Suite à un paradoxe spatio-temporel, dont l'origine reste à découvrir, une explosion a fait trembler D-Tritus! Il est de notoriété commune que les labos des agences, en particulier les jeunes agences, manquant de fonds et sous équipées, sont des zones à risques. Cependant, il est arrivé hier un événement qui a failli faire avaler sa chique à Boss Gro-Cigar.
Bizarre Websites On Which You Can Kill Time With Style - Smashing Magazine
Modern Web-building technologies allow designers to realize their most daring and creative ideas. Enhanced interactivity and a remarkable visual appearance can be achieved by means of such tools as Flash, JavaScript and Papervision3D, to name just a few. These strengths usually impress and entertain visitors and thus are often used for conceptual artistic presentations and promotional campaigns. In this post, you’ll find a collection of amusing websites that, by combining unconventional (and sometimes bizarre) ideas and clever JavaScript and Flash effects, will entice you to play on them for an embarrassing long time. Bizarre and Beautiful Websites Link Record Tripping1 Record Tripping is a nifty experimental game by Bell Brothers.
Donation (EYEZMAZE
I created and shared the original game for free, but unfortunately the production money is runnnig dry, so I created a paid version. It would help me out a lot if you could support me by buying this game! Thanks!
Hordes.fr : Hordes.fr : le jeu de survie dans un monde peuplé de zombies !
Ten more games that will make you think about life
Life, eh? It's all a bit mad really, isn't it? Here we are, the products of millions of years of chance chemical and biological reactions, wandering around on a dying rock as it spins through the vast, indifferent universe with nought but the knowledge of our own inevitable oblivion for company. A sobering thought. And sobering thoughts will sure as sugar turn you to drink. But you don't want to do that - apparently it can be quite good for you.
Jeux vidéo
New Steampunk Influenced Game
In-between waiting for Bioshock Infinite and slaying the last few dragons in Skyrim, there doesn’t seem to be much coming out in the way of video games. And then I spotted Black Gold Online. As you can see, there are strong Steampunk elements in the graphics. The game sounds intriguing; two rival factions competing, technologists versus Nature Lovers. You can read more about this intriguing title here
Spore - PC
Top 10 most relaxing online casual games
1Music Catch When ever things start getting to me - whether it be looming deadlines at work, an aggressive boss or horrible events taking place in the world - there is one game I turn to. Magically, after a few minutes play, all my worries fade away and I feel relaxed and revived and full of new optimism. No, the game is not called Heroin. The game is Music Catch, a fun puzzle game where you collect yellow and purple music notes while avoiding the nasty red notes, accompanied the whole time by some of the best music I have heard in a Flash game. Simply brilliant.