vul­li­suut­ta ei kui­ten­kaan voi pa­laut­taa eril­li­sek­si nuo­ri­so-on­gel­mak­si. Si­tä on tar­kas­tel­ta­va su­ku­pol­vi-il­miö­nä. Hei­kot ko­ke­muk­set ny­kyi­sis­tä po­liit­ti­sis­ta vai­kut­ta­mis­mah­dol­li­suuk­sis­ta vai­kut­ta­vat olen­nai­ses­ti de­mo­kra­tian vah­vuu­teen ja oi­keu­tuk­seen tu­le­vai­suu­des­sa. Nuor­ten suh­de po­li­tiik­kaan on täyn­nä pa­ra­dok­se­ja. Nuor­ten kiin­nos­tus po­li­tiik­kaa koh­taan on vii­me vuo­si­na li­sään­ty­nyt. Po­liit­ti­nen luot­ta­mus ei kui­ten­kaan au­to­maat­ti­ses­ti kään­ny ak­tii­vi­suu­dek­si. Nuo­ri­so­ba­ro­met­ri osoit­taa, et­tä nuor­ten luot­ta­mus mui­hin ih­mi­siin on hei­ken­ty­nyt no­peas­ti. So­siaa­li­sen luot­ta­muk­sen va­raan no­jaa pait­si yk­si­lön ar­ki­nen hy­vin­voin­ti myös ko­ko yh­teis­kun­ta.

Phylogenetic tree In a rooted phylogenetic tree, each node with descendants represents the inferred most recent common ancestor of the descendants, and the edge lengths in some trees may be interpreted as time estimates. Each node is called a taxonomic unit. Internal nodes are generally called hypothetical taxonomic units, as they cannot be directly observed. Unrooted trees illustrate only the relatedness of the leaf nodes and do not require the ancestral root to be known or inferred. History[edit] Charles Darwin (1859) also produced one of the first illustrations and crucially popularized the notion of an evolutionary "tree" in his seminal book The Origin of Species. Types[edit] Rooted tree[edit] Unrooted tree[edit] Unrooted trees illustrate the relatedness of the leaf nodes without making assumptions about ancestry. Bifurcating tree[edit] Both rooted and unrooted phylogenetic trees can be either bifurcating or multifurcating, and either labeled or unlabeled. total rooted trees and total unrooted trees, where

Make Your Own Infographic Infographics are to data what storytelling is to an annual report: a more engaging way to help bring attention and understanding to your nonprofit’s cause. Yesterday we looked at an interesting infographic that suggested a new way to view your volunteers. Today, let’s look at infographics in general – and resources to help your nonprofit get started on making your own. As Wikipedia explains, “Information graphics are visual devices intended to communicate complex information quickly and clearly”: Information graphics or infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. For example, compare the Portrait of a Volunteer infographic we talked about yesterday with Pew Internet’s more conventional Portrait of a Twitter User, where a similar type of data is presented in a simple table. Any time you can translate data into an infographic – a compelling visual representation – you’re making it easier for your audience to take in the meaning behind the numbers.
