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7 Excellent Tools to Publish Students Work

7 Excellent Tools to Publish Students Work
There is nothing much rewarding for students than to see their accomplished work being published and celebrated with others. This is very much motivating and is a strong impetus for them to achieve more and work harder. Can you imagine how happy a student would be to share his classroom work with his parents in a neat and clean online platform that they access anywhere and anytime ? There are several online tools that you as a teacher can use to host your students work and share them with the whole class and as well as parents .Below are some tools that can help you do that. 1- Flipsnack Fipsnack is an online flipping book software that allows you to convert PDF documents into Flash page flip digital publications ideal for publishing students work. 2- Issuu This is another populat website where you can upload and share your students work very easily and for free.3- Tikatok Tikatok lets you easily create an unlimited books online . 4- Mixbook 6- Lulu 7- Other tools Related:  Skapa PDF, tidningar och e-böckerOppiaineita ja -aiheita,oppimateriaaleja eri aihealueisiin

About Slipp has evolved into If you're not ready for Slipp you can still CREATE A GLOSSI. Dear Glossinauts, Since our launch over a year ago, almost 10,000 beautiful Glossies have been created by imaginative, creative and fantastic people just like you. It's been a rewarding journey of discovery and sharing. As we noted in March, we have been compelled to shift our product focus toward enabling everyone to create striking content suited for today’s digital landscape in just minutes. In fact, the numbers here may be surprising: mobile devices are becoming the most common consumption vehicle for over 70% of users in most countries and over 90% in certain ones. Our response? Experience the Slipp format for yourself. To give our full attention and support to Slipp, we have to say goodbye to supporting the Glossi creation tools. Thank you so much for your dazzling creations...and we can’t wait to see what you make next. Interested in becoming a Topic Leader on Slipp? Have any questions?

Saksankielen oppimateriaalit ITKssa | Dimcos Suomeksi Puhuja: Pia Hägglund-Viljanen, Nurmijärven yhteiskouluMikko Jordman, Nurmijärven yhteiskoulu Avainsanat: digiopetus, digitaalinen oppiminen, Lukio, digitaalinen tuottaminen, kieltenopetus,media, käytännönesimerkit Kohderyhmä: Aineenopettajat / kielet Kohderyhmänä ovat opettajat, joita kiinnostaa oppimateriaalien käyttäminen, tuottaminen ja jakaminen sähköisenä. Esitykseen liittyvä linkki: Tule katsomaan, miten oman sähköisen materiaalin tuottaminen, julkaiseminen ja jakaminen kaikkien ulottuville on helppoa ja edullista jasen käyttäminen on helppoa ja innostavaa! Esiintyjät: Pia Hägglund-Viljanen kertoo innostavia kokemuksiaan oman sähköisen materiaalin teosta ja käytöstä saksan kielessä Nurmijärven Yhteiskoulun lukiossa.Mikko Jordman rehtorina kertoo opettajuuden muutoksesta omassa koulussa jakamisen ja avoimuuden lisääntyessä

Super Teacher Tools 9 Tools to Create E-magazines and Newspapers for Your Class 1- Uniflip UniFlip converts your magazine, brochure or catalog from its original PDF format into an exciting, professional multi-media digital format with pages that flip. 2-Joomag Joomag is a web tool that lets you create your own magazines using a simple online editor. 3- Scribd Scribd is known for being a reading library where you can search for and find ebooks and slides but it is also a magazine creator which allows users to upload their own content and turn it into a magazine 4- Issuu This is like Scribd above. 5- Zinepal This tools lets you create an ebook or magazine from posts and articles of a blog. 6- Build A Newspaper This one is a professional platform that provides teacher based templates to create mazagines. 7- Fodey This is most simple of all the tools mentioned here. 8- Open Zine This is another web tool that allows users to create their own magazines without any need for advanced tech knowledge. 9- Calameo

Create Your Own eBooks - Richard Byrne Yudu is a free service that allows you to upload PDF, Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files to create online magazines. The page turning effect and the zoom options are all built into the technology of Yudu and automatically activated. When your Yudu online magazine is created you can embed it into a blog, wiki, or website. Issuu, like Yudu, offers the option to display your documents with page-turning effects. DocStoc and Scribd are similar services that can best be described as YouTube for documents. Youblisher is a PDF publishing service that is very similar to Yudu and Issuu. Tools for building ebooks from scratch. My Ebook is a new service for creating rich multimedia ebooks. One word of caution about My Ebook, you might not want to let your students browse the library of ebooks without supervision. Simple Booklet offers free online booklet creation and publishing. Each page of your Simple Booklet can have multiple elements on it.

Omia kuviani opetusmateriaaliin | Aken mediaa Valikoin Flickrissä julkaisemistani kuvista ne, jotka minusta soveltuvat lukion biologian ja maantieteen opetukseen ja annan ne käyttöön CC- lisenssillä. Kuvat ovat kaikki yhdessä albumissa ja erikseen kurssialbumeissa. Koska olen kuvannut ja edelleen kuvaan enimmäkseen luontoa ja maisemia Suomesta, löytyy soveliaita kuvia eniten ge2- ja bi2- kursseihin ja jonkun verran myös ge3- kurssiin. Joistakin kursseista ei ole toistaiseksi kuvia ollenkaan.Vaikka olen kuvia valitessani pitäytynyt lukion kursseihin, soveltuvat esim. metsä-, vesistö- ja suokuvat sekä ulkomailla otetut kuvat toki myös yläasteen opetukseen. Tässä on ensimmäisenä linkki albumiin, johon laitan kaikki oppimateriaaliksi soveltuvat kuvat ja sen alla linkit kurssikohtaisiin albumeihin. Kuvia olen valinnut osin myös valokuvauksellisin perustein. Kuvien lisenssi Kuvissa on seuraava lisenssimäärite Tämä tarkoittaa: Kuvien etsiminen ja ottaminen omaan käyttöön Kuvan tiedot

7 Essential Tools for a Flipped Classroom - Getting Smart by Guest Author - classrooms, EdTech, flipped classroom By: Erin Palmer The flipped classroom uses technology to allow students more time to apply knowledge and teachers more time for hands-on education. It’s a continually changing strategy that evolves with technology. Innovative educators are usually on the lookout for the latest technology breakthroughs that will help them better organize and conduct flipped classrooms. The following tools are listed from most basic to most sophisticated and can be used alone or in tandem to make flipped classrooms more engaging. Google Docs Google Docs have many advantages over traditional word processing programs, including real-time automatic updates visible to all users, a feature that enables robust discussion and sharing. YouTube Ideal for first-time flippers, YouTube offers a user-friendly, universally understood platform for taped lectures and other educational videos. Teachem The Flipped Learning Network Camtasia Studio Edmodo or Schoology This guest post was provided by Erin Palmer.

Beautiful and easy newspaper templates Blank Board Games to Print Blank board games allow you to create a board game of your own or play a simple board game on the fly. As a teacher, you may use them to help students review important content. As a parent, download these templates to come up with a creative family game or help your children come up with creative ideas for new games. Use coins and pieces of paper or small plastic figurines as playing pieces and find a pair of dice, or make your own spinner to help players move around the board. Board Game Templates Blank board games come in multiple formats. Windy Board Game A windy board game has a starting point and an ending point, but features two paths for players to get to the end. Other ideas for this board: Make it a two-player game and assign each player one of the rows to start on. Square Board Game The square board game has the feel of a traditional board game as pieces move around the board from square to square. For another idea, place a deck of playing cards in the middle of the game board.

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