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Jack Donovan Translated by Sebastián Vera for Fuerza Nacional-Identitaria. Discurso pronunciado por Jack Donovan en la segunda conferencia del National Policy Institute, realizada en el Ronald Reagan Building en Washington DC el 26 de octubre del año 2013. Publicado y transcrito originalmente como “Becoming The New Barbarians”, en Puede que haya un colapso. O quizás sólo puedes ponerte un día como león, para morir como naciste: pateando, gritando y cubierto en la sangre de otra persona. Pero mientras nada o todo esto pueda ocurrir (y puede ocurrir mañana), también es posible que este acabado y corrupto sistema cojee por un largo tiempo. Entonces… hasta que ese día llegue… hasta que a todos se les acabe el hilo… hasta entonces, casi todos, incluso los líderes norteamericanos, parecen estar de acuerdo en que Estados Unidos está en decadencia. Muchos de ustedes pueden verse a si mismos como hombres civilizados. ¡Pero se equivocan! -Si creen que no todos los hombres son iguales. I. II.

Pyspread - Pyspread Python power for your tables Pyspread is a non-traditional spreadsheet that is based on and written in the programming language Python. The goal of pyspread is to be the most pythonic spreadsheet. Pyspread expects Python expressions in its grid cells, which makes a spreadsheet specific language obsolete. Pyspread is free software. CSV import and export PDF and SVG export SVG import* XLS import and export, XLSX import* ODS import* Charts for visualizing data Python code in cells and in macros Python objects as cell results Video playback in cells* Code completion* Spell checker* GIT-able pysu save file format GPG based save file signatures that prevent foreign code execution* Access to all Python modules from within cells. * requires optional dependencies Directly using Python code in a grid is a core feature of pyspread. Peter regularly documents layout planning projects. Not part of the target user group are Donna and Jack: Donna is looking for a free replacement for Ms. Last changed: 30.

Firefox-браузеры: Повышаем уровень защиты и конфиденциальности - Обзоры Comss.Антивирус Рекомендации по настройкам и расширениям, которые могут повысить уровень защиты от интернет-угроз и уровень конфиденциальности в сети для браузеров на основе Firefox: Firefox, Comodo IceDragon, Pale Moon, Cyberfox и Waterfox Автор: ChironОригинал статьиПеревод: Александр Рябов Содержание 1. 2. 3. 4. Firefox, Comodo IceDragon, Pale Moon, Cyberfox и Waterfox (существующий только для 64-битных систем) - все используют черный список Google Safe Browsing, чтобы защитить пользователей от известных опасных сайтов. Если вы устанавливаете Comodo Ice Dragon, то можно также подключить безопасный DNS-сервер Comodo Secure DNS, если только вы уже не используете другой безопасный DNS-сервер, который не собираетесь менять. Стоит отметить, что любой из этих браузеров будет хорошим выбором как с точки зрения безопасности, так и с точки зрения конфиденциальности. Относительно ниже описываемых дополнений мы рекомендуем, чтобы вы прочли все их описания и установили те из них, которые по-вашему будут полезны.

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30 lat Windows – odkryj uroki starszych wersji Windows w przeglądarkowych emulatorach Razem z systemem Windows obchodzimy jego 30. urodziny. Skorzystaj z przedstawionych tu emulatorów by ponownie doświadczyć Windows 1.0, 3.0, 95, ME, 2000, XP i Vista. Dokładnie w dniu 10 listopada 1983 roku Microsoft publicznie zaprezentował system operacyjny Windows. Dla tego giganta oprogramowania, ten właśnie dzień było kamieniem milowym – nawet, jeżeli dopracowanie Windows 1.01 zajęło mu kolejne dwa lata. Z dzisiejszej perspektywy pierwsze wersje systemu Windows są tak proste, że można je łatwo emulować w przeglądarce. Życzymy dobrej zabawy! Windows 1.01 – emulator w przeglądarce Pierwsza wersja systemu Windows została wydana w dniu 20 listopada 1985. Z dzisiejszej perspektywy trudno to sobie wyobrazić! Windows 3.0 – emulator w przeglądarce PCE.js pozwala także wypróbować Windows 3.0 w przeglądarce. Wadą emulatora Windows 3.0 jest brak obsługi myszki. Fascynaci mogą również porównać ówczesnego Windowsa z starym systemem firmy Apple, dzięki emulatorowi systemu 7.0.1 z roku 1993.

Bricss 1. Maltego - Nine must-have OSINT tools Maltego is an extremely powerful OSINT framework, covering infrastructural reconnaissance and personal reconnaissance. The infrastructural component of Maltego enables the gathering of sensitive data about the target organization, email addresses of employees, confidential files which are handled carelessly, internal phone numbers, DNS records, IP address information, geo location of the network, MX servers, and so on. The gathering of such data – known in Maltego as transformations -- needs to be creatively and thoughtfully engineered in order to get the best results. >>Read our Maltego tutorials here<< View All Photo Stories

Paul Irish NetLogo Home Page NetLogo is a multi-agent programmable modeling environment. It is used by many hundreds of thousands of students, teachers, and researchers worldwide. It also powers HubNet participatory simulations. What can you do with NetLogo? Join mailing lists here. Download NetLogo Go to NetLogo Web NetLogo comes with a large library of sample models. HTML5 Reference Poster - XHTML-Lab HTML5 is the hot cake today. Everybody in the community is making efforts to promote the language, and to make it easier to use and learn. W3C has even announced a new logo for HTML5 to give it a new face. We have made a modest effort to create a HTML5 Reference Poster; we hope that this poster makes it easier to use HTML, for professionals with varied experience levels. Design The poster is designed keeping in mind that it looks beautiful and professional in your office, your lab, the conference room, and why not in your living room if you are living HTML day in and day out! Features This poster covers all HTML5 tags (almost, because HTML5 is still in development). Tags are grouped in 8 categorized tables to make it easier to find and manage them. Metadata and scriptingDocument sectionsGrouping contentText-level semanticsFormsTabular dataInteractive elementsEmbedding content Update: HTML5 is the hot cake today. Design Features Update:

Open Source Software for Materials and Process Modeling Though open source engineering analysis tools have not been widely deployed, several of them have recently reached a point of maturity and usability in industry. This article focuses on the use of open source tools for modeling of materials and materials processes in particular. After defining open source software, it presents two case studies, surveys open source tools aimed at modeling of materials behavior and processes at multiple length and time scales, and discusses future prospects and application areas for open source tools. Open source software has become prevalent in many applications, from server operating systems to scientific computing and high-end graphics. In spite of these general drawbacks, several open source software suites have recently grown in sophistication and polish to the point where they are broadly useful for robust engineering simulations. This article presents an overview of open source tools for process modeling. Open source was helpful here in two ways.

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