6 Apps That Teach Math Concepts For young learners, there are a plethora of apps out there to help learn how to count, and for older learners, often times a graphing calculator or scientific calculator app will do the trick. But what about all of those students in between? You know, the ones who already know how to count, but have to learn a multitude of math concepts that most of their parents have long forgotten? We’re taking a look at 6 apps that are easy to use and teach more than just counting. Geometry Pattern Blocks This app allows you to create virtual geometrical shapes using a grid. Fractions Fractions by Tap to Learn This app uses everyday items (like a pizza or an apple) to demonstrate and quiz users on fractions. Order of Operations Name That Number Name That Number is a game based learning tool where players use five number tiles to build number sentences that equal a target number. Estimation iEstimation Graphing, Mean/Median/Mode Graphs by Tap to Learn Multiplication Ghostblasters
10 Must-Have Apps For iPads In The Classroom My students love using their iPads in the classroom! iPads in the classroom provide student with the opportunity not to be restricted to the traditional way of learning. As a teacher, it is a wonderful feeling to see students being engaged and interacting in their learning. The following is a list of free apps and websites that I have found that really motivates and inspires my students to be actively engaged in their learning. (1) Today’s Meet ~ A backchannel website that helps you connect with students in real time. (2) Corkboard.me ~ A website that allow students to collaborate in real time with the use of sticky notes on a board. (3) Study Blue ~ This app and website provide students with the opportunity to create online flashcards to use as review. (4) Fotobabble ~ Fotobabble can be used as an app or website to allow students to use photos and a voice recording to demonstrate their understanding of a topic. (5) Sonic Pics and (6) Doodle Buddy ~ This duo is a perfect pair.
The Teacher's Quick Guide To Digital Scavenger Hunts If you’ve got a smartphone or a tablet in your classroom, you’re ready for the adventure to begin! By adventure I mean, of course, the world of active learning through digital scavenger hunts. In this hunt, students are tasked with finding a particular physical object, person, or place and have to use technology to track it down. Note: an ‘online scavenger hunt’ usually implies that you’re hunting around online and not physically with classmates. The Simple Goal So now that you’re all ready to start your very first scavenger hunt, let’s figure out what the goals are. Finding The Technology Like the movie National Treasure, students will need a lot of ingenuity and tools to help them uncover the mysteries you’ve laid out before them. In an effort to get your scavenger hunt jump-started, here are a few useful tech tools that might be of use. SCVNGR – A useful free app that lets you create your very own digital scavenger hunts, start to finish. Finding An Objective A Quick Note
A Roadmap For Successful Education App Development 10 Ways To Become A Better Online Learner 8.34K Views 0 Likes There are some quick and easy ways to become a better online learner. 5 Free Android Apps That Will Help You Study Whether you’re in a BYOD classroom or just happen to have an Android device at home, it’s useful to know which apps are being used in classrooms right now. When it comes to free Android apps, the selection may be a bit smaller than Apple’s iOS but the quality is still top notch. If you’re looking to improve your study habits, take advantage of your smartphone sitting on your desk, or just interested in learning more about the Android operating system, these are few of my favorite apps that I’ve tested out and found to be quite useful. An important note: every single student / teacher / person learns differently. Andie Graph : In what may be the silliest but smartest decisions, the Andie Graph app actually looks exactly like your trusty old TI-83 calculator. Study Checker : Do you suffer from Study ADD? Speed Reading Trainer : While not useful for everyone, speed reading is a fun activity to try out if you’re so inclined. Studyblue Flashcards : You probably know Studyblue.
46 Education App Review Sites For Teachers And Students We try our best to keep our thumb on the pulse of the best education apps and web tools. In fact, we have probably spent way too much time attempting to offer up as many useful product reviews and helpful lists over the past several years. But we’re just two people. Katie and I can’t cover the entire education app industry by ourselves. Luckily, there are dozens of other sites specifically devoted to education app reviews for teachers and students. Whether you’re looking to find the best interactive whiteboard app, a new way to deliver exit slips, or simply a fun educational game that can be used in your classroom tomorrow, these app review sites are definitely your go-to source.
8 Powerful Apps To Help You Create Books On The iPad Want to self-publish a novel? Get your classroom materials into the hands of others? Share your brilliant insight and call yourself an author? Then publishing on the iPad may be something worth considering. So try out some of these apps and it should hopefully inspire you to become a digital author sooner rather than later. Book Creator Book Creator is simple way to create your own beautiful iBooks, right on the iPad. Book Writer Book Writer is useful app to make books with iPhone/iPad! StoryBuddy 2 Create stories with drawings, photos, text, and audio recording! Scribble My Story Scribble My Story is a junior version of the popular Scribble Press App. StoryKit Create an electronic storybook with StoryKit . Picturebook: School Edition Create and share your very own illustrated stories in a few simple steps! Story Creator With Story Creator you can easily create beautiful story books containing photos, videos, text, and audio all in one gorgeous collection. BONUS!
Living appily ever after in the library Living appily ever after in the library In education, mobile devices have taken a strong hold - and for good reason. They are less expensive than computers, more portable, and far more responsive for impatient learners who demand instant access. There are thousands of apps designed with an educational focus, and many more productivity and content-creation apps that can be used effectively by students to facilitate and enhance their learning. Like all new technology, apps bring challenges to the school library the centre in the school for resource and information management. The library's resource management role The school library may be given the responsibility for managing the school's fleet of mobile devices and is certainly a natural centre for managing the purchasing of apps. Identifying apps It can be overwhelming to keep track of recommendations for app purchases. Curating and promoting apps Acquiring apps One of the best things about apps is their relatively low cost. Purpose Design