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Lunar calendar 2013

Lunar calendar 2013

Yahuahs House of Refuge International Ministries Lunar Sabbath Saturday Sabbath? Or Lunar Sabbath? People in love do everything in their power to please the one they love. This is the natural reaction of the heart that loves. The question then arises: "Which day is the Bible Sabbath? Many people believe that there is no need for a specific day of rest since Yahuwah should be worshipped every day. While it is true that one should worship every day, the sovereign of the Universe Himself expressly commanded that on the seventh-day, labor is to be set aside and special time spent with Him. For all who want to know truth, there comes a time when the way divides. Scripture reveals that the entire conflict between the Creator and Satan is contained in the battle over worship. Solar? If it is important to worship on a specific day (the Sabbath) than it is of vital importance that the correct method of counting be used to find that day. History and archeology reveal that all ancient civilizations used luni-solar calendars. A solar year is 365 days long.

Lunar Sabbath Lunar Based Shabbat Key: In this article, the title “God” is replaced by the Hebrew word “Elohiym”. The name “Jesus” as used in the King James and nearly all other version of Scripture is replaced by the true name YaHuWshuaH also recognized as “Yahshua” or “Yahushua”. The name Jesus is not a Hebrew name and has absolutely no meaning in the Hebrew language yet few people deny that the Messiah was a Hebrew. To this very day, neither the Hebrew nor Greek Language contains a letter equivalent to “J” or the sound of “J”. The Title “LORD” which the translators of the Bible used when they removed and made a substitution for our Creator and Heavenly Father’s Name, in direct opposition to the Word of YHWH not to add to or take away from His Word, has been omitted and the true Sacred Name of YHWH has been restored using probably the most accurate phonetic spelling of the Tetragrammaton “Yod Hey Waw Hey (YHWH)” as “YaHuWaH”. Conclusive Evidence that the True Scriptural Shabbat is Reckoned by the Moon By Dauwd Ray

Sabbath of The Bible
