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Easy English news, short news, English story, reading skills for you

Easy English news, short news, English story, reading skills for you

Newsreel Easy: 2014-05-17 Nyheter från hela den engelskspråkiga världen, presenterade på lätt engelska. Rubriker: Skolflickor i Nigeria kidnappade. En astronaut vill ha bättre mat i rymden. Tvillingarna Ann och Elizabeth separerades, träffas igen efter 78 år. Här kan du skapa egna klipp ur programmet Hjälp Stäng 1. Se en film om hur man skapar klipp. DelaKopiera länken genom att trycka ctrl+C på PC eller cmd+C på Mac. WHAT’S GOING ON IN THIS PICTURE - The Learning Network Blog Photo Students 1. What is going on in this picture? Read more… Updated: Oct. 2, 2015 1. Read more… Updated: Sept. 25, 2015 1. Read more… Updated: Sept. 18, 2015 Welcome back, students and teachers. We’re excited to begin our fourth year of “What’s Going On in This Picture?” We hope students will continue to join our moderators at Visual Thinking Strategies in responding to other students, making the feature truly an interschool conversation. Please note that we’re delaying the reveal until Friday mornings this year to allow students additional time to comment on the image and to reply to other students. Thank you for participating. Read more… Updated: June 2, 2015 Note: This is our final “What’s Going On in This Picture?” 1. What’s going on in this picture? Read more… Updated: May 19, 2015 Note: We’ve switched to the more advanced commenting system used by the rest of The New York Times. To write a comment, each student first needs to register by hitting the comment button at the bottom of this post.

search the WordReference Forum Listening Welcome to EnglishClub Listening, to help you learn the skill of listening in English. Listening is the first of the four language skills, which are: 1. Listening 2. Speaking 3. Reading 4. What Is Listening? How to Hear English Everywhere How can you hear English when you're not in an English-speaking country? Dictation Do you want to improve your English listening skills? Listen to English by Radio Listen to English online with programmes from stations like the BBC or Voice of America. Listen to the News Listen to our weekly digest of the news in English. Listen to Poetry in English Some classic pieces of poetry and other texts for you to listen to and read. Podcasts You can listen online or download these readings, many of which come with transcript and wordchecker to explain vocabulary. Improve your listening with MyEC! MyEnglishClub features thousands of videos and songs for English learners. This Week in History Listen to a new story every Monday. English Listening Links Words that Rhyme (YL)

Breaking News English Lessons: Easy English News | Current Events The most popular 20 TED Talks, as of now UPDATED: To see all these talks at one click, check out our updated Playlist: The 20 Most Popular Talks of All Time. As 2013 draws to a close, TED is deeply humbled to have posted 1600+ talks, each representing an idea worth spreading. So which ideas have had the most widespread impact? Below, a look at the 20 most-watched talks as of December 2013. These viewership numbers include all the platforms we track:, YouTube, iTunes, embed and download, Hulu and more. Some fascinating things to notice on this list, if you’d like to compare and contrast it to the most popular talks in 2012, and to the list we shared back in 2011: Amy Cuddy, Susan Cain, David Blaine and Pamela Meyer are all newcomers to the list, with Cuddy’s talk storming to spot #5 thanks to you sharing it. But what really makes this list so incredible is the fact that it spans so many areas of interest, from education to happiness, statistics to creativity, tech demos to illusions.

Listen to English - learn English! - The podcast website for people learning English | News Online from Australia and the World | NewsComAu Hyperlink Hörförståelse med strategier som hjälp | Min undervisning Vi arbetar med hörförsteålse i min språkvalsgrupp, de elever som inte läser något språk, och programmet vi utgår från är News Reel Easy från UR. Programmet är ett par minuter långt och finns också i en svårare variant här. Eftersom jag har elever som inte når målen i engelska och många främst behöver träna på att lyssna så arbetar jag med strategier för att ge dem verktyg för att lyssna aktivt. Som ni ser är det samma upplägg med strategier som vid läsning och det ger dem en röd tråd av att strategier är tillämpbara vid många olika uppgifter. Vi gör så här: Förutspå: 1. 2. Reda ut oklarheter 3. 4. Ställer frågor och sammanfatta: 5. 6. 7. The Seven Best Film and Video Resource Sites - Kieran Donaghy As part of the launch of the website I’m organising a prize draw for my new book Film in Action. Everybody who subscribes to the website in February and March will be entered into the draw. This is the first in a series of posts in which I will look at what I think are some of the best websites, resources, books, short films, and videos for English language teachers and their students. All of the posts will be titled ‘The Seven Best …‘ There is now a wealth of online video and film resources for both language teachers and their students. Sites for students Learn English Teens Film UK A British Council website which gives learners the opportunity to watch amazing films made by young people, and do a variety of activities designed around the films. Simple English Videos A wonderful website created by Vicki Hollett for English learners with free simple English video lessons supported by interactive transcripts. Speechyard Sites for teachers Viral ELT – All at C Lessonstream Film English

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