Mатрица диалогов (American English) сделано на основе методики Замяткина Н.Ф. + Е.А. Умрюхин ( Умин ) [2009] включая подробные методики обучения обновлено 23/02/2013 (добавлена ссылка на курсы подходящие к методике УМИН) : 9000000 (сделано на основе методики Замяткина Н.Ф. + Е.А. Умрихин ( Умин )! Диалоги не зациклены, как в комплекте продаваемом Замяткиным (это решается элементарной настройкой MP3 плеера на повторное воспроизведение). Для удобства пользователей добавил папку с аудио словарями к каждому диалогу с переводом (пользоваться только в аварийных случаях). полезная статья Шаломая Д. про изучение языка через фразы и ненужности изучения грамматики на 1 году обучения Что, собственно, представляет собой язык? и аудирования - это один из самых лучших, которые я слышал подкастов. методики и рекомендации успешных жителей трекера взято с глубин раздела изучения английского 1 вариантпорекомендациям ZLS 1. методика Замяткина очищенная от шелухи Это мой конспект для тех кому лень читать книгу Замяткина Н.Ф. FAQ по методике Н.Ф. Общие вопросы по работе с матричным методом.источникВ: Сколько слушать диалоги?
ENGAMES Countable and uncountable nouns When I speak with native speakers of English they often tell me that the concept of countability in English is absolutely natural. “You simply know which noun is countable and which is not.” However, this natural feeling is nearly impossible to teach. Based on my experience I have created the following mind map where I try to set some rules to help the learners of English. The rules given here are in no way foolproof but I hope they will help a bit. Countable or Uncountable – mind map Countable or Uncountable – games Now it is time to test your knowledge in games. Countable and uncountable nouns – Tetris game The second game is incredibly popular in my classes. The third game is called penalty. 7 Ways to Be Insufferable on Facebook | Wait But Why The memory is vivid. New Year's Day, 2013. I'm going about my afternoon pleasantly, when I open my email and a friend has forwarded me what she calls a particularly heinous Facebook status from her Newsfeed, written by someone we'll call Daniel. 2012 was a biggg year for me. By the time I finished reading, I realized that my non-phone hand was clutching tightly to my forehead, forcefully scrunching my forehead skin together. It was everything bad about everything, all at once. But instead of distancing myself from the horror, I soaked in it. It made me think about what makes terrible Facebook behavior terrible, and why other Facebook behavior isn't annoying at all. To examine this a bit, let's start by discussing the defining characteristics of statuses that are not annoying. To be unannoying, a Facebook status typically has to be one of two things: 1) Interesting/Informative 2) Funny/Amusing/Entertaining You know why these are unannoying? 1) Image Crafting. 2) Narcissism. 5) Loneliness.
Learning English vocabulary and grammar with free online English language tests, exercises and quizes shko-la.ru - Английский клуб После длительного перерыва мы решили возобновить встречи в нашем клубе. Но теперь совсем в ином формате: мы будем не просто разговаривать, а именно УЧИТЬ язык с профессиональным преподавателем - получать новые знания и тут же отрабатывать их на практике. Каждое занятие клуба теперь имеет определенную тему. Первые 15 минут преподаватель объясняет правило, а остальные 45 минут участники урока отрабатывают свеже полученное на практике. Теперь в нашем новом Английском клубе две разные группы: 1. 2. Не знаете, какой у вас уровень? Когда и где проходят занятия? Занятия проходят один раз в неделю по установленному расписанию. Все встречи нашего клуба проходят в скайпе - shko-la. Вы можете ознакомиться с планом занятий начальной группы и расписанием занятий здесь - План занятий второго семестра в Английском клубе и расписание занятий Вы также можете повлиять на составление расписания занятий начальной группы, отметив подходящие вам варианты в нашем опросе тут - Опрос Кто ведет занятия?
10 English Words with the most multiple meanings – Part 1 José is in his third and final week with me on a home stay full immersion course and has come to the conclusion that the English Language is extremely confusing and frustrating! Especially when it comes to all those words that have multiple meanings. I have to confess that he has got a point. Take the word “run” for example. Kaplan has taken each word and categorised them according to the different parts of speech, for example, verb, noun, adverb, adjective and so on as well as verb phrases and idioms. Part 1 will deal with the first 5 words. Kaplan International Colleges Verb My dog loves to run about in the park (move quickly with legs)She runs a very successful business (manages)The bus company runs a regular weekend service (offer a service)Don’t leave your car engine running/ try running the computer programme and see if it works (machine: working) Noun I always go for a 10k run in the mornings.The play has had a successful run in the West End. Verb Phrases Verb Phrases Verb Ciao for now
Are language cops losing war against 'wrongly' used words? 20 April 2012 Last updated at 00:54 GMT By Kate Dailey BBC News Magazine Language enthusiasts bemoan the way words are being misused. But are the meanings they view as improper destined to take over? The editors of the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook announced that after careful consideration, they had changed the usage rules for the word "hopefully". The AP Stylebook is one of the premier guides for American writers and copy-editors, and its rules dictate how the vast majority of newspapers and magazines use words, phrases, grammar and punctuation. Before the change, "hopefully" could only be used to mean "in a hopeful manner". Though the AP Stylebook is primarily used in the US, the question of what words can be used in which ways is a universal one. The use of "hopefully" is no longer as controversial as it once was, there exists no shortage of words that trigger arguments amongst language formalists. Continue reading the main story Once and future words The rules are, there are no rules
House of Doig: 50 Conversations To Have Before You Get Married I would like to preface this post by saying that this list started out very small, and grew very, very quickly. As it turns out, there are quite a few things that I think would be really helpful to talk about before you get married! I began thinking of things that I wish my husband and I had talked with each other about before we got married. We dated for two and a half years before marrying, but most of these conversations were not on our radar until much later- usually when a problem arose, and we had to fix it. How many fights we could have saved ourselves if we had talked about these things ahead of time! First, go through each question and reflect on your own answers. Second, take one or two questions to your girlfriend/boyfriend or fiancé(e) (or to your spouse- most of them are still awesome conversations to have after marriage). 1. What are your first, favorite or most painful memories? 2. Are you happy with it? 3. 4. Did they yell? 5. How connected did you feel to them? 6. 7.