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6 Possible Roles For Teachers In A Personalized Learning Environment

6 Possible Roles For Teachers In A Personalized Learning Environment
by Justin Marquis, Ph. D There is a mountain of speculation and debate about what school and learning will look like in the near future. Will education be online? The Future of Learning An October, 2012 video released by telecom company Ericsson presents a survey of educational experts and entrepreneurs speculating about the future of education. The focus of the video is the ability of these technologies to track minute user data and facilitate intimately individualized instruction based on that data, including student learning preference, peak performance times, prior knowledge, and a host of other information. “Coursera’s Koller says one of the revolutions in education is that teaching will be less about conveying information and more of a return to its original roots where instructors engage in dialogue, develop critical thinking skills and spark passion about a discipline.” (23 Oct., 2012) The Role of the Educator on an Individualized World? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Innovating Pedagogy 2012 from The Open University The Open University has published an innovation report – Innovating Pedagogy 2012. The executive summary is as below for your preview. It’s an excellent timing to review them and plan ahead for 2013. This series of reports explores new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. “ the innovations are not independent, but fit together into a new and disruptive form of education that transcends boundaries ” New pedagogy for e-books As e-book technologies evolve, they will offer new ways of interacting with massively shared, adaptive and dynamic books. Publisher-led short courses These are short courses offered by publishers either in affiliation with recognised educational providers, or independently. Assessment for learning Assessment can support the process of learning, not just measure its outcomes. Badges to accredit learning Badges offer a way of accrediting non-formal learning. MOOCs Seamless learning

Taitoperustaisen opetuksen suunnittelu Iso osa opettajille suunnatuista koulutuksistani käsittelee sosiaalisen median pedagogista käyttöä. Koulutukset eivät keskity pelkästään välineiden opetteluun, vaan tavoitteena on suunnitella opetusta pedagogisesti korkeatasoisesti ja tulevaisuutta silmällä pitäen. Suomalaiset opettajat ovat toteuttaneet tässä kuvatun mallin pohjalta jo kymmeniä suunnitelmia. Sosiaalisella medialla on iso rooli näissä suunnitelmissa, mutta lähtökohtana ovat tulevaisuuden osaaminen ja pedagoginen suunnittelu. Ideat perustuvat siihen, että Oppiminen on mielekkäintä, tehokkainta ja kauaskantoisinta sisäisesti motivoituneena, aktiivisena ja yhteisöllisesti toteutettuna. Oppimisen ja oppimisympäristön ominaispiirteet Uudenlainen oppiminen asettaa uusia vaatimuksia oppimistoiminnalle ja oppimisympäristölle. Lähtökohtina tulevaisuuden taidot ja pedagogiset menetelmät Tässä oma-aloitteista ja yhteisöllistä toimintaa tukevat välineet nousevat keskeiseen rooliin. Sovelluksista Älä huku sovellussuohon.

My 10 Favorite Learnist Boards Of The Year This week’s top ten Learnist boards is a “year in review” of ed tech boards. Some have popped up before and others are hot off the presses. As we talk more and more about getting tech in the hands of teachers and classes, which is a great conversation to have in honor of the 2012 Edublogger Awards, I want to take a moment to reflect on and review some of the best Learnist boards, apps and thoughts out there in terms of learning about and using educational technology. Favorite Apps for Education This collection is a compilation of tons of apps for educators–it’s a mega-collaboration board started by Crystal Morgan which has been added to by teachers all over the country.This is the type of board I’d love to see more of–collaborations. When people get together to work on boards, amazing things emerge. Free Elementary Ed Tech Apps Shawn Rubin’s board on Elementary Ed Tech Apps is a great resource for looking to technify the elementary classroom.

How Digital Platforms Are Disrupting How Learning Happens Media is becoming increasingly digitized, and we learn through, among other processes, consumption of media. It makes sense then that digital platforms just might be changing the way learning happens. A “platform” can be defined as an app, a website, an eLearning environment, or a collaboratively curated content source. 6 Examples Of Digital Platforms 1. 2. 3. 4. eLearning Environments: Khan Academy, Coursera, MOOCs in general 5. 6. The Disruption Part By delivering diverse access, formats for play, intentional equity, and a subsequent power shift, digital platforms more than anything else disrupt formal learning processes—both the institutions such as like universities, and the organizations which funnel students their way. But they also disrupt it in a social sense but altering the tone of knowledge, moving it from something strictly academic into a more useful, less pretentious, and more humble place. 1. By design, these platforms provide access. 2. 3. 4.

10 Reasons To Try 20% Time In The Classroom If you haven’t heard of 20% time in the classroom , the premise is simple: Give your students 20% of their class time to learn what they want. Yes, that’s it. Below is a list of the 10 reasons you should consider 20% time in your school, and you will not regret making that choice! 1. When I first did the 20% project with my students I didn’t have a community of teachers or learners. 2. One of the major issues we face in schools today is covering a wide breadth of information, instead of allowing students to get a real depth of knowledge. 3. When students in my school have their pitch day, they get to share with the entire class what they are working on. 4. Too often our students complete assignments for the grade. 5. Randy Pausch famously said, “If you think you can’t learn and have fun at the same time. 6. It doesn’t matter if you teach elementary, middle, or high school. 7. 8. Experiential and challenge based learning puts the mastery back into the student’s hands. 9. 10.

Culture Shift: When the Learner Owns the Learning Alliance for Excellent Education's report on Culture Shift provides facts that point to learner-centered instruction and the use of technology to "guide students toward greater ownership of their learning." "It is not about instruction or technology. It is about the learner owning and driving their learning." Barbara Bray / Kathleen McClaskey The facts in the report are alarming and meant to inform and shake up the system: "One in four students now fails to graduate from high school on time, and African American and Hispanic students drop out of high school at nearly double the rate of their white peers." We know that school today is designed for the industrial age. What is the definition of culture shift in schools? To ensure deeper learning - to encourage problem solving and thinking skills and to develop and nurture highly motivated and engaged learners, for example - requires mobilizing the energy and capacities of teachers. “If culture changes, everything changes.”

Life of an Educator This school year has been a year of learning for me; learning both through my successes and failures. I have attempted to start a technology revolution at my high school, Seckman High School. As a Professional Development Representative at my high school, as well as fulfilling the requirements of one of my doctoral assignments, this task has great value and meaning to me. Some of the 10 following tips have been learned the hard way, while others just happened to work out well. 1 - Make sure the administration is on board... This first tip is not always 100% necessary, but I can say from experience that it will certainly make things easier. 2 - Lay the groundwork and foundation by asking simple questions... In order for this technology revolution to start you must have an idea of where your fellow colleagues are when it comes to technology knowledge and background. 3 - Some educators will be advanced...but most will not be - GO SLOW... 5 - Support and encourage your shining stars...

Kehikko tiivistelmä OKKY - TekesOPPY oppimisympäristö-ohjelman valmistelu Tavoitteena listata oppimisen kokeilu ja kehittämisympäristöt (= OKKY), määritellä OKKY-käsitettä sekä antaa suosituksia tulevaisuutta varten. Voit ilmoittaa tuntemasi OKKYn lomakkeella . Tämän wikin listauksesta voit tarkistaa, onko oma tai tuntemasi OKKY jo listattu. Mikä on oppimisen kokeilu- ja kehittämisympäristö OKKY? Oppimisen kokeilu- ja kehitysympäristöt -käsite ymmärretään monella tavalla. Ollakseen OKKY, toiminnan pitää olla jollakin tavoin avointa. Avoimia oppimisen kokeilu- ja kehitysympäristöjä on vähän. OKKYjen piirteitä Selvitystyössä luotiin kriteeristöä, jolla voidaan arvioida oppimisen kehittämis- ja kokeiluympäristöjä. 1. Arviointikriteereistä rakennetaan arviointimatriisi. 26.8.2010 arviointimatriisi näyttää tältä: Toimija = OKKYn virallinen osapuoli Lisätiedoilla voi täydentää. Voit antaa palautetta lomakkeella

10 (more) ways for teachers to learn You can’t be a teacher, if you are not a learner. I’ve written many times about teachers as learners, professional learning, reading groups and learning through collaborative planning. I once posted 10 ways to grow as an educator, based on my reflections on my own learning and growth at that point in time. 1. Twitter is a fine place to start, if you can’t meet them in person. 2. Talk about learning in your context. 3. Learn in a beautiful, natural setting. 4. Preferably one that’s very different from yours. 5. Learn from what they do… and from what they don’t do. 6. Sum up the key points 140 characters at a time. 7. If you’re lucky, you can find them in your school. 8. Stop and think about what you learned. 9. Share your knowledge, experience, expertise and ideas with people who know as much and more than you do. 10. There is something worth learning from every person you meet and every situation you find yourself in… IB Workshop Leader Training Day #1 Like this: Like Loading...

Why Students Need Personal Learning Portfolios More than We Do This post explores Personal Learning Portfolios [PLPs], an extension of a Personal Learning Environment. I review briefly PLPs for professionals, but focus on the potential and promise that PLPs hold for our students. I wrote recently about Personal Learning Environments [PLE], Personal Learning Networks [PLN] and the need for educators to develop both as a means to support their professional and personal growth and learning. Personal Learning Portfolios for Professionals Both posts generated meaningful discussion— with many comments coming from participants in the Education Technology & Media course (#ETMOOC). Yet, it is the following comment made during an asynchronous discussion between myself and two other educators that sparked the idea of introducing the concept of a PLP to students: “….my “hub” all of my digital work [this educator uses her blog as her 'hub', a platform for her portfolio]. My ‘working definition’ of a PLP for students: Example of Student Learning Portfolios

What a classroom will look like in 10 years Technology is rapidly evolving. This evolution is occurring because people are sharing ideas, resources and themselves online 24/7. So what does this mean for our education? Although some schools are slower than others to adapt technology changes, that doesn’t mean others are not jumping in feet first and utilizing the open source way to change education as we know it. Here’s a wish list: Classrooms will be paperlessClassrooms will cater to more individualized instruction based on a student’s passionsCommunication will vastly improveNew learning spaces will pop up – that’s right, no more individual desks And here’s how this will happen because of an open source mentality: Classrooms will be paperless: Students will no longer trudge through their local value office store with a huge cart full of notebooks, folders, paper, pens and pencils. Classrooms will cater to more individualized instruction based on a student’s passions: Communication will vastly improve:

10 Reasons Why Students Aren't Using eTextbooks When e-textbooks were first introduced, they were supposed to be the wave of the future, and experts thought we’d see e-reader-toting students littering college campuses, and of course being adopted in droves by online university students. But they haven’t taken off quite as expected: according to market research firm Student Monitor, only about 11% of college students have bought e-textbooks. So what happened? Here, we’ll explore several reasons why students aren’t yet warming up to the idea of e-textbooks today. The books they need aren’t available in digital format:For many students, e-book use isn’t about preference or price, but instead, availability.

Flip This: Bloom’s Taxonomy Should Start with Creating Teaching Strategies Chris Davis, Powerful Learning Practice LLC By Shelley Wright I think the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy is wrong. I know this statement sounds heretical in the realms of education, but I think this is something we should rethink, especially since it is so widely taught to pre-service teachers. Conceived in 1956 by a group of educators chaired by Benjamin Bloom, the taxonomy classifies skills from least to most complex. Many teachers in many classrooms spend the majority of their time in the basement of the taxonomy, never really addressing or developing the higher order thinking skills that kids need to develop. Rather than starting with knowledge, we start with creating, and eventually discern the knowledge that we need from it. The pyramid creates the impression that there is a scarcity of creativity — only those who can traverse the bottom levels and reach the summit can be creative. Here’s what I propose: we flip Bloom’s taxonomy. Creating at the Forefront Related
