Khan Academy The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture Due to Khan Academy’s popularity, the idea of the flipped classroom has gained press and credibility within education circles. Briefly, the Flipped Classroom as described by Jonathan Martin is: Flip your instruction so that students watch and listen to your lectures… for homework, and then use your precious class-time for what previously, often, was done in homework: tackling difficult problems, working in groups, researching, collaborating, crafting and creating. A compiled resource page of the Flipped Classroom (with videos and links) can be found at The advantage of the flipped classroom is that the content, often the theoretical/lecture-based component of the lesson, becomes more easily accessed and controlled by the learner. It is important, though, not to be seduced by the messenger. The problem is that educators, as a group, know how to do and use the lecture. The Flipped Classroom Model Experiential Engagement: The Activity Summary
Flipped classroom Khan Academy Trains Teachers to Use Its Videos and Tools Khan Academy, best known for its free online library of math video tutorials, is using the summer months to offer in-person teacher trainings in places like Chicago, New Orleans and Redwood City, California. That might seem strange for an organization whose mission is to leverage the Internet to offer high quality learning to anyone, but Khan Academy has been piloting ways to integrate their videos into classrooms are ready to share what they’ve learned. Continue Reading Before Reading or Watching Videos, Students Should Experiment First A new Stanford study shows that students learn better when first exploring an unfamiliar idea or concept on their own, rather than reading a text or watching a video first. Continue Reading Flipped Classroom 2.0: Competency Learning With Videos Continue Reading What Will Work in New Blended Learning Experiment? Continue Reading Five Smart Habits to Develop for Back to School Continue Reading Continue Reading
How the Flipped Classroom Is Radically Transforming Learning Editor's Note:Posts about the flipped class on The Daily Riff beginning in January 2011 have generated over 240,000 views to-date - thanks contributors and readers . . . See our other links related to the flipped class below this guest post. Since this post was written, Bergmann and Sams have released their book, Flip your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day. Do check it out. - C.J. How the Flipped Classroom was Born by Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams In 2004, we both started teaching at Woodland Park High School in Woodland Park, Colorado. "And how the Flipped Classroom changes the way teachers talk with parents And then one day our world changed. Flipping Increases Student Interaction One of the greatest benefits of flipping is that overall interaction increases: Teacher to student and student to student. Since the role of the teacher has changed, to more of a tutor than a deliverer of content, we have the privilege of observing students interact with each other.
Students use StudentChomps How to use Google tools in Project-Based Learning When you think about some of the key features of Project-Based Learning (PBL), what do you think of? PBL should be student-driven, with a real-world connection. It should be core to learning, include structured collaboration, and have a multifaceted assessment. Giving students a real problem to solve, getting them engaged in their work, having them work with others, and assessing their work with more than just a grade sounds a lot like how many things in the ‘real world’ work, doesn’t it? After all, aren’t we trying to prepare students for the world after school? Many of the tech tools used in classrooms are made especially for classrooms. Google tools and project based learning Planning: Where do you start when deciding on a project your students will spend significant time on, have some say in, that will address a number of learning goals and be meaningful and relevant? Inquiry: Once you’ve decided what the students will be focusing on, they’ll need more information on the topic.
Marketing - Western Michigan Personal narrative plays an important role in Mike Garver’s teaching style. Garver, a professor of marketing at Central Michigan University, often uses anecdotes from his own life in his lectures, according to one of his students. “It’s a good way to, in his words, ‘Put a movie in your mind,’ ” says Mike Hoover, a senior at Central Michigan, who is currently taking Garver’s course in market research. So when I ask Garver about his efforts to excise the lecture from the classroom and blow it to smithereens, he naturally begins telling me a story. In this one, it’s 1998, and Garver is fresh out of grad school and into his first teaching job, at Western Carolina University. He’s giving a lecture on “the principles of marketing” to 100 students. “I gave one of the best lectures I had ever given,” Garver says. After class, Garver remembers his supervisor affirming the young lecturer’s confidence -- before blowing it apart. I tell Garver it’s obvious that he is in marketing.
5 Tips for Flipping Your PBL Classroom I am of course a huge project-based learning (PBL) nerd and advocate. I am also an advocate for the flipped classroom, yet at the same time I also have my concerns about flipping a classroom. This model still hinges upon great teachers, and engaging curriculum and instruction. So why not combine PBL and the flipped classroom? It can be an excellent match when you consider some of the following tips. 1. The key piece here is short. 2. I love it when students assign their own homework. 3. Flipping isn't just videos, because -- let's be honest -- videos can get boring after a while. 4. If you are concerned with students taking an excessive amount of time in actually constructing the PBL product, give a technology choice or choices as an element of the final product. 5. Not all of our students have access the technology. PBL and the flipped classroom model can play well together.
12 Resources_Michael Gorman Welcome to another post rich in resources. If you have come here looking for links that will guide you to videos and multimedia to use in a Flipped Classroom that is coming in a future post. Perhaps you have tried a little Flip of your own and want to learn more. Many educators are beginning to become aware of the growing teaching method referred to as “Flipping The Classroom”. You see, at first this definition does make a lot of sense, and like so many “best practices” I see great value in the idea. Yes, I am a proponent of incorporating various multimedia and online learning in a blended environment. The Twelve Resources To Better Understand Flipping the Classroom Blend My Learning (The Envision Experiment) - Oakland, California high school students who had failed algebra were randomly assigned to one of two summer school classes. Learning About The Khan Academy - You have heard about Khan and have possible even used the tutorials. Like this: Like Loading...
¿Que tal se llevan el ABP y el FC? Los que creemos en el modelo FC solemos ser también defensores de metodologías como el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos o Problemas, en varias entradas (aquí puedes encontrar una buena selección), hemos hablado de este tipo de estrategias y hoy destacaremos algunas características de la relación entre FC y el ABP 1 . Contenido: videos cortos Ya hemos insistido en que no hace falta estar viendo horas y horas de contenido: de cinco a quince minutos podrían ser utilizados para reemplazar sesiones expositivas en el aula y “liberar tiempo” para trabajar el ABP . Estos videos pueden ser introducciones sobre contenido que se va a trabajar, o incluso que den su opinión sobre determinados asuntos tras una búsqueda o indagación sobre el tema que se vaya a tratar. 2 . 3 . 4 .
15 Schools Using Flipped Classrooms Right Now Classroom time is then used for answering student questions, helping with homework, and other activities that help students apply what they’ve learned. While there are some obvious drawbacks to this method, more and more teachers are trying it out. Many have found it to be quite successful in improving student grades and comprehension, though many caution it’s not right for every teacher or every classroom. Whether you love the idea or think it’s crazy, it’s definitely worth learning more about. Check out these stories of schools, from elementary to college , who have given flipped classrooms a go, often with amazing results. Highland Village Elementary School This innovative school district is trying a lot of new things when it comes to helping young people learn. This article was written by the folks over at If you’re wondering what a Flipped Classroom entails, look no further than this fantastic new infographic from Knewton .
ABP: Metodologías Activas y Flipped Classroom Una de las ventajas del modelo Flipped Classrom es la posibilidad de combinarlo con metodologías muy diversas. Hoy quisiera compartir con los lectores una experiencia que he realizado con las alumnas de Bachillerato en la que hemos combinado el aula inversa con el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos junto con trabajo cooperativo. Se trataba de, en grupos de tres, elaborar una campaña publicitaria de un producto. Partimos de la visualización de unos videos enriquecidos explicando qué es una campaña publicitaria y cuáles son sus partes principales, para pasar a analizar en el aula una campaña que acababa de estrenarse en televisión. De esta manera se provocó la participación activa en el aula, el análisis crítico y la motivación de las alumnas. Tras esto pasaron a crear los grupos, definiendo los roles del aprendizaje cooperativo y realizando la división de tareas.