Graphics Info In the last couple of posts I've shown graphics covering big international stories. In contrast, here is a recent graphic we created which looks at a local issue. This was part of our coverage of Hong Kong's 15th anniversary of the handover from Britain back to China.
34 Of The Best Motion Graphics Studios And Their Work You see their work in commercials or in big movies but you never knew who they are or how they do it. They represent the hard working studios which give you those incredible motion graphics effects and animations you love. Most of these made a reel to show off their best work and give you a taste of their capabilities but make sure you watch their full portfolio also cause a few minutes of reel can’t contain their whole work and it would be a shame to miss something. Blur Blur Studio is an American visual effects, animation and design company. Blur produces 3D character animation, motion design and visual effects for feature films and television, game cinematics and trailers, large format films, location-based entertainment, commercials and integrated media. BrandNewSchool They are an integrated creative company that believes in the power of design to tell stories and shape experiences. They’ve been practicing these principles from their studios in New York and Los Angeles since 2000. Blind
Video Company on Motion Graphics Served Description 15 years ago, media seemed to be static... Today with the consolidation of electronic media, social and professional networks, media is alive and needs to reflect authentic human touch. In our screens, there has been a change: advertising and branding are alive. Their efficaciousness allows consumers to belong to a group. Media grant power of decision to millions of people who click any device. Diseño Audiovisual: Motion Graphics y 3D - Postgrado - IDEP Idep Hoy en día no se puede entender la comunicación gráfica sin tener en cuenta su vertiente audiovisual o motion graphics. Se trata de un territorio en alza dentro del diseño gráfico del cual se alimentan el cine y la televisión, pero que también resulta imprescindible para cualquier tipo de proyecto que quiera aprovechar el potencial del medio audiovisual, un medio que requiere de soluciones que vayan más allá de las propuestas gráficas estáticas para aportar valor añadido. Resulta indispensable tener presente el factor tiempo y el movimiento en la pantalla como parte fundamental del proceso creativo. Objetivos El plan de estudios tiene como objetivo dotar al alumno con las capacidades necesarias para crear propuestas gráficas dentro del medio audiovisual, como títulos de créditos, cortinillas de televisión, imágenes publicitarias y soportes audiovisuales para exposiciones, así como para generar e implementar recursos gráficos 3D en estos proyectos. Posibles Itinerarios Curriculares . . .
Where Congress Stands on Guns - ProPublica Upcoming legislation Bill S. 649 - Senate Whip Count 3No 35Likely No 20Undecided 23Likely Yes 18Yes Tap a segment of the chart to see which lawmakers are in each group. Several gun control measures – including universal background checks, stronger federal laws for gun trafficking and provisions to improve school safety – were rolled into a single bill introduced by Senate Majority Leader Harry M. A look at current ratings and positions A breakdown of NRA ratings The National Rifle Association is the nation’s largest organization devoted to defending gun rights. Weaker gun rights →← Stronger gun rights Tap a segment of the chart to see which lawmakers fall into each group, and see details on the grading criteria. A+: "Excellent voting record" and "vigorous effort" on gun rights. A: "Solidly pro-gun," backed NRA on key votes or has positive record on gun rights.AQ: Pro-gun rating based solely on a questionnaire and without a voting record. C: "Not necessarily a passing grade."
Metro - Lemmings Very cool flat animated piece using Sortie and other aescripts tools by Stage2 Tools used Author Notes I want to give you more detail about how some aescripts + aeplugins tools were crucial to our workflow on this project: Mat For this project we had to create a huge library of more than a 100 looped character animations. Ease & The golden standard of jiggly and bouncy motion in After Effects. a huge timesaver, this time for taking control of tons of layers (every single character animation was a loop on its own precomp). Submit If you would like to submit a piece for inclusion in our INSPIRATION category please submit it to us here. Top 10 des Motion designer français HomeAll / Inspiration / La sélection de...La sélection de Motion Designer Français jan 17 2012 by Kola 11 Comments Esprit chauvin nous voici ! Aujourd’hui, puisque l’isolationnisme et le repli communautaire semble être à la mode, je me lance dans un article qui fera plaisir à M.Bayrou et autres adeptes du 100% Français : une sélection de Motion Designer ben d’chez nous ! Bon, vous l’aviez vu venir à 1000km, l’admiration sans borne que je voue au talent Pierre Magnol est bien connue de tout ceux qui suivent le blog, vu que vous trouverez ces travaux éparpillés un peu partout au fil des post. Mister Gü, alias Gunther Gheeraert, c’est avant tout une veste verte bien connue sur le web, et un talent pluridisciplinaire qui s’étale de l’animation 2D/3D jusqu’à la prise de vue. Très beau reel que celui de Thomas Heckel, dont la 3D propre et efficace lui fait largement mériter sa place dans cette sélection. Encore un motion designer parisien de talent! En savoir + Twitter feed loading
CDI Dashboard - Home A Medium for the Masses In the mid-1990s and early 2000s, the internet was a niche medium with mass potential. In 1995, only 14% of Americans were online. Speed Matters Broadband access was barely measurable at the turn of the century. New Platforms & Mobility For more than a decade, there was one window to the internet — a web browser on a personal computer. The Internet as a News Source Two decades into the digital era, the internet is emerging as a primary source of news on national and international issues — a trend that coincides with the widespread adoption of internet-connected mobile devices. The Online Water Cooler Since their emergence in the middle of the last decade, social networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace and Twitter have transformed the web into an online water cooler conversation millions of voices strong.