Strategies to encourage audience participation Is your audience asleep, checking email or just checking out 10-20 minutes into your presentation? They might be more alert if you let them participate. As a speaker, I’ve found that it’s more fun for my audience – and for me – when my presentations have audience participation. Brain science tells us that audiences can only pay attention for 10-20 minutes before they need a mental break. People also learn more when they participate. Following are some methods I’ve found the most useful. 1. Some speakers fear their audience. 2. When your presentation starts and you ask people questions, they will be hesitant to answer. 3. Rather than telling the audience things, create situations where they have to guess. For instance, if you’re presenting the results of some research showing that PowerPoint makes a presenter more persuasive, don’t just blurt out the numbers. Show them the number when the speaker doesn’t use PowerPoint, then ask them “how many think PowerPoint makes you more effective? 4.
Metaphors for Presentations: Conway's Law Meets PowerPoint An important but complex issue in evaluating visual presentations, including PowerPoint, is: what are the causes of a presentation? What are the contributions of content quality, presenter skills, presentation methods, cognitive styles, and prevailing standards of integrity? To begin with, reasonably certain answers are that the causal structure is multivariate, that causes tend to interact and are not independent of one another, and improvements will result from working on all factors. George Orwell's classic essay "Politics and the English Language" gets right the interplay between quality of thought and cognitive style of presentation: "The English language becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts." Consider the NASA presentations. Sorting all this out is not possible. Some of these comparisons are for the same users with the same content. -- Edward Tufte
The Extreme Presentation(tm) Method The most popular thing we've ever posted on this blog has been, without doubt, the Chart Chooser. Available in nine different languages, the Chart Chooser has been featured in numerous books on presentation and data visualisation, and continues to serve as a very simple but effective tool for choosing a good chart. We have applied the same idea to the question of chosing different slide layouts, so here is the new Slide Chooser(tm). It works the same way the Chart Chooser does. You can download the Slide Chooser here as a single, two-page pdf: Download Slide Chooser 2 pager Over the years I have shared these designs with my friends at Microsoft and at, so all of the actual layouts are available either as SmartArt diagrams in PowerPoint and/or from as individual .ppt and .pptx files. An earlier version, laid out on a single, 11 x 17" (A3) sheet, looks like this: You can download this larger, single page version here: Download Slide Chooser 11x17
2 - Génial un diaporama ! La semaine précédente, nous engagions une série d'articles consacrés à la présentation avec support visuel. Nous avions fait part des critiques, nombreuses, qui pleuvent ces derniers temps sur l'usage inapproprié du diaporama (celui qu'on appelle, par abus de langage « PowerPoint »), quel que soit le contexte d'utilisation. Dans cet article, nous allons examiner les tendances à l'amélioration et les repères fournies par certains utilisateurs expérimentés. Les champions Les références ultimes, en matière de diaporama efficace, s'appellent Lawrence Lessig (professeur de droit et inventeur des licences Creative Commons) , Al Gore, Bill Gates et surtout Steve Jobs, dont l'art de la présentation a été décortiqué dans les moindres détails. Tous ces brillants orateurs utilisent le diaporama de manière convergente : Ces présentateurs de talent (dont certains, comme Bill Gates ou Al Gore, ont subi un entraînement intensif) utilisent le diaporama comme support ou complément à leur prestation orale.
ABC du Brainstorming - animer un Brainstorming (ou remue-méninges) Comment organiser et animer un Brainstorming Le brainstorming ou remue-méninges est une technique de recherche d'idées en groupe, par exemple afin d'identifier ou de résoudre un problème. La principale phase du brainstorming consiste à émettre spontanément le plus d'idées possible sans retenue et en les notant toutes. Mais au-delà de cette phase de collecte d'idées, il faut auparavant 1/ constituer le groupe 2/ cadrer la question de départ et après 4/ sélectionner les meilleures idées ou les solutions applicables. C'est le travail de l'animateur que d'organiser ce processus. Mes autres cours de gestion de projet / tous mes cours.
Lousy PowerPoint presentations: The fault of PP users? Technical reports, not PP After attending Mr. Tufte's Portland seminar, I gave a presentation on the content to my colleagues at work. I focused on how what I learned could be used to improve the design of our own software. Naturally, I couldn't in good conscience use a PowerPoint for this. Instead I wrote a one-page, double-sided report highlighting the seminar's scope and detailing various salient points. I was amazed at how smoothly the presentation went. I also had a number of compliments on my designs (thank you Mr. -- Venecia Rauls (email)
Data Visualization and Infographics - Smashing Magazine Advertisement The main goal of data visualization is its ability to visualize data, communicating information clearly and effectivelty. It doesn’t mean that data visualization needs to look boring to be functional or extremely sophisticated to look beautiful. In both print and web design infographics — visual representations of information, data or knowledge — are often used to support information, strengthen it and present it within a provoking and sensitive context, depending on designer’s creativity. This article presents some spectacular data visualizations and infographics which manage to combine a strong visual appeal with the effective presentation of information. You might want to take a look at the article Data Visualization: Modern Approaches1 we’ve written few months ago. Data Visualization and Infographics Flags as Infographics3These posters have been designed for the political magazine Grande “Reportagem”. Independent: Infographic4Middle-East: who backs immediate cease-fire?
4 outils pour creer des nuages de mots pour la classe. Les nuages de mots générés automatiquement à partir d’un texte ou de manière manuelle sont de plus en plus utilisés par des enseignants. Outre le fait qu’ils sont dans les nuages et donc accessibles de partout, ils offrent beaucoup d’utilisations possibles en classe. Ils peuvent être utilisés pour faire apprendre du vocabulaire, créer des posters à afficher en classe, analyser le passage d’un texte ou servir de support à un brainstorming…ou encore créer avec les prénoms de tous vos élèves un nuage de tous les membres d’un groupe. Ce type d’outil s’adapte à une multitude de situations. Voici quatre outils TICE en ligne qui permettent de créer des nuages de mots pour la classe : Wordle. WordSift. WordItOut. AbCya. Sur le même thème
Issuu - You Publish p2i | Potent Presentations Initiative 16 Awesome Data Visualization Tools From navigating the Web in entirely new ways to seeing where in the world twitters are coming from, data visualization tools are changing the way we view content. We found the following 16 apps both visually stunning and delightfully useful. Visualize Your Network with Fidg’tFidg’t is a desktop application that aims to let you visualize your network and its predisposition for different types of things like music and photos. Currently, the service has integrated with Flickr and, so for example, Fidg’t might show you if your network is attracted or repelled by Coldplay, or if it has a predisposition to taking photos of their weekend partying. See Where Flickr Photos are Coming FromFlickrvision combines Google Maps and Flickr to provide a real-time view of where in the world Flickr photos are being uploaded from. BigSpy places stories at the top of the screen as they are dugg. Swarm visualizes stories with circles that grow and become brighter in color as they receive more diggs: