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24 Ed-Tech Terms You Should Know

If you’re a teacher or administrator who has been to an educational conference or sat in on a product demo featuring the latest classroom innovation, you know that the intersection of schools and technology is littered with buzzwords. From mLearning to mobile apps to asynchronous instruction, the ed-tech landscape is equal parts high-gloss marketing and roll-up-your-sleeves instruction. In the face of increased pressure to improve student performance, how can K–12 educators cut through the promotional hyperbole and put the focus where it should be — on classroom improvements? It helps if you speak the language. Are there any other terms you’d like to see on this list? Related:  Teacher Knowledge

C’est quoi un bon prof? La question est simple, la réponse plus compliquée. J'ai pourtant allégé ma tâche en ne demandant pas : "C'est quoi un très bon prof ?" J'imagine que le prof exemplaire n'a pas recours à la stratégie d'évitement. On imagine que le "pas bon prof" est souvent absent, qu'il est en retard sur des programmes qui l'intéressent moyennement et il a tendance à penser que si cela ne se passe pas bien, c'est uniquement de la faute des élèves. Cet enseignant a tout intérêt à reconsidérer sa position et développer ses capacités d'écoute. Il a aussi intérêt à avoir un œil sur tout Revenons à la question initiale. J'entends certains commentaires : "Bravo pour la référence culturelle, un bon prof devrait plutôt citer Cicéron, Montaigne." Je poursuis. Les mêmes doivent se dire : "Peu cultivé, et prétentieux !" Comment faire taire ceux qui ne me parlent pas? Trois mots clés résument son propos: le talent, le coeur et le temps. Il faut aussi du cœur, ou si on préfère une forme de générosité.

A Simple Comprehensive Guide on The use of Personal Learning Networks in Education Personal Learning Networks, or PLNs, have been around for a long time. Originally they were your family, relatives and friends, or probably other educators and fellow teachers you work with in the same institution, but now and thanks to the development of web technologies and wireless connections, the concept of PLNs has been expanded to engulf people you have never met before in real world. Much of the learning nowadays takes place online and via a network of interconnected relations. PLNs are basically based on the concept of a learning community. Teachers who are passionate about developing their learning experiences recognize the value of sharing their knowledge and expertise with others. Outline : What is a PLN ? What is a PLN ? Why PLNs in education ? So, why bother thinking about creating a PLN ? Benefits of PLNs in Education Here is a list of some of the pluses of PLNs in education as featured in Personal Learning Networks: Using the Power of Connections to Transform Education

9 Tools to Create E-magazines and Newspapers for Your Class 1- Uniflip UniFlip converts your magazine, brochure or catalog from its original PDF format into an exciting, professional multi-media digital format with pages that flip. 2-Joomag Joomag is a web tool that lets you create your own magazines using a simple online editor. 3- Scribd Scribd is known for being a reading library where you can search for and find ebooks and slides but it is also a magazine creator which allows users to upload their own content and turn it into a magazine 4- Issuu This is like Scribd above. 5- Zinepal This tools lets you create an ebook or magazine from posts and articles of a blog. 6- Build A Newspaper This one is a professional platform that provides teacher based templates to create mazagines. 7- Fodey This is most simple of all the tools mentioned here. 8- Open Zine This is another web tool that allows users to create their own magazines without any need for advanced tech knowledge. 9- Calameo

7 habits of highly effective teachersThe Always Prepped Blog We’ve all heard about Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Some teachers out there may have heard of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers. Below are our 7 habits of highly effective teachers who use technology: 1) They always start with the why. Technology for technology’s sake is dangerous. 2) They are malleable and can easily adapt. 3) They embrace change. 4) They share, share, and then share some more. 5) They think win-win-win-win. 6) They are extremely thorough and think two steps ahead. 7) They actively care. What are your thoughts? Always Prepped. Teachers, we would love for you to signup for our site today. Beautiful classroom reports, designed to save teachers time. 50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About Technology and education are pretty intertwined these days and nearly every teacher has a few favorite tech tools that make doing his or her job and connecting with students a little bit easier and more fun for all involved. Yet as with anything related to technology, new tools are hitting the market constantly and older ones rising to prominence, broadening their scope, or just adding new features that make them better matches for education, which can make it hard to keep up with the newest and most useful tools even for the most tech-savvy teachers. Here, we’ve compiled a list of some of the tech tools, including some that are becoming increasingly popular and widely used, that should be part of any teacher’s tech tool arsenal this year, whether for their own personal use or as educational aids in the classroom. Social Learning These tools use the power of social media to help students learn and teachers connect. Learning Lesson Planning and Tools Useful Tools

The greatest creative writing activity ever UPDATE: This post was awarded the British Council’s Teaching English blog award for February, 2013. Thanks to all those who voted for my work, you’re awesome. This post is a response to a question posed on the British Council’s Teaching English page on Facebook: ‘Have you got a favourite lesson plan or class activity that you come back to and use again and again? Ok, let me dive straight into it. First, I’ll describe the activity, and then I’ll tell you why it’s great. 1. How long have you been on the planet? 2. You are going to write a paragraph that tells a story.Your paragraph will be a response to these questions.Any sentence you write is OK, but you must follow the sequence of questions.You can ask me for help while you are writing. 3. What kind of language might we use to answer the first question? 4. Twenty minutes is long enough for most to finish. 5. This keeps the early finishers busy, while the slower writers aren’t disturbed and can get on with their writing. 1. Passive structures

5 Ways Rapid Technology Change Impacts Education How Rapid Technology Change Impacts Your Teaching by Terry Heick In an increasingly digital world (or increasingly digital human experience anyway), rapid technology change is a fact of life. And these threats aren’t limited to business disruption, the safety of your data, or the digital footprint of your children. There is likely very little that can be actively done to reduce these threats on a macro scale other than impact them financially as consumers, as they are first economic issues. But we can begin to understand them better as teachers. 1. Rapid technology changes increases the need for persistent, informal ‘PD.’ Technology policies, teacher growth plans, and even department structures are impotent against this rate of change, and this degree of fragmentation. This makes the curiosity and professional diligence of the educators themselves supplant notions of top-down professional development. 2. But in other ways, these apparent Luddites might have a point. 3. 4. 5.

Educators as Social Networked Learners This fall, I am getting the opportunity to design and teach a graduate course for Boise State University’s Education Technology Program entitled, Social Networked Learning. The majority of students in the program are K-12 in-service teachers who are seeking ways to enhance their teaching with integrated and emerging technologies. Course Description This course explores collaborative and emergent pedagogies, tools, and theory related to the use of social networks in learning environments. The ideas, content, and exercises presented in this course are driven by two basic tenets: We are living, learning, and educating in an information-rich (Shirky), connected (Siemens), creative (Florida), participatory (Jenkins) culture.This culture is seeing growth, development, and evolution of information and technology as never seen before in the history of humankind. Learning Goals Course Modules Course Assignments Assignment

Alternative Video Use in the Flipped Classroom Guest post by FLN executive director, Kari Arfstrom. Recently, you may have heard about flipped learning. If you read any professional journals or education publications over the summer break, most of them have written at least one story on this new ideology. Every education blogger seems to have an opinion on the topic as well. National news organizations like CNN and NPR have covered it, along with the New York Times and the Washington Post, which has done multiple stories. Survey says: Flipped learning boosts grades, attitudes, satisfaction You may have decided to flip your classroom (or are thinking about it) to increase student interest and learning, to stave off doing the “same thing day after day,” and to utilize past technology purchases that can finally be realized as increasing satisfaction for both teachers and students. The vast majority of educators who responded to the poll have more than 7 years of experience (85%) and have flipped their classroom two years or less.

44 Better Ways To Use Smartphones In The Classroom 44 Better Ways To Use Smartphones In The Classroom by John Hardison first appeared on This week an online article grabbed my attention. Its title read “94 Percent of High School Students Using Cellphones in Class.” I immediately scoped out the heading and thought to myself, “Finally, teachers are beginning to embrace the powerful little gadgets.” However, it did not take me long to realize the researched article took quite a different slant. One quotation in particular caused serious professional introspection on my behalf. I understand the tougher task of using regular cell phones in class versus internet ready smartphones, however , I could not disagree more with the above quotation. A blessed trip to the ISTE 2011 conference in Philadelphia helped me devise a BYOD classroom management plan and opened my eyes to the infinite educational potential of smartphones in the classroom. 44 Better Ways To Use Smartphones In The Classroom Use Smartphones to Collaborate

4 Ways To Stop Being Scared Of Online Learning We live in the Digital Age in which many of us spend a great deal of time each day using technology. Most of us are connected via a mobile device of some sort as we move through our daily routine, and we make use of electronic communication options, such as email, social media, and text messaging. There is an increasing number of us who are telecommuting, working our full-time jobs from home. We have even defined ourselves as “digital natives” or “digital immigrants” to help explain this brave new world. Within this context, education has embraced the move into technology as much as possible. For example, online learning has been around for over a decade already. Within this context, my colleagues and I have noticed something interesting: Our online students seem even more intimidated by e-learning than in the past. Preterm Information With technology often comes the ability for students to self-enroll in classes. Relevant, Functioning Content Constant Outreach Build Community

A world where grades don't exist and learning is free As USA TODAY celebrates it 30th anniversary, we interviewed some of the USA's greatest visionaries to talk about the world of tomorrow: How we'll live, learn and travel, what we'll do and who we'll be. PALO ALTO, Calif. -- About a mile from the main quad at Stanford University, one of the nation's bastions of exclusive and expensive higher education, a street-level office building across the street from an Olive Garden houses the makings of an up-and-coming contender. In this version of education, learning will be free and available to anyone who wants it while operating like a whimsical playground: No one is late for class, failure is not an option, and a lesson looks something like Angry Birds, the physics-based puzzle game that has been downloaded more than 1 billion times. "You want learning to be as much fun as it is to play a video game," says Sebastian Thrun, a Google vice president and Stanford research professor best known for his role in building Google's driverless car.

The Importance Of Mobile Learning In (And Out Of) The Classroom There has always been at least some sort of disconnect between how things are taught in a classroom and how things work in the ‘real world’. In some cases, the disconnect is very distinct (how many people took four years of high school language classes only to be able to barely introduce yourself in the language?). Many newer pedagogical models aim to be more practical (like Project Based Learning or Challenge Based Learning). Smartphones and Tablet sales will soon take over laptop and desktop computer sales: Don’t stick just to books – why not let students use the technology they’ll need in the future? The 21st Century workforce will be filled with people who have grown up with devices, and are used to having easy access to search engines, sharing and collaboration are the norm, and creative freedom is king. BYOD is not just for classrooms: 62% of workers use their own smartphones for work – and this number is slated to rise.

The Must-Have EdTech Cheat Sheet Explania: A Useful Source For Free Educational Videos 2.86K Views 0 Likes Whether or not you prescribe to the idea that there are different types of learners there are some scenarios in which a visual explanation is extremely helpful in understanding the subject matter at hand.
