Placebo Buttons
The Misconception: All buttons placed around you do your bidding. The Truth: Many public buttons are only there to comfort you. You press the doorbell button, you hear the doorbell ring. You press the elevator button, it lights up. You press the button on the vending machine, a soft drink comes rattling down the chute. Your whole life, you’ve pressed buttons and been rewarded. The thing about buttons, though, is there seems to be some invisible magic taking place between the moment you press them down and when you get the expected result. Maybe there’s a man inside who pulls out the can of soda and puts it in the chute. You just don’t know, and that’s how conditioning works. The problem here is that some buttons in modern life don’t actually do anything at all. According to a 2008 article in the New Yorker, close buttons don’t close the elevator doors in many elevators built in the United States since the 1990s. Placebo buttons are a lot like superstitions, or ancient rituals. Sources:
Propaganda Posters of World War Two
"QUANTUM SHOT" #650Link - article by Simon Rose and Avi Abrams Warped, Twisted "Hall of Mirrors" vs. Actual Truth
Microsoft has figured out how to turn any surface into a touch screen Video
Log in 110% Awesomeness Cynthia Yildirim
Seven tricks your brain is playing on you
(NaturalNews) We all want to believe we are tough to fool. The problem is, even if you are not so gullible, your brain still works a certain way, making associations that create vulnerability to being easily fooled, or fooling yourself. It takes work to release yourself from these natural assumptions that are presumed to originate from a mix of hard wiring and cultural conditioning.
Corporate Gibberish Generator on
Welcome to the Corporate Gibberish Generator™ by Andrew Davidson. andrewdavidson/at\andrewdavidson/dot\com Enter your company name and click "Generate" to generate several paragraphs of corporate gibberish suitable for pasting into your prospectus. (The gibberish is geared more toward Internet and technology companies.) Without B2C, 60/60/24/7/365 CAD, you will lack functionalities. AssCo practically invented the term "raw bandwidth". The metrics for research and development are more well-understood if they are not best-of-breed, revolutionary. Your budget for delivering should be at least three times your budget for productizing.
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Tibetan Eye Chart Give your body and your EYES the nutrition they need! For generations the people of Tibet have used natural methods to correct visual weakness and improve their eyesight. Chief among the methods employed has been the use of certain exercises which have proved useful over long periods of time.
Hiding the Lockheed Plant during World War II - wow this is amazing!
Hidden in Plain View During WW II Lockheed (unbelievable 1940s pictures). This is a version of special effects during the 1940's.
Scientists close in on Higgs boson 'God particle'
Scientists are expected to announce they may have caught their first glimpse of the Higgs boson, a curious subatomic particle long thought to underpin the microscopic workings of nature. Hundreds of physicists will crowd into a seminar room at Cern, the European particle physics laboratory near Geneva, on Tuesday, to hear the latest in the hunt for the particle, while thousands more are expected to watch online. The Higgs boson, or so-called God particle, has become the most coveted prize in particle physics since it was postulated in the mid-1960s. Its discovery would rank among the most important scientific advances of the past 100 years and confirm how elementary particles get mass. Scientists have been hunting the Higgs for more than 30 years with machines so large they are miles across and consume the power of a reasonable-sized town. The Higgs boson is the signature particle of a theory published by six physicists within a few months of each other in 1964.
The Battle for Your Mind: Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public By Dick Sutphen
Authoritarian followers Mind Control Subliminals By Dick Sutphen Summary of Contents The Birth of Conversion The Three Brain Phases How Revivalist Preachers Work Voice Roll Technique Six Conversion Techniques 1. keeping agreements 2.physical and mental fatigue 3. increase the tension 4. Uncertainty. 5. Jargon 6. No humor Stockholm SyndromeDecognition Process Step One is ALERTNESS REDUCTION Step Two is PROGRAMED CONFUSION Step Three is THOUGHT STOPPINGTrue Believers & Mass Movements Persuasion Techniques YES SET TRUISMS SUGGESTION Imbedded Commands INTERSPERSAL TECHNIQUE Visualisation SHOCK AND CONFUSIONSubliminal Programming Mass Misuse Vibrato Extra Low Frequencies The Neurophone
Starting over: Ultimate democracy - life - 31 March 2011
Didn't vote for the bozos who are running the country? Join the club. Thanks to the competitive nature of electoral democracies, many - often most - citizens end up being governed by a party they didn't vote for.
Congo research - The First Zombie-Proof House - All That Is Interesting - StumbleUpon
Somehow, ritual drunk-conversation concerning team captains for the apocalypse has become a major part of the lives of 20-somethings. Having been matured in the Grandaddy-crowned masterpiece film (put “A.M. 180” on and forget that you have a job) 28 Days Later and the best-selling Zombie Survival Guide, we’re all a little too ready to deal with the 2012 zombie apocalypse of our dreams. “The Safe House,” designed by KWK Promes, starts to get eerily close to something I could work with, if say 200 bludgeoned members of the undead army came over to eat their way into borrowing some sugar. “The most essential item for our clients was acquiring the feeling of maximum security,” begins the designers’ website in the summary of the structure. Who wouldn’t feel safe in a concrete rectangle that folds in upon itself to become completely sealed?
Psychology Information