Sweet Chariot: the story of the spirituals One important purpose of many spirituals during the slave period was to provide motivation and inspiration for the ongoing struggle for freedom, a struggle which included systematic efforts to escape5 from bondage as well as numerous slave-led revolts and insurrections6. In the African tradition, stories of ancestors’ bravery, victories in battle, and success in overcoming past hardships were often marshaled as inspiration to face current life challenges. As stories of specific African ancestors faded over time, enslaved people appropriated heroes from the Christian Bible as ancestral equivalents7. The stories of Old Testament figures – often perceived by enslaved Africans as freedom fighters – held particular significance as models of inspiration. For example, a surviving spiritual entitled “Moses,” and still sung today in the Georgia Sea Islands, draws its inspiration from the Biblical story of Moses, commanded by God to lead the Hebrew people out of Egyptian bondage. Moses
The Forgotten Books of Eden: Fourth Book of Maccabees: Chapter I Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next Buy this Book at Amazon.com The Forgotten Books of Eden, by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr., [1926], at sacred-texts.com An outline of philosophy from ancient times concerning Inspired Reason. Civilization has never achieved higher thought. PHILOSOPHICAL in the highest degree is the question I propose to discuss, namely whether the Inspired Reason is supreme ruler over the passions; and to the philosophy of it I would seriously entreat your earnest attention. 2 For not only is the subject generally necessary as a branch of knowledge, but it includes the praise of the greatest of virtues, whereby I mean self-control. 3 That is to say, if Reason p. 178 is proved to control the passions adverse to temperance, gluttony and lust, it is also clearly shown to be lord over the passions, like malevolence, opposed to justice, and over those opposed to manliness, namely rage and pain and fear. 22 Under pleasure, also, comes that moral debasement which p. 179 p. 180
Hilltop Monasteries The caves in Meteora, Greece, had inhabitants for fifty millennia, but due to raids, “hermit monks” moved to the safety of sandstone rock pinnacles in the 9th century and began building monasteries. More monks and nuns came, building more monasteries perched high upon the cliffs. Wikipedia reports, “Access to the monasteries was originally (and deliberately) difficult, requiring either long ladders lashed together or large nets used to haul up both goods and people. This required quite a leap of faith — the ropes were replaced, so the story goes, only ‘when the Lord let them break.’” UNESCO World Heritage says, “The net in which intrepid pilgrims were hoisted up vertically alongside the 1,224 ft. cliff where the Varlaam monastery dominates the valley symbolizes the fragility of a traditional way of life that is threatened with extinction.” Photo #1 by Vaggelis Vlahos A view of Meteora monasteries in Greece. Photo #5 by Gabriele Quaglia The Holy Monastery of St.
Les débuts de la musique afro-américaine Naissance de la musique afro-américaine: des Work Songs au gospel Dans les champs de coton. Source: livebluesworld.comLa musique afro-amécaine est liée à l'histoire de l'esclavage. pour organiser des évasions. La chanson John Henry ici est interprétéé par le chanteur de Blues, Big Bill Bronzy. Les negro spiritualLes negro spirituals sont avant tout des chants religieux noirs, mélangeant traditions africaines et mélodies liturgiques européennes, psaumes souvent chantés a cappella par un groupe vocal, et qui se caractérise par une grande liberté d'improvisation à partir d'une ligne mélodique. En Nouvelle-Angleterre, durant les débuts de l’évangélisation, les Noirs peuvent assister aux offices en compagnie des Blancs sur des bancs situés à l’écart (mais cela n'était pas le cas partout (réf.). Amazing Grace par Ray Charles (cliquez sur la photo)Autour des années 1730-1750, un mouvement de réforme, The Great Awakening, apparaît en Angleterre et se répand dans les colonies nord-américaines.
Babylonian Empire Detailed Timeline of Iraq History Babylonian Empire (605 - 539 BC) The Last "Native-Ruled" Mesopotamian Nation Until the 20th Century Go to "History of Iraq" Interactive Map Babylon Gains Independence from Assyrian Empire (627 BC): As barbaric tribes from the north and east invaded Assyria, Babylon capitalized upon Assyria's weakened state, by gaining independence. Assyria Capital of Nineveh Captured by Babylonians (612 BC): The Babylonians marched north, conquering Assyrian territory along the way as they advanced toward the heart of the empire. (Timeline Continued Below) Battle of Meggido Ends the Assyrian Empire (605 BC): The last remnant of the Assyrian army escaped from the defeat at Nineveh. Note: Chaldeans. Babylon's Northern Border Secured Before 600 BC: After assuming the throne in 605 BC, upon the death of his father. Maps.com - The World's Largest Maps Store! Save as much as 70% on select National Geographic merchandise! Note: Nebuchadnezzar's Famous Construction Projects.
Lawyer tells of agonising scenes as doctors forced to let a Jehovah's Witness who wanted to live, die - Health News - Health & Families Robert Tobin, a partner in the London law firm Kennedy’s, was called in by an unnamed NHS Trust when the man, a Jehovah’s Witness who was critically ill with sickle cell anaemia, refused a blood transfusion which could have saved his life. Over three weeks the man gradually deteriorated as the crisis progressed, before eventually dying. “Medical staff were understandably upset at seeing a patient deteriorate before their eyes knowing a simple procedure could have been provided that would have saved his life,” Mr Tobin said. The man’s mother, also a Jehovah’s Witness, was at her son’s bedside, and an elder from the man’s church also attended. The trust was concerned that they were unduly influencing him but a doctor from a neighbouring trust who was called in to assess him said he had full capacity and was making the decision on his own. Mr Tobin said: “I don’t know what his mother was thinking as she sat by and watched him die.
Grant Wood GRANT WOOD,American Gothic, 1930Chicago, Art Institute L’Américain Grant Wood est surtout connu pour son tableau American Gothic. Cette peinture, devenue une icône chez nos voisins du Sud, est également, en quelque sorte, une énigme. Surestimée ?Wood ne pensait pas que sa peinture prendrait une telle importance. Il a donc ménagé les interventions à son sujet pour ne pas éteindre le feu d’acclamations qu’elle avait suscité, laissant ainsi libre cours aux commentaires. DescriptionAmerican Gothic représente un homme et une femme debout devant leur maison. Qui sont-ils ? Première énigme : Dès son acclamation par le public américain, le couple a été pressenti comme mari et femme. Mais la représentation d’un père et de sa fille n’était pas bien vue à l’époque, pas plus que, de nos jours, un homme dans la quarantaine qui veut parler à un enfant ou à un adolescent. Où est Charlie ? Deuxième énigme : la fourche. outil de fermier, symbole viril et qui sépare les deux personnages. Sources :
Why Yahuwah & Yahushua Only World’s Last Chance is committed to presenting truth and truth alone as it is discovered from Scripture. Many organizations and individuals choose to ignore or bury any new truth that disagrees with their previously stated beliefs, assuming that people will lose faith in them if they have to make a course correction. When printed in books, preached to congregations or posted on a website, long-held beliefs seem cast in concrete. World’s Last Chance believes that truth is ever advancing and has covenanted to bring to its website advancing truth as it unfolds. There will be, therefore, older material that may seem inconsistent with newer postings. However, it is felt that the other truths in the previously written articles are still important and should not be taken off and discarded because of that inconsistency. An example is the use of the corrected name of the Creator, Yahuwah, and His Son, Yahushua. Scripture says that the Creator winks at the times of our ignorance (Acts 17:30).
Why "Yahushua"? Some have written me asking for an explanation of why I use the form "Yahushua" in reference to the Messiah while others use "Yahshua", "Yeshua" or "Yehoshua". The purpose of this study is to go through each of these pronunciations and determine which is the most correct. I'm not one that believes that you need to pronounce the Messiah's name exactly like I do in order to be saved. Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Yahushua Messiah for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And this is just in the book of Acts! Origin of the name "Jesus" According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the etymological origin of "Jesus" is: Jesus ..Middle English, from Late Latin Isus, from Greek Isous, from Hebrew yû‘, from yhôûa‘, Joshua... Notice that it says that the origin of His name is from Latin, then Greek, then Hebrew. If you look up the name "Jesus" in a Strong's lexicon it has "Iesous": Yehoshua Yeshua
A Composite of the four Gospels. The four Gospels are combined into a single text, not four side-by-side parallel Gospels. Have you ever read one of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) wishing that you could somehow read all four of the Gospels together, at the same time? You read one story and you remember that there is more to the story but where is it? Each of the four Gospels give only a part of the picture. So when we read any one of the four Gospels, by itself, we are missing much of the story. We can only get the whole picture when all four Gospels are read together. You can use your own Bible in trying to find the parallel stories in the four Gospels yourself. Biblical scholars have provided a very good way to study these parallel stories in the different gospels. It is very interesting to view the parallel texts side-by-side, but it is not easy reading because it is often difficult to figure out how the texts can fit together. Below is the same selection of text, but as they are found in this Composite Gospel. I chose to use a Harmony of the Gospels by A.
Satan’s Part in God’s Perfect Plan Introduction The Bible displays a sense of proportion concerning Satan which we should seek to gain and then maintain. The Scriptures tell us all we need to know about Satan, and no more. Given Satan’s key role in the plan of God, his great power, and his cunning ways, we might expect to find more about Satan in the Bible than we do. God neither wishes to flatter Satan with too much publicity nor desires that we become preoccupied with him. In this series, we are engaged in the study of God’s eternal plan for creation, having previously considered God as the perfect Planner and then His plan as the perfect plan. Beginning at the Beginning One might expect we would start at the beginning of the Old Testament, where in the first three chapters of Genesis Satan tempts Adam and Eve, and the fall of man occurs. In this survey of Satan in the plan of God, we can only touch briefly on texts which hold much more than we can consider here. Satan in the Old Testament (7) Satan never learns.
They Loved Not The Truth They Loved Not The Truth In 2 Thessalonians 2:10, Paul reveals the root cause of why this terrorized turbulent world will soon experience the wrath and judgment of God. He simply states....."they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." Clearly, Paul is talking about people who have never genuinely fallen in love with the Lord Jesus Christ and his teachings. Satan's man for this showdown, the Antichrist, will then be revealed and offered to this troubled world as the great peacemaker, who will bring war and terrorism to an end. I have nothing but compassion for the multitudes who have never truly loved Jesus. Tragically, some who once loved Jesus with all their hearts, are today losing their first love for him. This twisting of scripture is the perverted contribution that Christian Psychologists and the Health and Wealth gospel gang have made to Christendom. I also know what it's like to fake repentance and to give lip service to a holy loving God.