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The Leading Provider of Digital Video Advertising Solutions

The Leading Provider of Digital Video Advertising Solutions

Nowa rodzinna Toyota Auris Nowa rodzinna Toyota Auris została stworzona po to, aby stać się dla Ciebie niewyczerpanym źródłem inspiracji. Niezwykła moc i obfitość przyciągających uwagę detali sprawia, że jego wyrazista i nowoczesna sylwetka nie pozostanie niezauważona na drodze. Niskie zawieszenie i sportowy charakter stanowią idealne dopełnienie wyjątkowego wyglądu samochodu. Przykuwający uwagę drapieżny grill otaczają jasne światła do jazdy dziennej typu LED. Skyview - dach panoramiczny. Przeszklony dach nie tylko pozwala cieszyć się dziennym blaskiem. Przestrzeń do kreatywnego myślenia. Jasne, przestronne i nieskazitelnie wykonane auto na każdym kroku zachwyca przyjemnymi w dotyku i miłymi dla oka elementami. Ponadto, auto posiada wydłużony o 50 mm bagażnik z szerszym o 90 mm otworem, który powiększa pojemność ładunkową do 360 litrów, dzięki czemu z łatwością można przewieźć dłuższe przedmioty. Dzięki systemowi Toyota Touch&Go Plus multimedia odpowiadają na każde skinienie palca.

Ad Serving – Solutions – DoubleClick DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) is a comprehensive hosted ad serving platform that streamlines your ad management functions and allows you to generate even-greater advertising margins. As the foundation for your digital advertising business, DFP will enable you to: Differentiate your inventory with advanced targeting capabilities and the ability to traffic a variety of rich media campaigns with ease. Save staff time and reduce costs with simple and efficient trafficking workflow and an intuitive interface. Make better decisions with comprehensive forecasting and decision-support tools. Improve efficiency with a unified platform As your digital advertising needs grow, DFP offers the flexibility to grow with you. Customize DFP with the tools that match your business objectives. These tools are all fully integrated with DFP enabling you to manage all of your digital ad operations from a single platform to help you create efficiencies and reduce costs for your business. DFP Small Business

Advertise on Twitter Apps and the Wider Realtime Social Web - OneRiot A few weeks ago, a small team from @WalmartLabs visited the offices of OneRiot in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. OneRiot has developed some pretty nifty technology that analyzes social media signals from popular networks like Twitter and Facebook to deliver ads that are relevant to consumers’ interests. As our teams debated the finer points of Big Data, Fast Data, and machine learning technologies, it became clear to us that we could find no better colleagues than the guys at OneRiot. As a part of Walmart, we're continuing to work with the intensity of a technology startup. As I have written before, here at @WalmartLabs we’re doing some amazingly interesting and impactful work at the intersection of social, mobile, and retail. It gives me great pleasure to welcome Tobias Peggs and the OneRiot team to @WalmartLabs!

Vungle Web designer / Portfolio do web designer Nando Pacheco Online Advertising Technology to Maximize Ad Revenue | OpenX PixelFish - Video Production Experts - Online, Mobile & Broadcast Video Solutions AdColony TROPHÉES DU BAR / CONCOURS DE COCKTAILS / COMPÉTITION MIXOLOGIE ET SPIRITUEUX / RÉSERVÉ AUX BARMEN DE FRANCE ET MONACO Local | Marin Software Advertisers with many stores or retail locations need a marketing platform that can help them quickly setup, manage and optimize local marketing campaigns. Marin Software’s automation tools enable marketers to efficiently scale local marketing efforts so you can spend less time managing campaigns and more time optimizing performance and maximizing ROI. Dynamic Campaigns allows marketers to quickly and efficiently setup local marketing campaigns One of the major challenges for local-focused marketers is quickly setting up campaigns, ad groups and keywords for hundreds or even thousands of stores and retail locations. Marin Software’s Dynamic Campaigns helps local marketers setup campaigns quickly and efficiently by generating a set of keywords based on a few key inputs such as industry, business, and location. Optimize your marketing campaigns within budget constraints Forget about managing your local marketing campaigns manually. Unrivaled service and support

Glam Media . The Pioneer of Vertical Media
