So I had a comic in mind for today, but apparently over the weekend I completely lost the ability to produce these strips, resulting in me scrapping said comic altogether. Not the best feeling, but with some luck I should be able to relearn it all in time for the next update. Hopefully? In any case, here are some other comics I’ve been reading lately. Maybe you’ll like them too? Buni by Ryan Pagelow should hit the mark perfectly, especially if you like sickly optimistic bunnies with terrible luck.
throwing a banana cream pie in the face of technology.
The Joy of Tech is a comic about technology and pop culture, created by Nitrozac and Snaggy, and updated three times a week. We like to feature the people and events that are making today's tech and pop culture news. We've been making comics on the web since early 1999, starting off with After Y2K, and then The Joy of Tech, which is now in its whoa... 17th year! You can follow us on Google+ at +Nitrozac JoT and +Snaggy JoT and +JoyofTech
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Tea Time!
Cat toys these days
To wet your appetite with the bonus story found in our new EC book, here's a sample page of the 8 page print-exclusive bonus story. We're pretty happy with the story, so we hope you'll like it! Also, the crossover between Magick Chicks and Eerie Cuties is in full swing.
Here's Some Awesome
September 23, 2016, at 12:00 AM With these two NSFW pages and a Ch12 preview, that's a wrap for chapter 11! Unsounded's been going since July of 2010.
The Bored Ninja – Fun, Interesting, and Cool Stuff on the Internet
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