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Все задачи - Проект Эйлера Пусть sum(A) - сумма элементов для любого множества чисел A. Рассмотрим множество B = {1,3,6,8,10,11}. Существует ровно 20 подмножеств B, которые состоят из трех элементов, а суммы этих подмножеств равны: sum({1,3,6}) = 10, sum({1,3,8}) = 12, sum({1,3,10}) = 14, sum({1,3,11}) = 15, sum({1,6,8}) = 15, sum({1,6,10}) = 17, sum({1,6,11}) = 18, sum({1,8,10}) = 19, sum({1,8,11}) = 20, sum({1,10,11}) = 22, sum({3,6,8}) = 17, sum({3,6,10}) = 19, sum({3,6,11}) = 20, sum({3,8,10}) = 21, sum({3,8,11}) = 22, sum({3,10,11}) = 24, sum({6,8,10}) = 24, sum({6,8,11}) = 25, sum({6,10,11}) = 27, sum({8,10,11}) = 29. Некоторые из этих сумм встречаются более одного раза, другие - уникальны. Теперь, рассмотрим 100-элементное множество S = {1

Download Anaconda now! | Continuum Jump to: Windows | OS X | Linux Get Superpowers with Anaconda Anaconda is the leading open data science platform powered by Python. Which version should I download and install? Because Anaconda includes installers for Python 2.7 and 3.5, either is fine. If you don't have time or disk space for the entire distribution, try Miniconda, which contains only conda and Python. Anaconda for Windows Windows Anaconda Installation Download the graphical installer. Anaconda for OS X OS X Anaconda Installation Choose either the graphical installer or the command line installer for OS X. Graphical Installer: Download the graphical installer. Command Line Installer: Download the command line installer. Anaconda for Linux Linux Anaconda Installation Download the installer. What next? To try out all the features in Anaconda, take the conda 30-minute test drive. Need an older version of Anaconda? For older versions of Anaconda installers, see the Anaconda installer archive.

Phoenix Miner Installation and Configuration Guide Setting up a dedicated phoenix miner in Ubuntu : Powers "ITS NOT MY FAULT GUY" disclaimer.... *** if shit blows up. it isn't my fault. *** Step 1.)Load a fresh Ubuntu Natty 11.04 64-bit Desktop with the latest updates and log into system with a user that has sudo permissions. $ sudo apt-get remove nvidia-common $ sudo apt-get install libqtgui4 Step 2.) Load python and other development tools $ cd ~ $ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-numpy subversion g++ libboost-all-dev Step 3.) Download and install ATI Driver 11.5 for Linux 64bit. $ cd ~ $ wget $ sudo sh --buildpkg Ubuntu/natty $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb $ sudo apt-get -f install $ sudo aticonfig -f --initial --adapter=all $ sudo reboot Step 5.) Step 8.) Step 10.) All of the below is optional, and doesn't always. it was a pain to get working for me. Create a startminer script using code from below.

Tutorial and Cookbook 1.1 What is Biopython? The Biopython Project is an international association of developers of freely available Python ( tools for computational molecular biology. Python is an object oriented, interpreted, flexible language that is becoming increasingly popular for scientific computing. Python is easy to learn, has a very clear syntax and can easily be extended with modules written in C, C++ or FORTRAN. The Biopython web site ( provides an online resource for modules, scripts, and web links for developers of Python-based software for bioinformatics use and research. Basically, we just like to program in Python and want to make it as easy as possible to use Python for bioinformatics by creating high-quality, reusable modules and scripts. 1.2 What can I find in the Biopython package The main Biopython releases have lots of functionality, including: We hope this gives you plenty of reasons to download and start using Biopython! 2.3 A usage example

Практическое руководство по Jekyll Jekyll на Хабрахабре уже светился. Коротко говоря: это система генерации статических сайтов, ориентированная на блоги. Основная особенность: используется на Github Pages, что позволяет держать исходники сайта в репозитории на Github — а несколько кэширующих серверов его в пределах 10 минут после коммитов будут собирать и отображать посетителям. Из всех существующих платформ для блогов (движков, сервисов, генераторов) Jekyll мне показался странно выделяющимся. Написание постов Первое, чем Jekyll отталкивает большинство начинающих: полное отсутствие визуального (WYSIWYG) редактора. Визуальный редактор в Jekyll отстутствует скорее потому, что не очень понятно, куда его девать. Статичность не во вред Второе, чем Jekyll отталкивает: статичность собранного сайта, отсутствие обратной связи. Особенности хостинга на Github Github, в первую очередь, хранилище Git-репозиториев. Если задуматься, Github — одна из самых весомых причин использовать Jekyll. Зачем тут YAML Шаблоны: самое главное! icon: tags

Python « Steve Byrnes's Homepage (Last update: October 2015. Email me if you see errors and omissions.) This page is a guide for how to install Python and start using it for scientific computing. But first: What is Python and why should I use it? Python is a general-purpose programming language. What advantages? To begin: Install Python and Spyder Screenshot of me using Spyder To run and edit scientific programs in Python / NumPy, a great way to start is to use Spyder, a visual interface similar to MATLAB where you can run commands, edit and debug programs, check the values of variables and the definitions of functions, etc. Way back in the day, installing Spyder used to be an annoying multi-step process (first download and install Python itself, then download and install NumPy, SciPy, PyQt, etc., then finally download and install Spyder). Luckily, installation is now very easy: You can download and install all the components together automatically in one step. That’s all you need to know to install Python. Appendix 2: Sage 14 Coding Challenges to Help You Train Your Brain Programming is becoming an essential part of nearly every industry known to man, the way it helps to organize and maintain large systems is not possible to compare to anything else, and so more and more people begin their journey. You can learn to code both from interactive platforms and also from books – whichever you find most appropriate and easy to learn from. But, sometimes that’s not good enough, and we want to practice new things. Coding is a lot about creativity, your ability to come up with new and interesting ideas; but sometimes, due to a large amount of time spent tackling common problems, we forget about creativity. I’m not quite sure whether that is the reason coding challenges were made, but they certainly help with the part where you need to think of your own stuff to program. We could say that coding challenges are great for: 1. 2. HackerEarth provides a SaaS application to do an automated assessment of the technical and logical skills of candidates. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10.
