Where to begin with Béla Tarr Why this might not seem so easy If, for a certain type of dedicated cinephile, Béla Tarr’s Sátántangó (1994) has slowly accrued a status as one of cinema’s ‘holy grails’, there’s no escaping the fact that, for everyone else, the film sounds like a special form of hell. Clocking in at well over seven hours and filmed in stark black and white on the barren plains of Tarr’s native Hungary, the film begins with a seven-minute shot of cows walking through a field. Such a style is typical of Tarr’s mature work, from Damnation (1987) onwards, in which narrative development plays second-fiddle to the wind and the rain which accompany the travails of his embittered heroes and selfish swindlers. Tarr’s long takes and elemental imagery have often led to comparisons with the great Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky but, unlike Tarkovsky’s, Tarr’s work operates in a post-Christian world, stripped not only of spiritualism and symbolism, but also – Tarr claims – of metaphysics. What to watch next
TV - web TV gratis, senza pubblicità Después de varios años de trabajo y con tres funciones llenas, este lunes (28-03-16 ) y martes, la comunidad magallánica pudo ver en la pantalla grande la película FUEGO, el primer largometraje realizado por el canal de la Universidad de Magallanes, UMAG TV junto al Tribunal de Juicio Oral en lo Penal de Punta Arenas y que rescata uno de los hechos más trágicos en la historia de la Patagonia: el asalto e incendio a la sede de la Federación Obrera de Magallanes (FOM), ocurrido hace 95 años en la capital regional.
Hollywood's Corporate Art Men don’t make movies. Industries don’t make movies. Corporations do. Hollywood studios make films not only to achieve the usual corporate goals of profit and prestige, but also to advertise, to tell audiences what kind of institution the corporation would like to be and to describe the kind of social role that the corporation would like to have. Hollywood’s speech is corporate speech, with a distinctly populist inflection. Its studios make products that represent corporate interests as the inchoate aspirations of the people. No commentator of the first two decades of the century could mistake the growing economic power of the modern corporation. The Supreme Court had bestowed upon the corporation the legal status of a person; the Hollywood movie made it a natural fact. How did businessmen know what people were like? MGM is neither one man nor a collection of men. Fortune’s respectful consideration of MGM’s corporate status was unusual. But why a lawyer?
Documentales online gratis en Español Watching violent films does make people more aggressive, study shows Their brains were scanned as they watched a succession of shootings and street fights on day one, emotional but non-violent scenes such as people interacting during a natural disaster on day two and nothing on day three. While watching violence the aggressive group had less activity in the orbito-frontal cortex, which controls emotion-related decision making and self-control. These subjects said they felt more more inspired and determined and less upset or nervous than their non-aggressive counterparts when watching violent instead of only emotional scenes. Their blood pressure also went down progressively while the calm groups' rose. During the final 'mind wandering' stage - when no films were shown - the aggressive participants had unusually high brain activity in a network of regions known to be active when not doing anything in particular. This suggests they have a different brain function map than their non-aggressive peers, said the researchers.
TeleDocumentales - La mejor colección de documentales online en español de la red. Louis Le Prince, who shot the world's first film in Leeds - BBC News Who made the first film? The Lumiere brothers and Thomas Edison are usually credited with pioneering the moving image. However a new documentary argues that the first film was actually shot in Leeds in 1888 - but that its maker disappeared before he could claim his place in cinema history. When film producer and distributor David Wilkinson visits Hollywood or New York or Cannes, he tells his movie business contacts that he comes from the city "where film was invented". His puzzled acquaintances figure that he does not have an American accent, so cannot come from the birthplace of Thomas Edison, and is clearly not from France, the land of the Lumieres. He then informs them he is, in fact, from Leeds, England. During his 33 years in the film business, Wilkinson says only a few people have known what he was talking about, and why Leeds can claim to be the birthplace of film. Among the group was Louis Le Prince, who had with him a curious mahogany box. The groundbreaking camera
Documentales Online y en Descarga - PlanetaDocumental Labour in a Single Shot | Films Los mejores videos educativos | Utubersidad.com Homenaje a Luis Ospina | Revista Arcadia Cuando terminó la filmación, Luis se fue a editar a Bogotá y a Nueva York, mientras yo sellaba un nuevo pacto con Carlos Mayolo, ayudándole en la preproducción de Carne de tu carne. Mayolo había sido actor de Pura sangre, y ahí nos convertimos en cómplices de la felicidad. Gracias a ellos, a Karen, a Elsa Vásquez y al resto de la pandilla, aprendí los oficios del cine. Gracias al apoyo de Focine, las películas se fueron reproduciendo unas tras otras, mientras mi amistad con Ospina se profundizó. De aquellos tiempos me queda, más allá de la inmersión en un oficio a todas luces fascinante, entender la amistad como una forma de protegerse del mundo. No es extraño que Luis, con el video convertido en su nueva herramienta de trabajo, hiciese su extraordinaria Adiós a Cali de 1990.