Aubrey Beardsley Art Images 2DBean Warmups Hmmm Good question. I cannot honestly tell you when or even if it even happened. On a side note: Cute doodle work can be a full time attractive portfolio. I know it wasn’t until 3 years ago did I truly feel the hard work was paying off. As for your 2nd question: What was the difference between the cute doodle work and the attractive work? The difference between where I was and where I am is -I found out I had something to say that I feel is different then anyone else. -Sophistication in design through communication, understanding, and quality -Honing my ability to find truths through art. -I quit making art for “them”, you, or anyone else. Are you chasing the ball, or going where you think the ball should be? Hopefully that makes sense. Cheers, Bean
*** Cargo MISTER MORT Kay Nielsen Art Art of Gray BAKEA Marguerite Sauvage A bouquet of personnal works for Exquise Exhibition Paris about feminity in women artists work. These illustrations were also exhibited by Nucleus Gallery, USA.Fashion, Fine Arts, Illustration2012 La catástrofe de Bankia: Entrampados hasta las orejas ¿Podíamos dejar caer a Bankia como propone Xavier Sala i Martin en su excelente artículo ? Ojala hubiéramos podido. Me temo que era ya demasiado tarde. Y no sólo por que las fusiones hayan creado una entidad sistémica, que también (¿y se puede saber por qué el gobierno sigue insistiendo, tras este fiasco, en tratar de fusionar para incrementar tamaño? En mi artículo sobre el miedo mismo, (aquí en versión NeG con figuras, aquí en versión El País para todos los públicos), decía que la financiación oficial neta del BCE /Eurosistema para la economía española (las famosas cuentas de Target 2) en el balance del Banco de España acumulada era de 175 mil millones a finales del 2011. ¿Por qué este aumento en tres meses de 125000 millones? A Xavier Sala i Martín le gustaría que dejáramos caer a Bankia y a nosotros también, si fuera posible. Os lo cuento de forma sencilla, aunque os bailarán las cifras: Bankia BFA tiene unos activos totales (valor de libros, cuidado) de 325 mil millones.
Paloma Valdivia Ilustraciones Benoit FERRIERE [Mirof] | Some pixels Jed Henry Illustration Did you miss us? It’s been a while, but Dave has completed a brand new video (yay!): The Making of ‘Flight of Fantasy’.You can order your own handmade print at our website: ukiyoeheroes.com atelier-sento: Mizuka exploring the island’s harbourDetail from a scene of The Coral Cave, our watercolor videogame set in Okinawa. I’m excited to play this game! THAT DATA! Finally found the time to finish these pieces! Follow this link to see more print designs. Kanji explanation: Image 1: The bottom-left cartouche features the kanji 鳴戸, which is read naruto, meaning ‘maelstrom’. The top-right cartouche contains the kanji 古祟翻恵, loosely meaning “An ancient curse becomes a blessing”. Image 2: The top-left cartouche contains the symbols 龍毬, literally meaning ‘dragon’ and ‘orb’. The bottom-right cartouche features the kanji 不憩奮励, meaning ‘Never resting, striving higher’. Image 3: The left cartouche features the kanji 末撓気師, literally meaning “the last bending air master”. YES!
Tara McPherson | ART