Sagaki Keita (click images for detail) Artist Sagaki Keita was born in 1984 and lives and works in Tokyo. His densely composited pen and ink illustrations contain thousands of whimsical characters that are drawn almost completely improvised. I am dumbstruck looking at these and love the wacky juxtaposition of fine art and notebook doodles. golucho Binóculo - Moda e Design O designer Alan Amorim inclui a palavra cinéfilo entre os adjetivos que o definem. Faz sentido quando vemos o belo resultado do seu trabalho de conclusão de curso na PUC do Paraná . Sob o nome Kino , que significa cinema em polonês e também em alemão , ele criou cartazes de filmes com recortes de papel cartão e colorplus. As cores e formas são simplificadas em referência aos cartazistas da Polônia , que desenvolviam suas versões da publicidade impressa de filmes hollywoodianos. Ao todo, são 30 cartazes que você pode conferir aqui . [via Referans ]
Never Be My Friend When I'm bored, I browse through my friends' Facebook images, choose my favorites, and draw them. Sometimes I take... liberties. Let's just call it artistic license. R.I.P. Chloe's grandma. when I drew you looking like a corpse. I occasionally wonder why I still have friends at all. Beautiful Photoshop Illustrations By Artists Around The World - Advertisement Photoshop is a magical tool for digital artists and photographers, and it rules the digital imaging world. It is not just a tool, though; Photoshop is a blank canvas that invites you to perform magic with your creativity. It gives you room to creatively manipulate photos and explore the artist in yourself. To celebrate the upcoming holidays, in today’s post we decided to step away from technical design/coding-related topics and showcase some beautiful digital illustrations and their creators. As you know, so many more brilliant illustrations have been done by digital artists doing great work, but we cannot cover them all in a single post, so we will try to showcase them in our future posts (if you want to). Shadow Chen Born in China, Shadow Chen did post-graduate work in product design. His work has been featured in websites, blogs, e-magazines and galleries in Europe. Igor Scekic Igor Scekic is 23-year-old graphic designer and digital artist who lives in Zagreb, Croatia.
Red Velvet // Dress Shop Sigh.... this dress shop is my pride and joy. I spent the last year (before we bought the store) curating a sizable collection of magical vintage dresses and then felt as if I'd landed on the moon when we purchased the collection from The Style. It was pure magic! The new shop has dress racks inspired by "Betty, Joan and Peggy" (of MadMen), racks inspired by the seasons, lots of mini dresses and even formals and bridal. Thanks for taking a peek at the new shop! Photographs courtesy of Float Away Studios. Big Doodle Big sharpie doodle! Big Doodle - sharpie on mat board - 40" x 32" Artwork © Lawrence Yang 2009 my blog | my site | purchase inquiries
silocult on deviantART The Designer Drug | Shit Happens. Lackadaisy Expressions Boy, I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started this. I've had requests for some sort of expressions tutorial dating back a while now, so I figured, "Sure! I can explain expression drawing...and it'll be way better than all those tutorials out there that are nothing but charts of generic expressions. Yeah! Just give me a day or two to whip something up..." Um. Anyway, I found all I could really do was try to explain ways to teach yourself...and then add some pictures.
The Art of Travis Louie Heart and Mind- Luke Ramsey Artist Portfolio This is a story that shows the transformation of a baby to an elderly man. The baby’s mind is born with a peaceful mind, but as it grows older it’s mind becomes corrupt. The heart eventually prevails. This story was originally published in Cafe Royal (UK) Number Two Large print available- Buy Online ‹‹return to portfolio