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iPad Apps Classified by SAMR model

The SAMR model helps teachers and educators understand and better integrate technology into their teaching and learning. This model was created by Dr Robin Puentudura with the explicit aim of helping teachers in designing, developing and integrating digital media to increase students overall academic achievements. The four levels of this model are : Substitution, augmentation, modification and redefinition. Have a look at the image below to learn more about these four levels. The image is taken from Summer Tech Institute. If you want to go deeper into SAMR , I would recommend this PDF from Dr Ruben himself. Let me now share with you a great poster created by Swanson in which he features a myriad of iPad apps according to the four levels of SAMR. Related:  Sélections d'applications

A list of All The Best iPad Apps Teachers Need Coming to you from the Canadian Maritimes ( Halifax), Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is an educational blog dedicated to curating, reviewing and sharing EdTech tools and mobile apps. The purpose is to help teachers and educators effectively integrate digital technologies into their day-to-day teaching, learning and professional development. For any questions regarding our website or the content we publish, please contact EdTech admin, editor and blog owner, Med Kharbach at: Med Kharbach is a doctoral researcher and a former teacher with 10 years of classroom teaching experience. Kharbach, M. Example: Kharbach, M. (2016, December 30). 9 Fundamental digital skills for 21st century teachers [Blog post].

12 Advanced iPad Tips All Educators Should Learn Mobile Learning | Feature 12 Advanced iPad Tips All Educators Should Learn By Luis Pérez 04/23/13 It's no secret that the iPad has become a big hit with educators, due in part to its ease of use and the more than 20,000 educational apps available in the App Store to meet a wide range of learner needs. But are you and your students really getting the most out of its use? At FETC 2013 , Jennifer Hart and I presented a session where we shared a number of advanced tips to make finding, sorting, consuming, and creating content on the iPad easier and more efficient. Since I work in the field of special education, many of these tips mention the built-in accessibility features of the iPad. 1. 2. 3. 4. Tap and hold the keyboard key (lower right corner of the keyboard) and choose the option to split the keyboard (you can also undock it to move it out of the way if you need to see the bottom of the screen while the keyboard is visible).

A list of All The Best iPad Apps Teachers Need – School Leadership 2.0 School Leadership 2.0 A list of All The Best iPad Apps Teachers Need by Michael Keany Dec 27, 2012 A list of All The Best iPad Apps Teachers Need We have been doing a lot of reviews of educational mobile apps. 2 members like this A New Fantastic Bloom's Taxonomy Wheel for iPad Apps March 21, 2014 Today while I was browsing through my Twitter feeds I came across this fabulous Bloom's Taxonomy wheel of apps shared by Anthony. If you still recall, some previous versions of this wheel have already been featured here in Bloom's Taxonomy for Teachers section . As you can see, the wheel outlines a wide variety of verbs and activities related to each thinking level of Blooms taxonomy coupled with iPad apps that go with it. These apps are supposed to help teachers and students better cultivate these different thinking levels in their use of iPad apps. Create Evaluate Annalyse Apply Remember/understand This wheel is originally discovered on the website of Paul Hopkin's education consultancy site adopted by Allan Carrington.

Trouver des applications éducatives Le marché de la tablette se porte plutôt bien n’est-ce pas? Durée d’autonomie, accès rapide et manipulations faciles, des applis gratuites ou pas chers, sans compter l’intérêt des enfants pour cet objet; il n’est donc pas étonnant de trouver de plus en plus de tablettes au sein de l’éducation. Encore faut-il mettre le doigt sur les applications qui correspondent à nos besoins,… Voici donc une sélection de sources où s’approvisionner. La question m’étant souvent posée, je propose inlassablement la liste de liens que je complète au fil du temps, le moment est peut-être venu de la partager… Faut-il encore présenter La souris grise? Là aussi, il s’agit d’une sélection selon des critères de qualité. Une autre sélection d’applications ludiques et éducatives pour les enfants que ce soit dans l’univers Android ou iOs.Des tests et des articles à découvrir au fil des semaines. Entièrement consacré à l’iPad cette fois. Save

iPad As.... iPads have exploded throughout schools and classrooms. Their flexibility, versatility, and mobility make them a phenomenal learning tool. As teachers seek ways to integrate these devices, we recommend focusing on specific learning goals that promote critical-thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the creation of student-centric learning environments. In other words, begin with..... 10 Apps for Students to Take Notes As schools and districts move towards "1 to 1" and to "Bring Your Own Devices," the process of taking notes will take on a new meaning. It the past couple years, for me personally, it has gotten to a point where writing for very long makes my hand hurt because I don't use a pen or pencil very often anymore. While attending Master's classes and Professional Development meetings, I have started using my laptop and iPad to take notes. I have a feeling this will become the trend in future years in education. Evernote - A staple among educators and almost a necessity for me these days; Evernote provides users the ability to take notes, save images, and other documents, as well as record audio to go along with your notes. Google Docs - A lot of schools have gone to Google as their choice for spreadsheets, word documents, and presentation tools. Fetchnotes - More of a to do App, but does allow users the ability to take longer notes as well.

Le modèle SAMR : une référence Le modèle SAMR, élaboré par Ruben Puentedura, est une référence théorique très importante pour les éducateurs qui souhaitent réfléchir à l’intégration efficace et réellement pédagogique des technologies en classe. En voici un résumé. Le modèle SAMR offre une méthode permettant de mieux saisir comment la technologie peut avoir un réel impact sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage. Ainsi, il aide l’enseignant à comprendre qu’intégrer les TIC ne signifie pas d’utiliser la technologie à tout prix, mais d’engager l’élève dans son apprentissage. La technologie devient donc un outil pour atteindre ce but. Les lettres signifient Substitution, Augmentation, Modification et Redéfinition. Allons voir de plus près chacune des composantes du modèle SAMR, mis en place par Ruben Puentedura. Substitution Définition : La technologie est utilisée pour effectuer la même tâche qu’avant. Exemple : L’élève utilise un traitement de texte au lieu d’un crayon pour écrire un texte. Augmentation Modification En résumé

Application Education iPad Les maths… Soit on adore ça, soit on déteste ! Mais il y a rarement de juste milieu. Pour ceux qui souhaitent que leurs enfants se mettent sérieusement à l’arithmétique, autant commencer tôt, et surtout de manière ludique. Cela permettra… Lire la suite Il n’y a pas d’âge pour continuer à apprendre. Lire la suite Dans la veine des applications dédiées à la médecine, on vous avait déjà présenté il y a quelques jours Anatomie et Physiologie. Lire la suite Il faut croire que Fred & Jamy, avec leur émission C’est pas sorcier, ont donné des idées et des envies aux enfants. Lire la suite Il y a des histoires plus fortes que d’autres, des personnages qui attirent particulièrement. Lire la suite Quelle Histoire revient avec une nouvelle application permettant d’apprendre en s’amusant. Lire la suite Vous connaissez Edgar Allan Poe ? Lire la suite Dans la série des livres interactifs, je voudrais Voyage au centre de la terre. Lire la suite L’été est arrivé ! Lire la suite Lire la suite

5 Less-Known iPad Apps For The Flipped Classroom Nothing can replace the physical presence of a teacher. But with so much technology available these days, some teachers and professors are choosing a different way to structure their classes by flipping them. A flipped classroom occurs when a teacher flips the traditional class method (lectures taught in class, homework done at home) to allow students to watch lectures at home and do homework and activities in class. Here are just five iPad apps you can use to flip your classroom. 1.) The free ScreenChomp app lets you create video lectures with an iPad and post them on the ScreenChomp website for your students, where they can then download the recordings as MPEG-4 files. 2.) Explain Everything is an iPad app that costs $2.99. 3.) Like ScreenChomp and Explain Everything, Knowmia Teach is an iPad app that lets you create a whiteboard video. 4.) Doodlecast Pro is the perfect iPad app if you’re in a hurry to put together a lesson or if you want the simplest process possible. 5.)

iPad + WebDAV Одно из неудобств iPad для привыкших к компьютерам людей – задача обмена файлами между iPad и окружаюшими компьютерами. Эти сложности задуманы для осложнения жизни вирусам. Как вирусам от этого – хорошо или плохо,– мы не в курсе, но нам неудобно. iPad заточен на использование облачных сервисов: iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive и много других. Для таких историй у ряда приложений есть возможность использовать сетевой протокол WebDAV. Итак Нужен сервис WebDAV.Обычно он разворачивается на сервере. Стоит обратить внимание на то, что iPad остается подключенным к сервису WebDAV пока Вы явно не отключитесь, поэтому указывать параметры подключения каждый раз не потребуется.
