Citoyenneté "Toupictionnaire" : le dictionnaire de politique Définition de citoyenneté Etymologie : de citoyen qui vient du latin civis, celui qui a droit de cité, citoyen. La citoyenneté est l'état ou la qualité de citoyen. Elle permet à un individu d'être reconnu comme membre d'une société, d'une cité dans l'Antiquité, ou d'un Etat aujourd'hui, et de participer à la vie politique. La citoyenneté est le statut juridique qui permet à un individu de devenir citoyen. Dans une société démocratique, la citoyenneté est également l'une des composantes du lien social, notamment par l'égalité des droits qui lui est associée. La notion de citoyenneté trouve son origine dans le cadre de la cité ou "polis" de la Grèce antique, fondée sur l'égalité de ceux qui ont le statut de citoyens. >>> Thème : Citoyenneté >>> Terme connexe : Citoyen >>> Terme connexe : Civisme >>> Terme connexe : Droits civiques >>> Bibliographie : Citoyenneté >>> Citations : Citoyenneté Accueil Dictionnaire Haut de page Contact Copyright ©
About Us Overview DevelopmentCorporate is a strategic corporate development advisory firm for enterprise and mid-market technology companies. We assist management teams, board of directors, and investors in updating their merger, acquisition, and divestiture strategies and then we provide tactical support for the implementation of those strategies. We also provide support for strategic initiatives such market assessments, competitive intelligence updates, product/service portfolio analysis, etc. Finally, we have significant experience in guiding large scale organizations through corporate restructurings to either take advantage of new market opportunities or respond to changes in market conditions. What Makes Us Different What makes DevelopmentCorporate unique is that we bring an ‘operators perspective’ to the table. Our Credentials Some highlights of our experience include:
Réseau 2000 - ACI75, les ateliers et chantiers d'insertion à Paris L’association Réseau 2000, qui conduit des activités liées à l’informatique, expérimente une idée peu répandue, celle de l’insertion professionnelle par l’usage des TIC (technologies de l’information et de la communication). Cette idée part du constat selon lequel l’utilisation des TIC se généralise dans la société française, et particulièrement dans le monde du travail, tandis que certaines catégories sociales n’y ont pas facilement accès, pour des raisons de revenus, d’absence de « culture informatique »… Dans un objectif général d’accès à l’emploi ou à la formation qualifiante pour les salariés, le chantier d’insertion se base sur la création d’un site Internet, qui nécessite l’acquisition de compétences informatiques, ré-utilisables dans de nombreux milieux professionnels. La création d’un site Internet repose également sur une collecte d’informations, support d’apprentissages relationnels tout aussi utiles sur le marché du travail.
Good Question! The Eight Best Questions We Got While Raising Ven Editor’s note: Guest writer Glenn Kelman is the CEO of Redfin, an online real estate broker that seeks to give consumers the information and tools once limited to real estate agents. Previously, he was a co-founder of Plumtree Software, which had a public offering in 2002 but is now part of Oracle. Below he shares the best questions from investors during a recent fund raising. For startups, Christmas comes in November. Redfin is one of the companies that just closed a round. VCs are good at asking questions. Here are the questions VCs asked Redfin that changed how we think about our business. 1. 2. Good question. 3. For us, this meant explaining what Redfin made this summer on a single home purchase, with a per-transaction account of what we spent on marketing to get customers ($27), on local data ($153), on customer service ($2,906) and so on. We knew our margin before, but hadn’t broken the numbers down into their most easily handled form. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Way.
Association A Metathinking Manifesto The significant problems we face today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. – Einstein For several years now, I’ve been studying the intersection of technology, culture and communication, the impacts of social media, the relationship between creativity, innovation and design, and the potential of various futures. I’ve had this gnawing sensation at the edges of my mind that all these areas were held together by a common thread, but I couldn’t put my finger on the connection. First off, let me lay out a framework . * Social media is fundamentally changing the human experience. * The world is increasing in complexity. * We are experiencing accelerating change. And a brief explanation of each: Social media is fundamentally changing the human experience. We can all agree that social media technologies are here to stay. The businesses are asking: “how do we monetize this?” The educators are asking: “how do we teach this?” So what? Like this: Like Loading...
Capacitation-Citoyenne Wiki tools - CPsquare From [[ CPsquare]], the community of practice on communities of practice. Definition / description of a Wiki A Wiki is a special kind of web server that allows its users to freely create and edit Web page content using a Web browser. Wikis support an internal hyperlink system allowing pages to easily be linked together. This allows users to both change content on a page and the overall structure of interlinked pages. Wikis can be set up so that anyone in the world can edit a page or so that only specific people are permitted to read or edit a page (login required and/or password protected). Wikis for Communities of Practice Wikis are very flexible in that users can both add, change content, add new pages, and change the connections between them. Wikis are designed to de-emphasize individual authorship, allowing any user to edit any text. Finally, because of a reduced emphasis on individual authorship, wikis may also change a group's experience of themselves. Video intro
Télé Quartiers Open Infrastructures I: conferen This report on the conference in Manchester on November 3, on “Media Ecologies for Post-Industrial Production” should have been published 3 weeks ago, but got an erroneous draft status. Without further ado: This was an important week in the history of the P2P movement. Equality important was the Manchester event on November 3, which I consider the birth of a “Open Infrastructure” movement. The title, perhaps counter-intuitively, was “Media Ecologies for Post Industrial Production”. It had two tracks, separate in the morning, but which merged in the afternoon session. Common to both is that the new mode of peer production, centered on community-centered commons of knowledge, code and designs, create platforms where both voluntary contributors and members of entrepreneurial coalitions can add to the commons, and create action or business models that benefit from it, and do not harm or enclose it.
J'espère que t'as prévu une bonne capacité de stockage, je vais t'en mettre un paquet des comme ça ;-) by prland Oct 23