Vertaling Metamorphosen (Engels) A complete English translation and Mythological index 'I change but I cannot die.' Shelley 'The Cloud' line 76. TO BROWSE NOW click left below. The Text is fully hyper-linked to the Mythological index and vice versa. BACK TO Poetry In Translation for more translations. Copyright © 2000 A. Last Modified 01/NOV/2000 Pliny 6.16 Pliny Letter 6.16 My dear Tacitus, You ask me to write you something about the death of my uncle so that the account you transmit to posterity is as reliable as possible. I am grateful to you, for I see that his death will be remembered forever if you treat it [sc. in your Histories]. He perished in a devastation of the loveliest of lands, in a memorable disaster shared by peoples and cities, but this will be a kind of eternal life for him. Although he wrote a great number of enduring works himself, the imperishable nature of your writings will add a great deal to his survival. He was at Misenum in his capacity as commander of the fleet on the 24th of August [sc. in 79 AD], when between 2 and 3 in the afternoon my mother drew his attention to a cloud of unusual size and appearance. He ordered a boat made ready. Ash was falling onto the ships now, darker and denser the closer they went. They tied pillows on top of their heads as protection against the shower of rock. Return to CC 302 site Move Outlines Welcome to MAPfrappe, my interactive site for cartographic “mixtures.” I hope you find it interesting! — Kelvin Thompson Move Outlines Version 3.01.Last updated 25 May 2013. This page allows you to see an outline of one part of the world overlayed on another part of the world. You need basic knowledge of Google Maps interactions to get the most out of this web page. Here’s how you can use this page… 1) Click on the top, “Reference” map to draw an outline. ), or an open outline ( ), or several outlines ( ). 2) As you draw your outline in the top map, it appears at the center of the bottom map. You can use this page to answer questions like these: How big is Manhattan compared to my home town? France versus South Africa Italy versus Japan Costa Rica versus Idaho Venice versus Key West Israel versus United Kingdom Australia versus The Sahara Singapore versus Cyprus Greenland versus India Madagascar versus Korea Cuba versus The Medeterranian Iraq versus Texas California versus Japan Texas versus France Map