Pentagram & the Golden Ratio
The 'ratio' has become known as the golden ratio or golden section. This ratio can be found in many places: in art, architecture, and mathematics. The golden ratio also appears in comparing consecutive elements of certain kinds of sequences, most notably, the Fibonacci sequence, but other sequences also. For instance, take two numbers at random, say 2 and 6. Add them to get 8. Add 6 and 8 to get 14. You can find many rectangles in an icosahedron whose sides are in the golden ratio.Here's one. The Golden Rectangle can be subdivided into squares and additional smaller Golden Rectangles, again a process that seemingly could go on indefinitely. What are the dimensions of square #3? 0.61803... : 1.00 :: 1.00 : 1.61803... or 0.61803... is to 1.00 as 1.00 is to 1.61803... or Ø - 1 : 1 :: 1 : Ø ® Ø2 - Ø = 1 Pictured here are what might be called a couple of "golden parallelograms", can you explain why that might be? Pictured below are some other "golden figures". StarDimensions tg
The revival of an ancient science
At the other end of the scientific spectrum of contemporary science an ancient science is being restored. For ages it has been preserved carefully. It is more or less an art form and it is called ‘sacred geometry’. Why sacred, what is so sacred about geometry? Now why do we introduce sacred geometry in a book that is about contemporary and groundbreaking science? The archaic science of sacred geometry can be traced back to the Egyptian civilization but may well be a heritage from the civilisation of mythological Atlantis and we’ll provide sufficient clues in this book to sustain this claim. Surprisingly enough sacred geometry also shows up in many crop circles that have been appearing in the last two decades all over the world. What is far more interesting is that crop circles contain intelligent embedded geometry. It is now believed that the Egyptians applied sacred geometry in the construction of the Great Pyramid and many other monuments. It is called the genesis pattern. Torus Torus
About Sacred Geometry
Introduction Sacred Geometry is the blueprint of Creation and the genesis of all form. It is an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of Creation organizes itself. On every scale, every natural pattern of growth or movement conforms inevitably to one or more geometric shapes. As you enter the world of Sacred Geometry you begin to see as never before the wonderfully patterned beauty of Creation. The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snow flakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know them emerge out of timeless geometric codes. Viewing and contemplating these codes allow us to gaze directly at the lines on the face of deep wisdom and offers up a glimpse into the inner workings of the Universal Mind and the Universe itself. 1.
How To Have An Out Of Body Experience
Robert Monroe's Method In his book, Journeys Out of the Body, Robert Monroe describes a complicated-sounding technique for inducing OBEs. In part, it is similar to other imagination methods, but it starts with induction of the "vibrational state". The next step involves entering the state bordering sleep (the hypnagogic state). After first achieving this state, Monroe recommends to deepen it. Once you have achieved the vibrational state, you have to learn to control it, to smooth out the vibrations by "pulsing" them. To leave the body, Monroe advocates the "lift-out" method.