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24.00 Problems of Philosophy, Fall 2005

24.00 Problems of Philosophy, Fall 2005

clean sweep assessment Are you ready to clean up your life? The Clean Sweep Program is a checklist of 100 items which, when completed, give one complete personal freedom. These 100 items are grouped in 4 areas of life with 25 in each group: Physical Environment, Well-being, Money and Relationships. Objective The participant's goal is to get a score of 100 out of 100. Promise The Clean Sweep Program promises three things will happen as you increase your scores: You will have more energy and vitality. Instructions There are 4 steps to completing the Clean Sweep™ Program. Answer each question. Scoring: Add your totals from the four sections. Important Points: This program is part of establishing a Strong Personal Foundation. PeerBlock – Peerblock Site

Literary Analysis Guide | English Major & Minor | Goshen College In writing about literature or any specific text, you will strengthen your discussion if you offer specific passages from the text as evidence. Rather than simply dropping in quotations and expecting their significance and relevance to your argument to be self-evident, you need to provide sufficient analysis of the passage. Remember that your over-riding goal of analysis writing is to demonstrate some new understanding of the text. How to analyze a text? Read or reread the text with specific questions in mind.Marshal basic ideas, events and names. Principles of analyzing a passage Sample analysis paragraphs from James McBride’s The Color of Water An important difference between James and his mother is their method of dealing with the pain they experience. The image of running that McBride uses here and elsewhere supports his understanding of his mother as someone who does not stop and consider what is happening in her life yet is able to move ahead. from Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye

Find, share & upload documents. Get better grades | wePapers Black Mirror / rorriM kcalB Omegle The League of Extraordinary Writers Les Entreprises libérées, bd chez Les arènes de Simmat, Bercovici L'histoire : L’accélération récente d’un épiphénomène pourrait devenir l’évolution – pour ne pas dire la révolution majeure – de nos sociétés articulées par et pour le travail. Initié il y a plus de 50 ans aux Etats-Unis, ce mouvement connu sous le terme d’« entreprises libérées » connait récemment un étonnant développement en France et en Belgique. Ce qu'on en pense sur la planète BD : Cette BD-reportage s’appuie sur un travail d’enquête convaincant et bien construit par le journaliste économique, Benoist Sismat.

Academic Earth | Online Courses | Academic Video Lectures Educational Videos for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies How Vinyl Records Are Made–And How to Pirate A Vinyl Record | DO IT: Projects, Plans and How-tos Vinyl records have a unique place in the world of music media. Aside from their warm analog tone, vinyl is the only popular medium that is nearly impossible to create or duplicate at home – something that can’t be claimed by cassettes, CDs, DVDs, and certainly not mp3s. Not to be an apologist for piracy, this inherently creates more value for recorded music than using an easily reproducible medium (be it physically or digitally) does. But as we all know, digital is the present and the future, and I am not complaining about that at all; one look at my iTunes playlist and you’ll know what I mean. A while back, the site ran a piece on how to “pirate” a vinyl record using normal silicone casting materials. Sadly, the link is broken, but thanks to the Wayback Machine, I’ve pulled the archived copy up and am attaching it here for posterity: Posted May 14, 2006 at 06:49AM by Anna S.Listed in: Misc. So you thought you’ve pirated everything huh? Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Pour in the mixture.

Ausweis Ausweis A Reality-Hacking Experiment. The world's changing. On a tape I bought at a yard sale, I heard the narrator say, "People are conditioned to believe the printed word." You know I really thought that people would laugh and not let me get anywhere with them. But success came really quickly. My next big success came with the "50 Cents Off" card. What was it that compelled him? Of course, there's the story of the artist who paints replicas of U.S. currency to prove some of the same point. I started to get obsessed with how abstract and far-reaching I could make the words on the card...could they really overcome physical limitations? And why do these cards make everyone smile? I made the "Add To Your Family Card," after I realized most of the previous ones were rather masculine. A little further in the "far-reaching" direction... Trying to restore some balance to the noise most of these create. Another powermad one. Just how absurd can we make this?! Ninja-style... poof! Links

Le management à l’heure du digital Alors que de nouveaux outils apparaissent presque tous les jours, faisant de la digitalisation de l’économie et des organisations une des bascules les plus signifiantes de ces dernières décennies, le management, longtemps perçu comme une activité stable, doit lui aussi aujourd’hui opérer une mutation, et même devenir un acteur clé, un levier de ce changement. Un manager ne peut se contenter d’être un suiveur. Il se doit d’incarner le changement auprès de ses équipes. Quel que soit le contexte économique ou social de l’entreprise, il porte le projet de la direction et lui donne sens. Certes, mais au-delà du discours, cette bascule digitale pose un réel défi aux managers d’aujourd’hui : comment parvenir à gérer l’usage personnel, qui consiste à s’initier pour soi-même, et le partage collaboratif, au profit de l’efficience collective. De nombreux managers se sentent désorientés et dépassés face à ces nouveaux défis. 1- Accepter la dynamique collaborative
